M by Le Monde : Audrey Marnay by Matthias Vriens

Tinsley V

Active Member
Nov 29, 2007
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New York Times T Magazine envy has now gone global. At the beginning of this month, Le Monde launched the creatively-named M, its version of a lifestyle magazine, which has apparently been under development for a year and will publish monthly, making it slightly less frequent than T, which publishes 15 times a year. Matthias Vriens photographed the first cover with Audrey Marnay, plus an accompanying model-filled editorial inside; so far, the look is much more on par with a fashion magazine than the other T-inspired spinoff: The Wall Street Journal's WSJ.


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Less is More
Photographer. Matthias Vriens
Stylist. Spela Lenarcic-Spinoza
Models. Tanya Dziahileva, Audrey Marnay, Denisa Dvorakova, Adama, Daiane Conterato, Sophie Vlaming, Alla, Vlada, Axel M., Axel H.



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I've posted those in European miscellanous magazine thread ...
but thanks for better version ...

and thanks also for the text ...
where they obviously don't know what they are talking about but give me some informations....
Le Monde Style supplement does exist for years (so they have nothing to envy to NYTimes T whatever, but the international stylists - though Masha Orlov has worked for them, as Yasmine Eslami has worked for the now dead Style - supplement of Libération - that was ran by Olivier Zahm) ... But they explain why they named this one #1 as it seems they are going to publish monthly ...

oh and by the way you cannot find this anymore as it was published during the Milan FW ... or the Paris FW ... I can't remember ...
and it's a daily !
Ah, I see! Thanks BerlinRocks. Interesting how they started monthly. Hopefully we'll see more of what they have to offer in this issue!
Interesting edit... Even though I have already seen better versions from the clothes that were used, I like it.
This looks great thanks for posting.
I've posted those in European miscellanous magazine thread ...
but thanks for better version ...

and thanks also for the text ...
where they obviously don't know what they are talking about but give me some informations....
Le Monde Style supplement does exist for years (so they have nothing to envy to NYTimes T whatever, but the international stylists - though Masha Orlov has worked for them, as Yasmine Eslami has worked for the now dead Style - supplement of Libération - that was ran by Olivier Zahm) ... But they explain why they named this one #1 as it seems they are going to publish monthly ...

oh and by the way you cannot find this anymore as it was published during the Milan FW ... or the Paris FW ... I can't remember ...
and it's a daily !

Daily and monthly, hmm ...what ?

So is it sold as a supplement with an issue of 'Le Monde' or is it a magazine that you can buy separately during the month ?

I'm sorry, it just seems unclear to me.

Has anyone bought this ? What other features does it have besides that editorial ? Is there only one editorial ?

When does the next issue come out ?
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Daily and monthly, hmm ...what ?

So is it sold as a supplement with an issue of 'Le Monde' or is it a magazine that you can buy separately during the month ?

I'm sorry, it just seems unclear to me.

Has anyone bought this ? What other features does it have besides that editorial ? Is there only one editorial ?

When does the next issue come out ?

It's a monthly publication, but it is indeed sold as a supplement with a single issue (at the beginning of each month, they say).
The first one was given at the Paris Fashion Week, but was a supplement with the issue published on the 5th march.

There is another ed (more about jewelry) :
Sous l'emprise du serpent.
Photographer : Nan Goldin
Realisation : Spela Lenarcic-Spinoza
Models : Dolores Doll (marilyn) ; Victoria (Elite)
Thanks !

Bah, I wish I had known...Can someone scan the other editorial ?

as I said I already posted the editorials of those (though they were snaps)
Here it is :


yeah my post wasn't that clear ... :lol::ninja:
it's Le Monde who is daily, as they sell it with Le Monde, I was just underlining that it's now impossible to find it (maybe in a library ... every library keeps Le Monde in archives)
Chronique de la médiatrice
"M", la malchance, par Véronique Maurus
LE MONDE | 20.03.09 | 14h09

omment tomber plus mal ? On peut parler de malchance, les lecteurs préfèrent dire anachronisme - et ne s'en privent pas. "Le nouveau supplément "M" est fantastiquement anachronique : format réservé à ceux qui lisent la presse à l'arrière de leur Jaguar, non dans les transports en commun, et publicités conçues à l'époque de l'argent facile", juge M. Bizer (Meudon, Hauts-de-Seine). "Voir publier sous votre nom un tel étalage de fric et de gaspillage me fait honte. Ce "style" a amené la crise. Il est totalement démodé", ajoute Michel Van der Yeught (Toulon).
Jacques Gaudenzi (Fontenay-sous-Bois, Seine-et-Marne) renchérit : "En 56 pages, 225 grammes d'encre et de papier, se trouvent réunis tous les ingrédients qui on mené à la crise économique et morale dans laquelle nous sommes plongés et que vous avez ainsi l'outrecuidance de narguer. Combien d'arbres abattus pour ces pleines pages de pub, pour les clichés de Nan Goldin, généralement mieux inspirée, les justifications de Frédéric Mitterrand sur sa colline romaine et un Cambodge qui nage dans l'exploitation des enfants et les maffias locales dont vous ne voulez voir que les clins d'oeil aux touristes."
Depuis plus de vingt ans, Le Monde publie, sans périodicité régulière, des suppléments spéciaux consacrés à la mode, aux voyages, à l'art de vivre, etc. Leur objectif principal - ce n'est un secret pour personne - est d'accueillir des publicités luxueuses peu présentes dans les pages du quotidien. Le premier numéro de ce type, intitulé "Cadeaux, 40 idées pour séduire", a été publié le 28 novembre 1986, et le premier dédié aux voyages, "Terres d'été", le 18 mars 1988. Trois ans plus tard, la gamme a été élargie à des publications grand format, et, peu à peu, les thèmes se sont multipliés, pour atteindre, en 2008, quatorze numéros par an.
Notre journal n'a pas été le seul, tant s'en faut. Sans même parler du magazine "T" du New York Times, dont l'apparence et le contenu sont très proches du "M" du Monde, le respectable Financial Times a lancé, il y a plus de dix ans, un mensuel grand format malicieusement intitulé "How to spend it" ("Comment le dépenser"), qui a fait école. Depuis, la quasi totalité des quotidiens y sont venus, avec des formes et des fortunes diverses.
Le Monde est l'un des derniers à transformer ses publications périodiques en véritable mensuel, doté d'un contenu rédactionnel cohérent. Il arrive certes à contretemps, en pleine récession, alors que l'écologie, la modestie, la frugalité s'imposent. "Quel gâchis de papier et d'encre alors qu'on nous incite à économiser les matières, l'énergie. On reproche à notre président ses aspects "bling-bling" et on fustige les financiers qui, par leur démesure, nous ont plongés dans une grave crise. Votre journal suit la même voie qu'il semblait pourtant critiquer", s'insurge Michel Lasserre (Verrières-le-Buisson).
Mais la crise, précisément, a rendu cette transformation plus que jamais nécessaire - pour fidéliser les lecteurs comme les annonceurs et tenter de contrebalancer l'effondrement des recettes publicitaires. "C'est une urgence, explique Laurent Greilsamer, directeur adjoint. Le modèle économique sur lequel repose toute la presse moderne a été inventé en 1836 par Emile Girardin : le lecteur apporte un sou et la publicité un sou. Malheureusement, il est défaillant. Dans Le Monde d'Hubert Beuve-Méry et de Jacques Fauvet, la publicité représentait de 60 % à 70 % du chiffre d'affaires. Aujourd'hui, elle ne dépasse pas 25 %, même en comptant les suppléments. Nous sommes un quotidien d'informations générales. Notre socle est la politique nationale et internationale, mais il n'y a aucune raison de ne pas traiter des domaines comme la mode ou l'art de vivre - nous l'avons d'ailleurs toujours fait. Nous proposons, dans un magazine de luxe, des textes de référence. Nous allons tenir compte des remarques des lecteurs et faire évoluer ce supplément afin de mieux mettre en valeur la partie culturelle."
Notons en effet que, contrairement à ce que soupçonnent beaucoup de nos correspondants, tel Roland de Cazenove (Montpellier) - "220 g. de mauvaise pub !" -, le nouveau mensuel a un contenu totalement indépendant de la publicité qui le nourrit. C'est vrai des interviews et des grands textes comme celui d'Antoine Compagnon, mais aussi des portraits, des reportages, des articles gastronomiques et même des photos de mode. "Tout, de A à Z, est éditorial, assure Anne-Line Roccati, rédactrice en chef du supplément, les choix de la rédaction ne sont dictés que par l'intérêt des sujets."
De ce point de vue, "M" n'a donc rien à voir avec les encarts purement publicitaires du type "Les cahiers de la compétitivité" ou, récemment, "Le monde de l'innovation", dans lesquels la rédaction n'a aucune part, mais qui entretiennent une certaine confusion. Ainsi M. Delaval (Mortagne-au-Perche, Orne), "scandali" par "Le monde de l'innovation", remarque, à juste titre : "Avec les changements incessants, on ne sait plus qui écrit. Exemple : l'article "Faut-il avoir peur des ondes ?" ( dans l'édition datée 15-16 mars). Qui a fait ça ? Il faut lire le tout petit mot caché dans le filet, en haut à gauche, pour comprendre que c'est de la publicité. Un journal ne doit pas faire n'importe quoi, sinon, il perd des lecteurs."
Seules lueurs dans un ensemble bien gris, quatre messages revigorants. Deux émanent d'abonnés belges qui regrettent que "M" soit réservé à la France métropolitaine : "Je ne vois pas pourquoi je devrais être discriminé", regrette notamment Jos Van Elewyck (Anvers).
Les deux autres viennent de lecteurs bienveillants. L'un aime, l'autre pas, mais tous deux nous encouragent à faire mieux. "Au départ, je n'ai pas été très inspirée par la couverture (de la mode et encore de la mode !) mais, en le feuilletant, je me suis intéressée au contenu, une fois dépassées les pages de publicité, note Elisabeth Vatel (courriel). C'est une ouverture culturelle qui fait plaisir à découvrir."
"Autant le dire de suite, son format et son clinquant ne me plaisent pas - on ne peut plaire à tout le monde, écrit de son côté Raymond Bodard (Touvre, Charente). Mais j'espère qu'il trouvera son public et que ses publicités pleine page seront bénéfiques pour les finances du journal."


pretty harsch comments about M ... but that doesn't say when it's out ...

translation coming ...
“M”, bad luck, by Veronique Maurus
LE MONDE | 20.03.09 | 14:09

omment to fall more badly? One can speak about bad luck, the readers prefer to say anachronism - and do not deprive themselves any. “The new supplement “M” is fantastically anachronistic: format reserved for those which read the press with the back of their Jaguar, not in public transport, and publicities conceived at the time of the easy money”, judges Mr. Bizer (Meudon, Hauts-de-Seine). “See to publish under your name such a display of money and wasting makes me shame. This “style” brought the crisis. It is completely obsolete”, adds Michel Van der Yeught (Toulon).
Jacques Gaudenzi (Fontenay-sous-Bois, Seine-et-Marne) increases: “On 56 pages, 225 grams of ink and paper, are joined together all the ingredients which one led to the economic crisis and morals in which we are plunged and which you have thus the impertinence of narguer. How much trees shot down for these full pages of pub, the stereotypes of Nan Goldin, inspired generally better, justifications of Frederic Mitterrand on his Roman hill and Kampuchea which swims in the exploitation of the children and the Maffias local of which you want to see only the winks with the tourists.”
For more than twenty years, Le Monde has published, without regular periodicity, of the special supplements devoted to the mode, the voyages, art of living, etc Their main aim - it is not a secrecy for anybody - is to accomodate luxurious publicities not very present in the pages of the daily newspaper. The first number of this type, heading “Gifts, 40 ideas to allure”, was published on November 28, 1986, and the first dedicated to the voyages, “Grounds of summer”, on March 18, 1988. Three years later, the range was extended to publications large size, and, little by little, the topics multiplied, to reach, in 2008, fourteen numbers per annum.
Our newspaper was not only, far from it. Without same speech of the magazine “T” of the NewYork Times, to which appearance and the contents are very close to the “M” of the World, sizeable Financial Times launched, there is more than ten years, a monthly magazine large size malicieusement entitled “How to spend it” (“How to spend it”), which made school. Since, it quasi totality of the daily newspapers came there, with various forms and fortunes.
Le Monde is one of the last to transform its periodic publications into genuine monthly magazine, equipped with coherent editorial contents. It arrives certainly at hitch, in full recession, whereas ecology, modesty, frugality are essential. “Which waste of paper and ink whereas one incites us to save the matters, energy. One reproaches our president his aspects “bling-bling” and one fustigates the financial ones who, by their disproportion, plunged us in an serious attack. Your newspaper follows the same way that it however seemed to criticize”, rises Michel Lasserre (Glass-the-Bush).
But the crisis, precisely, made this transformation more than ever necessary - for fidéliser the readers like the advertisers and to try to counterbalance the collapse of the advertising revenues. “It is an urgency, explains Laurent Greilsamer, assistant editor. The economic model on which all the modern press rests was invented in 1836 per Emile Girardin: the reader brings a penny and publicity a penny. Unfortunately, it is failing. In Le Monde of Hubert Beuve-Méry and Jacques Fauvet, publicity represented from 60% to 70% of the turnover. Today, it does not exceed 25%, even by counting the supplements. We are a daily newspaper of general information. Our base is the national policy and international, but there is no reason not to treat fields like the fashion or art of living - we always did it besides. We propose, in a glossy magazine, texts of reference. We will take account of the remarks of the readers and will make evolve/move this supplement in order to better emphasize the cultural part.
Let us note indeed that, as opposed to what suspect much of our correspondents, such Roland de Cazenove (Montpellier) - “220 G. of bad advertizing!” -, the new monthly magazine has contents completely independent of the publicity which nourishes it. It is true interviews and large texts like that of Antoine Compagnon, but also of the portraits, the reports, the gastronomical articles and even of the photographs of mode. “All, of A to Z, is leading, ensures Anne-Line Roccati, editor association of the supplement, the choices of the drafting are dictated only by the interest of the subjects.”
From this point of view, “M” does not have thus anything to see with the purely advertising inserts of the type “the books of competitiveness” or, recently, “the world of the innovation”, in which the drafting does not have any share, but which maintains a certain confusion. Thus Mr. Delaval (Mortagne-with-Pole, Flowering ash), “scandalized” by “the world of the innovation”, notices, rightly: “With the ceaseless changes, one does not know any more who writes. Example: is the article “Necessary to be afraid of the waves?” (in the dated edition 15 March 16). Who did that? It is necessary to read the whole short note hidden in the net, in top on the left, to understand that it is publicity. A newspaper should not do anything, if not, it loses readers. “
Only gleams in a quite gray unit, four reinvigorating messages. Two emanate from Belgian subscribers who consider it regrettable that “M” is reserved in the Metropolitan France: “I do not see why I should be discriminated”, regrets in particular Jos Van Elewyck (Antwerp).
The two others come benevolent readers. One likes, the other not, but both encourage us to better do. “At the beginning, I was not very inspired by the cover (of the mode and still of the mode!) but, by dividing into sheets it, I was interested in the contents, once exceeded the pages of publicity, notes Elisabeth Vatel (email). It is a cultural opening which gives pleasure to discover.”
“To say it As much, its format and its foil I do not like a continuation - one cannot like everyone, written on his side Raymond Bodard (Touvre, Charente). But I hope that it will find its public and that its publicities full page will be beneficial for finances of the newspaper.”
babelfish's translation ...
Thanks a lot !

I actually quite like this first issue.I'll ask my newstand about it.
I quite like the fashion supplement of 'Technikart' personally.It's too bad the newspapers's fashion supplement only present one or two editorials generally.

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