Most Disturbing Movies/TV Shows/Books

May 12, 2006
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What are some of the most DISTURBING movies/tv shows or books you've encountered? Did you hate them? Did you like them? Mine are:


Antichrist :sick:
Irreversible(should've NEVER been made)
Eyes Wide Shut


Death In Venice
Naked Lunch

T.V. Shows

i thought Antichrist was one the worst movies i've seen, it wasn't that disturbing for me since i was half-asleep while watching it. It was that bad.
A serbian movie and The Human Centipede both look extremely disturbing but i doubt they would affect me much, over the top horror leaves me cold (it just seems desperate for attention so i prefer to avoid it). A truly disturbing movie doesn't necessarily need gore.
Disturbing movies that i've seen are Martyrs (while it started as a boring story, by the time it reached the end, i was shocked, not as much by the violence but by how sick some people can be and how much others have to go through as a result of other's need to destroy, the only way they can feel accomplished; similar to what happens daily in real life).
Dogville is another disturbing movie but i liked it in the way that it did bring a message by the end of it. It didn't feel like a waste of almost 3 hours.
A disturbing movie that i regret watching is A l'interieur, i don't recommend it to anyone, especially women.
As far as books go, the only one that was somehow disturbing was "A clockwork orange". I prefer reading love or coming-of-age stories.
American Psycho. I love the film and book even though I don't care for the rest of Bret Easton Ellis novels, I absolutely love AP. I like the transgressive genre only if done right...if that make sense.
How timely! I just watched High Tension, Inside, & Martyrs.
Of the three, Inside was the most disturbing (I had to take
a breather after the final scissor scene
). Here's the movie posters:

But if I had to choose one movie, it would be CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST: :shock:

The animal death scenes (which were actually real) were so horrible
for me, eating pizza as I was, that the room began to spin and I felt
so sick, I had to stop watching it and fast forward through to the end.

In the same vein, Earthlings gets my vote for most disturbing documentary:
(The trailer is enough to make you want to cry! Animal Cruelty BEWARE)

As for books, I'm sure you can find tons of disturbing material being
sold in some dark, smokey, basement. *shivers* The only book I've
read that was disturbing was Korine's A Crack Up At The Race Riots
which is like Gummo; more weird & eccentric than disturbing.

I loved Irreversible but it does have it's moments. Also I've heard of A Serbian movie and there are some parts I just don't think I could sit through. I've wanted to see Inside and High Tension for some time! I don't think I have it in me to do Cannibal Holocaust.

Push (the novel that the movie Precious was based off of) is really hard to get through with the way that they go into detail about the girl's abuse but it is such a powerful book, even better than the movie.
^Interesting there are two people mentioning Inside (=A L'Interieur) already. Personally I loved that movie. Generally love all the French horror movies. High Tension and Martyrs are among my favorite movies as well. :heart:

The most disturbing movie I've ever seen was Murder Set Pieces. But that's a snuff movie so what would one expect :lol: Stupid and disgusting.

As for books: I ADORE Chelsea Cain's Gretchen Lowell novels but they do have some quite disturbing scenes. Richard Laymon has some freaky things going on in his novels, especially in The Beast House.
Weirdest book I've ever read was Elfriede Jelinek's bukolit :blink: That's the only book I've ever started reading and didn't finish because it was too disturbing and weird.

I thought Death in Venice was rather boring but it does have an interesting theme. Lolita is awesome. I guess it would have been more shocking if I had been younger and less dulled when I read it. And also, I had seen Hard Candy before that which was like a sick version of Lolita (but absolutely amazing in its own right!).

THE most disturbing thing I've ever seen was a video of a real life jaw surgery on youtube. Probably freaked me out because I have to undergo that myself :ninja: I also watched a real autopsy on youtube once, it was really interesting until the pathologist found silicone implants in the dead woman's body, took them out, jiggled them around and stuffed them back in :rofl:
I forgot about High Tension, that was disturbing in a good way since i don't regret watching it, one of the few horror movies that has kept me on the edge of my seat.

Ils is another french movie that i found disturbing, mainly because of its realistic situation, that could actually happen in real life.

Frontiers also crept me out but this one is mostly just gory.

i've watched too many french horror movies:ninja:

Also, movies about human traffic are extremely disturbing (Trade, Shuttle).
127 Hours wasn't disturbing.

Two scenes though:

... when he has to cut his own arm. There is a sound like an electric guitar. :doh: I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it, but that sound effect really makes one cringe.

... though not visually-revolting, the thought of being trapped with your arm nearly gone with no one to hear you and the potential to die out in the middle of nowhere with the chances of people finding your remains at zero is disturbing.
Wow, some disturbing stuff in here lol High Tension and Inside look horrifying.

A few days ago a friend sent me a film he just made. I liked his stuff before and even posted it in here once, but this was just too ...

No graphic violence or nudity, but the language and portrayal of bitchy girls was disturbing. I think it's effing misogynistic as hell. :angry:Stylish but disturbing. Here's the trailer


Here's the movie(NSFW language)


Am I overreacting? lol I have to tell him what I think because he's dating my cousin and she really likes him. Ack! Sorry for all of this lol
Requiem for a Dream. Not perse disturbing but haunted me for daaays. Not good with that kind of sh.t.
I haven't seen the movie.. but i read elsewhere about the movie with the animal death scenes (including one involving a poor turtle..) quite inhumane and disturbing in the sickest sense.. horrible
i thought Antichrist was one the worst movies i've seen, it wasn't that disturbing for me since i was half-asleep while watching it. It was that bad.
A serbian movie and The Human Centipede both look extremely disturbing but i doubt they would affect me much, over the top horror leaves me cold (it just seems desperate for attention so i prefer to avoid it). A truly disturbing movie doesn't necessarily need gore.
Disturbing movies that i've seen are Martyrs (while it started as a boring story, by the time it reached the end, i was shocked, not as much by the violence but by how sick some people can be and how much others have to go through as a result of other's need to destroy, the only way they can feel accomplished; similar to what happens daily in real life).
Dogville is another disturbing movie but i liked it in the way that it did bring a message by the end of it. It didn't feel like a waste of almost 3 hours.
A disturbing movie that i regret watching is A l'interieur, i don't recommend it to anyone, especially women.
As far as books go, the only one that was somehow disturbing was "A clockwork orange". I prefer reading love or coming-of-age stories.

which movie was this ??? i'm a 1/4 serbian lol
Just realized that "A Serbian Movie" is the title lol stupid me! Anyone ever read The Sexual Life of Catherine M.? the most disturbing "erotic" book i've ever reade
Just realized that "A Serbian Movie" is the title lol stupid me!

not stupid u, stupid title!!!
twin peaks is the creepiest TV show I've seen

as for books Naked Lunch and Trainspotting.... i also think that there are few Dostoevsky's books that are disturbing, but i don't really know English titles....

movies...well.... Polanski and Lynch did some amazing movies and most of them are too scary and disturbing like Repulsion....

and i see few people mentioned Lolita. what scares me is that I felt sorry for the pedophile. but than again Kafka's Jozef K was in some serious trouble...
Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom Almost forgot about this one. Why it was ever made i'll never be sure.

House of Leaves for books.

I disagree about Irreversible, it is disturbing yes, but I think it's a good film. Enter the Void was more disturbing to me.

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