New York City Shopping #2

Soft, just thought i ll give you an update on my nyc experience, and also thanks for all the info, i didnt end up using all of them but they were certainly useful. Perhaps i feel i have a better understanding of the city now, albeit still not deep.
In general, it left an impression on how rich are the rich people, not saying they blatantly display their wealth, but i guess thats the lifestyle they have been used to for a long time...
I got a pair of Alden shoes, some cashmere stuff from jcrew, band of outsiders, a moncler jacket (cos it was freezing!) and such...nothing too outrageous for sure.
I also agree with you that new yorkers are well dressed, the guys sure look smart in their suits, different from that in tokyo but looking good nonetheless.
On way to boston now on amtrak but will be back to nyc later this week. Til then!
thanks for the update!

that's funny about the rich people- i got that same feeling in tokyo...

where were you, soho or uptown?
i don't even know where to get moncler besides barneys...
the moncler store in mini-aoyama is actually one of the things that stood out to me...
they had great window displays...

no one really wears moncler's more of a euro thing...
i think foreigners come here to buy it though, for some reason...
is it cheaper here? i don't know, but it's pretty $$$...
i always see rich french tourists wearing it around soho dragging their little kid around who is also wearing one...

sounds like you did well- rag and bone is also looking good if you get a chance to get to their store...
have a great week in mass!
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oh- and i just read an earlier post of mine- it's Magritte, not Matisse at MoMA right now...

Have you tried the ippudo ramen in ny? I thought it was actually quite good although it is pretty expensive but well...
I have yet to cover soho mostly just started from mid to upper town (correct?:( walking the entire Madison Avenue from Lexington ave where I stayed to 79th street and I am still seeing rows and rows of branded shops, New Yorkers are very rich indeed..
I also found bergdorf goodman very impressive.
Next time I ll hope to stay at the Waldorf Astoria if I have money lol
By the way we also went to a steakhouse which was very good, not sure about the name but something like smith and Wollensky along 3rd and 51 I think...
Think tomorrow I ll be going soho will see what's there...
I also got some Steven Alan shirts today here at boston, it is cheaper here than what we pay in Tokyo for sure, and it was on sale so all the more worth every penny...
I also really like jcrew and all it's collaborations although sometimes I am not sure what's the point of these collaborations since jcrew already makes them themselves...are they well received here in NYC or US in general?

One other thing we felt was that shop keepers here are really friendly and helpful, perhaps even more so than that the west coast... They almost always voluntarily recommend nice restaurants or shoe repair shops etc, something Japanese shopstaff wouldn't do...
i would say that the area where you were- Uptown- is like Ginza...
so that is why you are finding all of those high end shops...
that is where they are all concentrated...
frankly- i have no idea who shops there...
not anyone I know... I suspect that they do a lot of business with tourists and people who are visiting nyc...

i have been to Ippudo NY- it is good, yes- but about twice the price as it is in tokyo- right?! it is one of the few places in NYC where people will actually wait for about an hour for a table...mostly ny-er's are too impatient and there are too many other places to go, so we wouldn't wait more than 15 min for a table anywhere...
this is a real exception and it is not full of tourists- it's all locals...
but they don't have all of those fun things on the table to add to your ramen and they don't give you a bib!
i loved that so much...~!!!
*if you know that area, then you know my general neighborhood...

Smith and Wollensky is a good spot---been there for years and years...
very classic american kind of's big with the business crowd...

new yorkers pride themselves on knowing what the latest spots are and love to share their knowledge...
it's almost like a badge of honour to be able to direct someone to some place that is not on the usual tourist map...

the other day i was on the subway and this random guy - about 50 yr old, very casual guy- was telling these three ladies from -i don't know where- that they should go to bryant park, by the public library...
the library building itself is very nice- there are two large lion statues guarding the front steps...
when i was little you could climb up on them and my brother and i used to love that...
you aren't allowed to do that anymore, but it's still an impressive building...
then there is ice skating in bryant park during the winter and they show outdoor movies in the summer...

he also told them to go to Eataly on 23rd St by the Flat Iron building...
it is like a food hall full of loads of Italian food products and there are places to sit and eat, etc...

he sat there and basically planned out their whole day...^_^
they were so impressed and thanked him so much...
but i have to think that everyone else who was on the train was listening and ready to chime in if he hadn't done it just right...

if i see people walking around with a map and looking lost, i will often ask if i can help them find what they are looking for...
ny-er's will also talk to strangers...
if we overhear something, we will happily join in and offer an opinion...

i think most ny-er's are basically very proud of their city and we want everyone else to love it as much as we do...
and we are all full of opinions...:lol:...

i think that jcrew is doing really well just now, but i think that it is because of their expansion overseas...
right about the time of their update and new, more fashion focus, everyone i know basically stopped shopping there...
i used to rely on them for basics and now it's anything but basic...
again- i think they are doing a big business with visitors to the city...
though it may be different in other parts of the country...
i have always liked their menswear better though...
i like that preppy look on a guy... it suits most men, imo...

i assume all the american brands will be less expensive here in nyc- which i why i recommended so many of them...
if you're in soho- maybe head to nolita and check some of the places i mentioned...
if you like jcrew, you'll like them too, imo...

the smaller shops just appeal to me so much more...that is what downtown is all about...
you still find chanel and vuitton in soho- but, again, only the tourists go there...
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oh- you might want to stop and check out IF on Grand st in Soho-
they have all the belgian and japanese brands plus Paul Harnden...
and i think the sale just started...
Oh- and the Steven Alan store is on Elizabeth St where all those other shops that i recommended are as well...

there's another store called UNIS which you might also like on that st...
basically- that st is good for menswear now...
a lot of shops have recently opened there which focus on cool menswear...
it's a fairly new thing and i think it's working nicely...

Cafe Gitane on Mott st/Prince st is a good place to eat and people watch as well...
and then there is INA on Prince st right near Gant which sells designer consignment stuff...
often the stuff is new with the tags still attached...
a lot of fashion stylists sell stuff there after shoots, etc...
it seems that YY inc just presented "discord" at the current isetan pop-up shop over there. it is a new collection of bags, shoes, scarves, and is going to be displayed there until thursday next week ( not available until early summer this year though ).



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now i know what i'm doing today!


discord- reminds me of supercar...
i went over the weekend...
it's really nice...
almost like going on a mini shopping tour of tokyo without leaving the city...
the people working there are super nice and happy to explain everything...
i really enjoyed it and even found out about a new designer that i really liked---
yoko chan...

the discord collection on display was 3 silk scarves and 3 leather bags...
one bag was especially interesting in that it had its own way of standing on its own...
like a built in display stand...
very cool, but still really chic...

thanks again runner for the tip!
thank you for the report softgrey
glad you seem to have found some nice things there.
they say it's only you guys in the world that get to see discord at this moment.
so that is a report valuable to us over here.
no shoes on display ? only womens or some that can be interpreted as unisex ?
my pleasure!

no shoes from discord...
found this image on instagram from some user called pashapraz
the bag in the center is the one i am speaking of...
the long, adjustable strap means the bag can be worn across the body or on the shoulder...
it is also removable, so the bag becomes a clutch...
that is the on main item i would think could be the most gender neutral...

it is also the only item that doesn't have a floral photo print on it...
it's hard to realize in the photo, but the tote bags are really big and a very shiny, heavy, thick leather...
while the scarves are the complete opposite...

the more i look at that middle bag- the more i think it's pretty genius...
it looks like it's on a wooden stand, but it's just a really stiff leather in multiple layers that keeps it so stiff...
it folds over and tucks under the arm neatly...
and while a clutch would usually lay flat, this one stands on its own...
i really like it...


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katajikenai for all the details !

so the bag is congeneric to your luc skirt.
I too will report back if they provide further info over here.
haha...yes- they both stand on their own...

thanks- i would definitely be interested to know more...
i also have to say that the petals on the photographic floral prints reminded me of wings and i really think that these prints would make lovely clothes...
especially skirts and dresses...

of course- the scarves would be extremely elegant with an all black ensemble...
very romantic...
i'm not sure i'll get a reply, but let's try. i'm willing to buy some sarongs. unfortunately the one i have here is not that cool, and i had to transform a AA black tube/scarf into a sarong. anyway....
i'm looking for more colorful/print ones. and no i'm not going to Bali or anywhere in Middle East, soon.
so does someone in the area knows where i can get sarongs ? when i say sarong, i'm not talking about beach apparel, i'm talking about this :
- source: the sartorialist +


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try little india- they have lots of saris so maybe they have something like that...
near the dover st market there are a bunch of stores that sell all indian clothing and fabrics...
around 27 & 28 st and lexington ave
this is my new fave store...
lots of vintage japanese designers and their own private label plus handmade ceramics and handmade one of a kind jewelry, etc...

i love love love this place~!
It's called Dear:!dear-atelier/c1pf1
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i'm not sure i'll get a reply, but let's try. i'm willing to buy some sarongs. unfortunately the one i have here is not that cool, and i had to transform a AA black tube/scarf into a sarong. anyway....
i'm looking for more colorful/print ones. and no i'm not going to Bali or anywhere in Middle East, soon.
so does someone in the area knows where i can get sarongs ? when i say sarong, i'm not talking about beach apparel, i'm talking about this :
- source: the sartorialist +

also- i think there is still a store on Prince btw mott and lafayette which has stuff from Thailand maybe? i got some antique saris and silk scarves there a while back...

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