The Ugliest Sunglasses You've Ever Seen

lola belle

lovely but empty
Aug 12, 2005
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Because I love the ugliest shoes thread so much, I decided to start an ugliest sunglasses one. Because admit it: shades can be fugly. To start the thread off, I'm going to post these Chanel monstrosities. Yes, they are in fact baby pink, covered in crystals, and have the double C logo on them all at the same time.


I actually tried them on in Holt Renfrew (and they were right next to these gorgeous Tom Fords which was wrong on many levels) the other day for a laugh and was discussing how I'd pair them with my pink Juicy sweats and uggs and even the salespeople were laughing with me, but more importantly, at them. And if you've ever been to Holt's on Bloor, you'll know that when salespeople are actually not practically throwing themselves on the floor begging you to buy their sh*t, something is up.

Anyway. These are from
Okay, and JUST after I posted that I saw these:


So when I dress up as a nouveau riche next Halloween, I'll know to go straight to Dolce and Gabbana.
Horrendous sunglasses!!!! I actually dislike all versions of those Dior ones, I find them tacky, ostentatious, and with very bad taste.
^ Ooh those Gucci's are hideous!! I can see some poor tacky guy wear them with a "leisure suit" in Las Vegas......
lolalemon said:
Okay, and JUST after I posted that I saw these:

So when I dress up as a nouveau riche next Halloween, I'll know to go straight to Dolce and Gabbana.
i think those dolces are hot...but thats just me...
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lolalemon, I actually think those Chanels are gorgeous!

A former colleague's wife used to wear the ugliest sunglasses I've ever seen, a pair of black chanel sunglasses, with massive double-Cs on the side emblazoned in rhinestones. She'd show up at her husband's place of employment wearing these shades. Their glitter was somewhat marred by the fact that half the rhinestones had fallen out. The effect was further marred by her attire: typically an old, tight T-shirt without a bra and cut-off sweat short-shorts.

The work colleague was a kind, low-key, highly competent and unassuming person. How he managed to wind up with Chanel skank-mama, I'll never know.

Since then I've always thought of Chanel as being a bit trashy.
TourniquetMX~I have the dior ski 1 in black, and they're so comfy and I :heart: them (although they're a bit dated) A couple of years back I used to wear them whenever I was going out to grab a coffe without being bothered doing my make up. I'd just put on some lip gloss and go out, because those sunglasses covered up half my face anyway.

Also, someone mentioned not liking the sunglasses Nicole Richie wear, and again, I'll have to disagree ^_^ I've seen more pics of Nicole wearing her dior glossy 1 sunglasses than I can count, and I think they were a great look for last summer (although Nicole is so tiny they look really big on her)
I've heard a lot of people say that they hate them, so I guess it's really just a matter of preference ^_^


Keya said:
TourniquetMX~I have the dior ski 1 in black, and they're so comfy and I :heart: them (although they're a bit dated) A couple of years back I used to wear them whenever I was going out to grab a coffe without being bothered doing my make up. I'd just put on some lip gloss and go out, because those sunglasses covered up half my face anyway.

I have the Dior Ski 5, the smaller version. I dont think they're dated and I can't find other sunglasses that look as good on me.
Diorling said:
I have the Dior Ski 5, the smaller version. I dont think they're dated and I can't find other sunglasses that look as good on me.

Dior Ski 5 is a newer version of Ski 1, so no worries :wink:
And I still :heart: my Ski 1s, although I've had them for years.
tinuvielberen said:

A former colleague's wife used to wear the ugliest sunglasses I've ever seen, a pair of black chanel sunglasses, with massive double-Cs on the side emblazoned in rhinestones. She'd show up at her husband's place of employment wearing these shades. Their glitter was somewhat marred by the fact that half the rhinestones had fallen out. The effect was further marred by her attire: typically an old, tight T-shirt without a bra and cut-off sweat short-shorts.

The work colleague was a kind, low-key, highly competent and unassuming person. How he managed to wind up with Chanel skank-mama, I'll never know.

:lol: :lol: I literally laughed out loud reading this! Especially the part about the missing rhinestones :lol:

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