Sandi Thom

Miss Dalloway

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2006
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I havent found a thread for this wonderful new artist so i decided she deserves one!:D I think Sandi is amazing breath of fresh air in todays music world.I am bored of generic artist with overproduced songs and stupid lyrics!:blink: Sand is welocmed and needed if you ask me and her debut single *I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker* is amazing i love it.I cant wait to get her new album(its still not avalible in my country:( )so if anyone has her album i would be grateful for full review?:blush:
Here is Her story:
Sandi Thom

It was during the cold, short days at the start of 2006 that Sandi Thom had her Eureka! moment. Instead of driving to gigs up and down the country with her band in her clapped-out car, as she had done for years, the singer from Scotland resolved to try a different approach. She bought a webcam, and announced a run of 21 shows to be performed on consecutive nights during February and March in the basement of her flat in Tooting, South London. The audience capacity in the flat itself was limited to just six people. But the half-hour shows were to be broadcast, free of charge, via her website at The first night, 70 people tuned in to watch, the next night it went up to 670. And by the middle of the second week she was performing to a peak audience of 70,000. By then, the suits from every major record label had visited the flat to see the show for themselves. What they heard was a singer with a sensational voice - strong and expressive enough to fill the largest theatres, but also warm and soulful enough to win over hearts and minds in the most intimate of settings. All the record companies put in offers, and a fortnight after finishing her virtual tour Thom signed a recording contract with RCA executive Craig Logan, live in front of her webcam audience.

Even before her debut album, *Smile... It Confuses People* is released on June 5, preceded by a single, *I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker* on May 22, Sandi Thom is a phenomenon. The company is calling it "the first webcast signing in major record label history" and she has become the overnight internet star who won a global audience and a megabucks handshake thanks to her investment in a £60 webcam. Needless to say, the story goes a little deeper than that.

Now 24, Sandi Thom has spent half a lifetime writing songs and performing gigs. She actually began learning her craft at the age of three. Sandi grew up in a small fishing village called Banff on the North East coast of Scotland. She was shy at school. Her report cards said she was a daydreamer, which was probably true. Her mother came from a musical background. Her father, a fisherman who became a helicopter pilot, used to sing and play guitar in a band.

"The first thing I remember was listening to my Dad's Stevie Wonder records when I was little, on vinyl," Sandi says. "I grew up on him and Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin, these amazing singers. I've always been influenced by soul singers along with the singer-songwriter artists, like Dylan, Carole King. It was a funny mixture that I'm sure influenced the way I sing now."

"I started writing songs when I was 11 or 12," Sandi says. "I wanted to find a way to express my feelings about the changing circumstances in my life. I've got recordings of some of them and the lyrics are all to do with that subject. Titles like *Where Do I Belong?* and that sort of thing."

When she was 14, Sandi joined a local covers band called the Residents who played pubs, social clubs, weddings, you name it. The rest of the band were all middle-aged semi-professionals, but she fitted in fine, playing keys and singing - often in four-part harmonies - and learning a repertoire of classic pop and rock songs by artists such as Roy Orbison, the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac and many others. The group's residency at the Harbour Bar in the village of Gourdon became a popular local attraction and the band would clear as much as £200 a night between the six of them. "That's a nice little earner when you're 14," Sandi says. "And you got free drinks. I really loved it and I loved the people. I still keep in touch and sometimes I'll go back to the village hall and we'll start playing a few of the old tunes."

A singing teacher in Aberdeen suggested she should apply for a place at the Liverpool Institute of the Performing Arts, which she successfully did. When she arrived, she found, once again, that she was the youngest person there. "I was 17 and at that time there were a lot of older and mature students. I remember crying for hours, I was so homesick. But then I got into it. I loved Liverpool. The people there are lovely. I was never that competitive. I was certainly not the type to go dancing on tables and singing out loud 'Look at me, I'm fantastic!' I did a lot of songwriting and I learned to play the guitar while I was there. And I joined a gospel choir which got me more and more into singing harmony." The choir, which was called Love And Joy, once performed at Anfield singing *You'll Never Walk Alone* to a crowd of 40,000 people.

While at LIPA Sandi also assembled the group of musicians with whom she continues to perform to this day. "That was when I started writing for the band," she says, "And that's an entirely different thing from me just sitting in a room with a guitar singing tales of woe. I've worked with them for six years and we have got a tremendous rapport. They are more than my band. They are my support unit."

After graduating, the hard graft began. A period of hustling for work in the music business landed her several jobs as a session singer and a publishing deal with Windswept Pacific Music. Then, while singing at one of her own gigs in Glasgow she was approached by the independent label Viking Legacy Records, based in Orkney, who offered her a deal. She began recording the songs which would comprise her debut album and toured as support with Nizlopi and the Proclaimers among others, while playing numerous gigs of her own.

It was earlier this year, after she had just driven through the night from a gig in York to a venue in Wales, when her car broke down. An emergency repair enabled her to limp back to London with her exhaust pipe attached by a coat hanger. "Oh, for God's sake, there must be some other way to do this," she thought. At which point the idea of installing a webcam in her basement popped into her head.

Now, thanks to the years of hard work, honing a talent that was immediately obvious to those who tuned into her webcasts, Sandi is on the verge of stardom, at last. Her first single for RCA, *I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker* is a feisty, folky evocation of a bygone era which was inspired, somewhat unexpectedly, by the loss of her mobile phone. Sung against a clattering backdrop of shakers, handclaps and boots banging on a wooden floor the poignant lyric recalls what Sandi fondly imagines to have been a better time when: "the head of state didn't play guitar/Not everybody drove a car/When music really mattered and radio was king."

The song's bittersweet payoff line - "I was born too late to a world that doesn't care" - clearly comes from the heart. But in reality Sandi Thom has arrived in exactly the right place at the right time. And already the world is starting to care.^_^ :flower:
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Here are a few pictures of Sandi from her website and the link if you are interested

Sandi Thom-Biography!


Sandi Thom grew up in a small fishing village on the North East coast of Scotland called Banff; she spent her childhood years, in the neighboring village of Macduff. Her roots are both Scottish and Irish, her Dad’s side the Scottish and he Ma’s side of the family, the Irish.
Life was peaceful; she mucked out horses, played the piano, the church organ, and became obsessed with My Little Pony, Star Wars, The Labyrinth and by ‘Take That’! Gary, Mark, Robbie and the boys made her pay more than a passing interest in her parent’s record collection, Buffy Saint Marie, Carole King and Stevie Nix all of whom made a big impact on her.
By the time she was 14 she was going to school in Aberdeen My Little Pony had lost its appeal, ‘Take That’ had split up, yet music was starting to become more and more important in her life.
She joined a covers group, dyed her hair several different colours, ripped her jeans, applied her make up with a spade and started to write songs, all of which were awful!!
She sang and played keyboards with the band for 3 years, gigged every weekend to audiences across Scotland going by the name of 'The Residents.' Sandi must have left home 47 times, had her first serious relationship and fell in love with, John Lennon, Jeff Buckley and Steve Wonder.
When she left school at 18, Sandi and her friend spent 6 months busking around Europe. On coming back home to Scotland, she knew she needed to find out more about the business of music. Someone suggested she audition for 'The Institute of Performing Arts' in Liverpool, since Sir Paul McCartney is the patron (and he’s written one or two hits) she decided to give it a go. Sandi was over the moon when she got a letter to say she had been offered a place, she really did leave home this time and moved to the fair city of Liverpool.
On moving down to Liverpool Sandi’s musical horizons exploded, in-between 3 years of study she went into ‘gig overdrive’ jamming with her guitar wherever she could. Sandi also sang in a Liverpool gospel choir called ‘Love and Joy’. They once performed at Anfield singing ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ to a crowd of 40,000. Sandi joined a 7-piece band which made it to the semi - finals of BBC Radio 1’s urban music awards, hosted by Trevor Nelson. The band had no name. They did however have a logo, A CAT, which incidentally is tattooed on my ankle. The band recorded an EP called 'time to breathe' and they gigged across the country.
Sandi moved back to Scotland after leaving college and started to record demos, bundle them into jiffy bags and send them off to various publishing companies. To earn a living, she did a lot of session singing, anything from being the voice of the ‘Impulse’ body spray ad to the voice of German Dance hit ‘Better Days’ which made it onto a playboy compilation. (A career high thus far)!!
Eventually, ‘Windswept Pacific Music’ offered her a songwriting contract. Sandi had been given the chance to work with a whole host of different musicians and famous writers, in many places she didn’t know existed!
While singing at a gig one night in Glasgow, she was approached by a small independent record label, ‘Legacy Records which is based in Orkney. She has just completed her first ever-solo album, ‘Smile it Confuses People’ and it has only taken, 24 years!!
Gigs have been falling left right and center from touring with The Proclaimers to Nizlopi and playing anything from Giilfest to Brechin, she’s even been asked to play for Tony and Cherie Blair and Prince Andrew in March this year!
The first single from the album will be ‘What If I’m Right’ set for release in March with the album following in April. With the nu folk rock explosion in the UK currently in full swing it’s the perfect time for us to be introduced to Sandi Thom. She makes her debut with this foot stompin, toe tapping single and manages to combine a mainstream appeal whilst keeping her very own unique and credible edge.
She has already set up 21 gigs from her house in Tooting, which are near enough sold out and anyone not lucky to get a ticket will be able to watch it on web.
oh yeah, i have the album
i just couldnt resist getting it after watchin\hearin the song on mtv the other day, even though the album wasnt actually as interesting as i thought it would be, but judging her as the way she is, in this time the time that Paris Hilton's song is in the top ten charts, i gotta say she's a savior!
i love her voice, and that sweet english-y feeling about her..
the lyrics of the album r really unique too, and i mean unique in a good, nice and original way
i love the music of when horsepower meant what it said
my fav tracks of the album are: The human jukebox and Lonely girl
Emil :flower:
i just found this article while searching for the lyrics to post some, but who needs lyrics when u got an interview-i know im silly :P


Punk Chic Rocker

By Grainne McLoughlin
Irish singer/songwriter Sandi Thom has arrived on the scene to give male rivals Damien Rice and James Blunt a run for their money. Chatting to Grainne McLoughlin about her new single and upcoming album Thom reveals the key to making it as a musician and her dreams of playing Wembley stadium.
Very little prepares you for Sandi Thom’s debut single, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker. With a strong vocal voice the second-generation Irish artist has stamped originality upon her work.
The lively up-tempo track I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker is sung largely unaccompanied with only percussion adding to her vocals. And the result is very impressive.
Receiving airplay on various radio stations Thom has been compared to KT Tunstall.
It helped though that she managed to get a little help from the music guru himself — Paul McCartney.
He told her to keep it simple and you can’t go wrong, Thom missed her tutorial with McCartney at LIPA where she recently graduated but she was lucky enough to bump into him in the LIPA bar.
“I grabbed him for enough time to get all the advice I needed. I mean it’s not often you get the chance to spend time with one of the biggest legends of the music industry.”
Shortly after that whilst busking in Scotland a multi-millionaire who had recently sold his fishing business and wanted a new investment was looking to set up a label in the Orkeny Islands. He was so blown away by Thom that he made her his first signing.
And the singer hasn’t looked back since. Unique and memorable, Thom’s album is set to be released in the new year. She’s also scheduled to support The Proclaimers next month, starting in Edinburgh on December 13.
Sandi Thom tells rí-rá about her favourite things — ranging from her favourite method of relaxation and music to her most desirable date.
What was the last album you bought?
The last time I went album shopping I came out of Fopp (an independent music store) in Edinburgh with Rufus Wainwright’s first album, the Gorillaz new album, Coldplay’s new album, Best of Lou Reed and an old Bob Dylan album. I normally do that once a month. I do the same thing with DVDs.
What was the last film you watched?
Sin City. I just bought it on DVD. It’s clever but pretty heavy and I couldn’t go to bed after watching it. I had to stick on Bridget Jones, Edge Of Reason.
What TV programme would you not miss?
Well the one thing on TV I try desperately not to miss is Eastenders. The omnibus on Sunday is great.
Who would be the first person you would invite to your birthday party?
My best mate Lizi — she’s like the sister I never had. Then all my family, Joni Mitchell, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, Sting, Stevie Nicks.
What’s the key to making it as a musician?
I know it sounds like a cliche but the key to making it as a musician is to believe in yourself. I've had the honour of meeting so many utterly talented young musicians in my lifetime who never see the light of day because they didn’t have enough confidence in their talents. It also takes a lot of patience and practice.
What do you love most about Ireland?
The obvious — that Ireland is a beautiful place with some of the fabbest folks around!
Who would you most like to work with in the future and why?
It's really difficult to specify a particular person because there’s so many. But if I could get Tracy Chapman, Stevie Wonder, Fleetwood Mac, Jeff Buckley (RIP), Sting, Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles and The Beatles in a room with me I’d probably pass out.
Best personal experience to date?
Walking into HMV in Liverpool and seeing my song on the shelves. Very surreal, but definitely my biggest achievement yet.
If you weren’t pursuing this career what other profession would you have chosen?
I probably would have either ended up being a doctor, archaeologist, philosopher or a hairdresser.
What’s your greatest ambition?
To play Wembley with a massive band to thousands of people. But then I’d also like to cure my ridiculous fear of coat hangers or to visit every country in the world at least once.
Favourite method of relaxation?
I recently went to see a hypnotherapist — he taught me how to calm myself in stressful situations but I also love to go to church and listen to the choir sing.
The most important lesson life has taught you?
Never to plan ahead of next week, spontaneity is the key — that way you’ll never be disappointed.
Humanity’s most useful invention?
What’s your favourite tipple?
Either Canadian Club, Tia Maria, Baileys or occasionally the odd pint of Guinness when I feel the need for iron.
What’s your greatest extravagance?
I’d have to say my car as it’s the only I own entirely myself.
How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered for all my eccentricities and I hope it would make people laugh. Ultimately I’d like people to remember me as a good friend.
Most desirable date?
Johnny Knoxville.
What is your favourite smell?
The Ocean because it reminds me of home. And peanut butter, butterscotch, peaches and cream.
Weirdest job you’ve ever had?
Picking Daffodil bulbs for the local farmer.
First concert you ever went to?
Jason Donovan!
What song would you like to have played at your funeral?
My Way, Frank Sinatra.
Three songs you’d most like to have written?
Black Hole Sun by Sound Garden, Graces by Jeff Buckley and Landslide by Fleetwood Mac.
Best career move?
Listening to my peers.
Sick of stupid lyrics? How about 'I wish I was a punk rocker with a flower in my hair' for worst lyric of the year. Seriously, she just about pushes me over the edge.
I love What If I'm Right. Best song on the album.

She's from near me:clap: Banff is just along the road!
vanilla fairy said:
oh yeah, i have the album
i just couldnt resist getting it after watchin\hearin the song on mtv the other day, even though the album wasnt actually as interesting as i thought it would be, but judging her as the way she is, in this time the time that Paris Hilton's song is in the top ten charts, i gotta say she's a savior!
i love her voice, and that sweet english-y feeling about her..
the lyrics of the album r really unique too, and i mean unique in a good, nice and original way
i love the music of when horsepower meant what it said
my fav tracks of the album are: The human jukebox and Lonely girl
Emil :flower:
Thanks a million for review of the album Vanilla Fairy!:flower: :heart:
Meg said:
Sick of stupid lyrics? How about 'I wish I was a punk rocker with a flower in my hair' for worst lyric of the year. Seriously, she just about pushes me over the edge.
Are you serious???Have you heard the whole song????
Well to each their own but i dont find the lyrics of that song stupid i think its amazing and i love it!:innocent:
yes I have and it is cheese central and also completely asinine. 'To a world that doesn't care' sorry but I know lots of people who are actively trying to change the world and to talk about how she wishes she was born earlier....well then why not do something instead of creating podcasts from your basement? Sorry I'm not going to turn this into the I Hate Sandi Thom thread or anything and if you like her music that is all that matters. But I thought this was hilarious (and if you live in the UK you will completely understand). Charlie Brooker from

edited: Don't want to offend.
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I don't find it funny, especially not when they say 'then I want you smacked to death with brooms' just for liking music that they haven't even bothered to listen to fully! Obviously some sad fool who thinks they'll get more attention by slagging bands and thier fans:rolleyes:

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