True Blood

Miss Dalloway

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2006
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I have never read the books, but i am seriously loving this new show, perhaps because of that, this way i got introduced to the characthers (so many quirky funny ones) through different realm. Anna Paquin is so cute, and i love the rest of the cast, how could you hate on Lois Smith?!
The actress who plays Tara cracks me up every time, and the chemistry between Sookie and Bill is palpable. There are some lapses but its a new show so it needs time to fully take off.^_^


It takes awhile for new shows to grab me but I have to say, this show is one of my favorites. Although some characters I could do without, like Sam. He doesn't really seem to bring much to the table, other than being another potential love interest for Sookie down the line.

I don't know if you've watched Buffy or Angel, but Bill reminds me a lot of Angel. Hes very broody, and sulks a lot. I like how they're adding more layers to him too, with his old vampire friends showing up and causing a stir.
Sam is not one of my favourites either, but i can see the purpose of him, being endlessly in love with Sookie and sort of her only human guy possible option.In the last episode in the scene where Bill and Sookie were having an argument in front of her house, she asked him why would she continue to see him, and he said something like; "because you will never find a human man you could be yourself with" so i thought thats interesting, but she should try and Sam is her "chance" i think.

Oh i watched only Buffy, not regulary, but i so know what you mean, they have those qualities in common, but what i love with Bill is that he is not drop dead gorgeous like Angel was, he looks soo real and therefore even more attractive. :blush:

I also love how the show and the vampires are set in modern society trying to co-exsist with people, interesting premise that offers tons of story lines.

Maybe there is a tad to much graphic sex scenes, but they are done in a funny way.The one scene in the last episode of Sookie almost mastrubating on the door steep of Bill's house (in the afternoon!) was way OTT though hahah, that was nuts lol.
I watched the first episode yesterday. I couldn't get through it all as I fell asleep.. not b/c it was boring/tedious but b/c I was tired and I watched t.v. just to fall asleep ASAP.

I think I like the show.. Six Feet Under is also a good show.

I'm not used to hearing accents.. I don't what kind of accent the blond girl has but it's not good for my ears. Lol.. It distracted me for awhile.
I watched the first episode, but I found the Southern accents so distracting. :ninja: Other than that, it was a decent pilot.
^^ Damn- I have a serious problem...In order to record the Oakland Raiders game today (which I have to see later) I can not record True Blood- not until Tuesday when it is replayed...So I have to wait two extra days to see the next episode...My life is one tragedy after another, huh? :lol: I am hooked on this show, that's for sure! And also in love with Anna- she is so cute and sexy!! ^_^
I LOVE This show! The chemistry between Anna and the guy who plays Bill is amazing, their scenes are so romantic.
One of my favorite new shows this fall! I'd have to say that Sooki and Bill look so cute together. :D

The guy who plays Jason is hot, don't you guys think? And my god, he's always naked in most of his scenes! :lol:
I'll watch it when it comes on TV here. Anna Paquin with a southern accent = :heart:.
The guy who plays Jason is hot, don't you guys think? And my god, he's always naked in most of his scenes! :lol:

Ugh, I have the biggest crush on Jason! I am so happy this show is on HBO, so we get to see everything --almost everything-- :flower: :wub:
boomer, thanks, love that pix. and tonight it's baaaaaaack......
Hahah oh Jason is so hot, i loved him dancing in his underwear. :lol:

Also Lafayette is HILARIOUS.

I have to say i dont mind the accent's at all, i think they work.

I got only one complaint to make, i dont like the fangs that much, they shouldnt be placed so close imo.
I think the actors and accents are god awful, but I'm a sucker for vampires, so I'm going to stay tuned.
I swear Jason has been naked every friggin' episode or had some weird sexual issues! LOL
Does anybody else have any idea why every woman Jason sleeps with gets murdered? I'm assuming it has to do with their past and how they've all slept with vampires?

On a side note, I love how Jason can't get it up. :lol: That just proves that perhaps he should ditch those ladies and come over to the dark side. :innocent:
Yeah, it prolly has something to do with the girls sleeping with vampires. Maybe when girls sleep with vamps, they'd die immediately when they sleep with mortals? Just a wild guess though. :D

Haha, Jason was so hot when he was dancing infront of the video cam. LOL!

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