Farenheit 9/11 The Sequel


May 20, 2003
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Moore Fires Up "Fahrenheit" Sequel
Thursday November 11 6:30 PM ET

Michael Moore's planning to keep the heat on the White House.

A week after President George W. Bush was reelected--despite Moore's best efforts--the firebrand filmmaker says he's forging ahead with a sequel to his controversial documentary Fahrenheit 9/11.

Moore tells Daily Variety that his new project, tentatively titled Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2, will pick up where Fahrenheit left off, addressing what the filmmaker sees as the administration's failures in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

"Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information [on election day] and we want to educate and enlighten them," the lefty writer-director told Variety. "They weren't told the truth. We're communicators and it's up to us to start doing it now."

To that end, Moore says his team will begin rolling cameras now to sway voters for the next presidential go-round.

Until then, Moore says, "the official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining--George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again."

Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2 will once again be produced by Miramax honcho Harvey Weinstein through the Fellowship Adventure Group, the company Weinstein set up with brother Bob, Lions Gate Films and IFC Films to distribute the original film after Disney balked.

Neither Moore nor the Fellowship Adventure Group could be reached for comment Thursday.

As for the box-office-bursting Fahrenheit 9/11, the hard-charging documentary got some bad news this week when the Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced the film would be frozen out of the Golden Globes. The awards don't have any categories for documentaries. "We're not a musical/comedy or dramatic feature," Moore said.

But he still is hopeful he will add another Oscar to his mantle, joining his 2002 Best Documentary Academy Award for Bowling for Columbine.

This time around, though, he and Weinstein are hoping to persuade Academy voters to make Fahrenheit the first doc in Oscar history to be nominated for Best Picture. The film wasn't submitted in the Best Documentary category because Moore decided to air it on pay-per-view the night before the election, rendering it ineligible under Academy rules.

"I don't know if people want to see me on the stage of the Kodak again," Moore joked in Variety. "However, since my wife [Kathleen] was the producer, if I win--she speaks!"

He's referring to his infamous Oscar speech of two years ago in which he called President Bush "a fictitious president" on the verge of launching what he considered to be a "fictitious war."

Fahrenheit 9/11 has tallied more than $119 million at the domestic box office and nearly $100 million abroad to become the highest grossing documentary ever. The DVD and video versions were released last month and did more than $10 million in first week combined rental and retail revenue, another record for a doc.

Aside from Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2, which should hit theaters in time for the 2008 elections, Moore is finishing up Sicko, an exposé of the health care industry. That film will most likely hit theaters in 2006.

This is nice. I always like Moore films - eye-opening with entertainment.
That documentary made me want to go to Washington and throw something really heavy at "Dubbya"
Originally posted by saturnine@Nov 12 2004, 05:18 AM
How can all those people be uneducated?

It's baffling.

I live in this country for 12 years, and I'm still baffled.
Originally posted by faust@Nov 12 2004, 08:48 AM
I live in this country for 12 years, and I'm still baffled.
I lived in america my whole life an i'm baffled

I'm glad he is making another film
and its true, its a good thing with the "silver lining" he is prohibited to ever run again. *phew*....but its too late, he'd had already ran the country 8 yrs. =o/
Originally posted by star@Nov 12 2004, 03:56 PM
and its true, its a good thing with the "silver lining" he is prohibited to ever run again. *phew*....but its too late, he'd had already ran the country 8 yrs. =o/

Huh :huh: I guess you mean with his half-*** president of a father, right? I just saw most of the movie like a week before the election during this special meeting/seminar in one of the libraries on my campus and I must say I got choked up listening to that mom who had just lost her son.
I'm with everyone else on this one. Yea for MM.
So I have yet to see this film, the Fahrenheit 9/11 thing... I should really have seen it.
most bush supporters will refuse to watch it anyways..my uncle refused to watch it. he called it "bulshit" and full of lies. :o
Originally posted by faust@Nov 12 2004, 10:48 AM
I live in this country for 12 years, and I'm still baffled.
Trust me faust, you might live here the rest of you life and still not understand how so many people can be so dumb....I myself just gave up on thinking about it cause the more I do, the dumber I feel.

Honestly though, the one thing bothering me is the title. He could've been a little more creative...I'm thinkng Farenheight 2/11 :brows: :brows:

You know what gets me about all the Bush supporters who call it total bull? The fact that they've never seen it to begin with, so how do they even know what it discusses, and second, how could you call something with so many facts to back it up total bullsh*t? Do they still believe the earth is flat, cause really it's all liberal elitist bullsh*t spewed forth by evil hippies and homosexuals! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Spike413@Nov 13 2004, 11:05 PM
Do they still believe the earth is flat, cause really it's all liberal elitist bullsh*t spewed forth by evil hippies and homosexuals! :rolleyes:
I'll definately go see it...
Originally posted by yourbestfriend@Nov 13 2004, 10:46 PM
most bush supporters will refuse to watch it anyways..my uncle refused to watch it. he called it "bulshit" and full of lies.  :o
it's such a pity - I know that a lot of what he does could be seen as "liberal propaganda" by conservatives (which I happen to disagree with) but it is a real eye opener in terms of the situation of the world, and America today. Besides how can one judge whether what Moore says is bullsh*t, if they haven't watched the film and haven't researched the same topic in depth?

Bush supporters scare me just by virtue of the fact that they listen without question to a politician :huh: Frankly, that is beyond dangerous - politicians are notorious for lying, it's what they do :P

Anyway, back to the topic, I'm glad he's doing another film on the subject, and I'll go see it :flower:
"Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information [on election day] and we want to educate and enlighten them," the lefty writer-director told Variety. "They weren't told the truth. We're communicators and it's up to us to start doing it now."

I normally stay away from political topics on non-political forums, but this is pretty funny stuff. His first flick was out for a good time before the elections, so apparently he thinks his first movie was a failure. If he really wanted to reach people, he'd have it broadcast on on public television. Of course, if he did that, he wouldn't rake in the bucks. The man's gotta eat, I suppose.

To play on the words of Tiffany's post, Moore supporters scare me by virtue of the fact that they listen to Moore without questioning him. No disrespect meant, Tiffany.
But in all fairness, Moore's not one of the people running the country.
Originally posted by buggy@Nov 15 2004, 08:58 PM
o play on the words of Tiffany's post, Moore supporters scare me by virtue of the fact that they listen to Moore without questioning him.  No disrespect meant, Tiffany.
lol well, that's probably true about a lot of them - I'll rephrase: anyone who accepts what they're told without questioning it scares me :blush:

and I agree with Spike :flower:
Originally posted by Spike413@Nov 16 2004, 07:40 AM
But in all fairness, Moore's not one of the people running the country.

That doesn't really matter when it comes to creating a personal opinion. I see a ton of people mentioning Moore when they're in debate on political topics. I'm a Boortz fan, but I've never used him as a primary source. If I read his articles, I'll always look around to see where he got the information and if it's based on fact. I've heard "Well, I really don't know alot about government or current events, but I watched Michael Moore's film and it moved me.". How many of these people actually start to do research to form an opinion? Ask them about Saudi and you get a blank stare generally.

Either way, this is a touchy subject for most. Politics should be about logics and fact, emotions should be left at the door. Unfortunately, this is not the case in most situations.
Originally posted by yourbestfriend+Nov 13 2004, 10:46 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(yourbestfriend @ Nov 13 2004, 10:46 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>most bush supporters will refuse to watch it anyways..my uncle refused to watch it. he called it "bulshit" and full of lies. :o

so very true...michael moore with the help of republican thumpers has made a caricature of himself. nothing he puts out will have any effect on the red voters in the red states. but i think taht michael moore is one of the reasons many of the blue voters came out in the numbers they did.

@Nov 15 2004, 08:58 PM
If he really wanted to reach people, he'd have it broadcast on on public television. Of course, if he did that, he wouldn't rake in the bucks. The man's gotta eat, I suppose.

To play on the words of Tiffany's post, Moore supporters scare me by virtue of the fact that they listen to Moore without questioning him. No disrespect meant, Tiffany.

there needs to be more documentaries by reliable film-makers about the breaches in this administration. the red voters and the voices that lead them have essentially written off all media and entertainment as being nothing but liberal bias. i pray that someone like colin powell exposes the real dirt going on behind closed doors.

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