Designers Switching Houses & Moving to New Brands

Sorry and what makes Astrid so credible? Her career is built on gossip and scandal?
If Hedi was readying to leave he wouldn't have filmed the most recent Homme show in Los Angeles, her logic is so backwards.
would could possible be going wrong?
Toledano gone? Idk. Maybe he’s just over it. I cannot imagine the Arnaults getting mad because he gave them another big brand. His Dior exit was messy and he still kept a good relationship with them.

I cannot imagine him leaving though, especially without launching Beaute first.This rumor still feels silly but we’ll see.
Why would it make sense for Hedi to resign his contract at Celine? Why would it make sense for Hedi to go out of his way and film a Homme show in Los Angeles this past February and release it sometime this summer?

What I really hate about this article that Astrid wrote is how she tries to make a rumour a fact. How she turns gossip into something publishable, and how this thread tries to make this credible because she has been right a couple times before. I also hate how a rumor even Celine Models know about is something that she thinks is publishable. How is this journalistic integrity? Nothing about Hedi's intentions show that he is planning on leaving. Furthermore, Hedi has obligations to LVMH and the way that Astrid wrote the article makes it seem he is leaving in the next couple of weeks.

I would love to buy my own journal and publish gossip all day but fortunately, I have respect for myself.
Mouais…I don’t buy it.
Hedi has such a tight circle that the idea of models circulating the rumor is a bit of a stretch.
I think Hedi left Dior Homme and YSL for valid reasons. He wants total support and overall control of a Maison. Celine is everything he wants. He has the total trust of the Arnault and the support of everybody in the group.

To allude the rumor of him going to Chanel? Come on’!
Astrid Wendlandt is just re-circulating a recent rumour that celine models even know about. Sorry but nothing about this article is concrete.
I know some girls that walk for him that said same in regards to him leaving.
The article is long and many details that just sketch the current uptodate situation, that's what i found interesting to read.

The article does not say its concrete: it mentions the tension building up on various topics happening with different departments at Celine despite the success so far, the sources she mentions are from senior managers at Celine. (No mention of model rumors)

Also it goes in on Chanel and current CD thinkings of wanting to slow down as sources close to her mentioned and other scenarios.
It also states that the Chanel owners take their time, so if and when it happens can be soon or also much later if Hedi leaves due to tension with LVMH and eventually joins Chanel.
I know some girls that walk for him that said same in regards to him leaving.
The article is long and many details that just sketch the current uptodate situation, that's what i found interesting to read.

The article does not say its concrete: it mentions the tension building up on various topics happening with different departments at Celine despite the success so far, the sources she mentions are from senior managers at Celine. (No mention of model rumors)

Also it goes in on Chanel and current CD thinkings of wanting to slow down as sources close to her mentioned and other scenarios.
It also states that the Chanel owners take their time, so if and when it happens can be soon or also much later if Hedi leaves due to tension with LVMH and eventually joins Chanel.
I have talked to Celine homme models, who have walked for him longer than most of those women Celine models. My point is that Hedi is not sloppy when it comes to his next steps in terms of his career. He is hush-hush. Furthermore I only referenced models because models are the lowest when it comes to knowing details about a brand. If they know this then it seems like it is more gossip than fact.

The main points that I am saying is that at the end of the day these are rumours and nothing about this from what I have infered comments Hedi's intentions.

Once again painting the current picture then jumping to Hedi leaving is a big accusation.

Ultimately I think it is deplorable to post something like this. This will only fuel the fire in Celine in terms of whatever drama she talks about in her paywalled article. And to try revive her dying journal by reselling this piece to other articles.

@PDFSD is lying

Here is the article:

Hedi Slimane, Celine's star designer, is getting ready
to part ways with the storied French brand, several
sources close to the label and its parent LVMH say, It's
the talk of Ie tout Paris in fashion. The timing of his
exit is unknown. It could be tomorrow, or it could take
a year or more. depending on how quickly LVMH finds
a replacement or whether the Arnaults get angry
enough to kick him out from one day to the next, the
sources say.
The Arnault family, who control and run LVMH. cannot
put up with Slimane's whims anymore. There is only
so much they can stand. several senior industry
sources have said. That includes not just LVMH CEO
Bernard Arnault but also his daughter, Delphine, who
runs Dior and has a say on designer nominations and
If Slimane leaves Celine, there is one obvious place he
could go: Chanel. Fashion experts have predicted it
for years, partly because he has a lot in common with
Karl Lagerfeld, the designer who made Chanel and
with whom he was quite close. Slimane's last Celine
fashion show, which was themed around Paris' Arc de
Triomphe, was very Chanel-like, with a 1960s twist.
Chanel designer Virginie Viard has given Chanel a girl-
power, rock-chic vibe that Slimane could easily
continue. Also, the Chanel's owners, are
used to dealing with designers' antics. The late Kart
Lagerfeld demanded the impossible and always
obtained it.
But as opposed to Slirnane. Lagerfeld was a team
player who got the best out of his colleagues,
something for which they remain grateful to this day.
Slimane, in contrast, is a solitary figure who rarely
ventures out of his first circle of colleagues and
friends. He's also not into celebrating other people's
work and can be quite mean and aggressive if staff
don't do what he asks, That's been particularly the
case since January as pressure has been mounting on
Slimane due to the brand's sales growth declining.
"A member of his first circle told me that Hedi was
leaving but we don't know when, • a senior nunager
at Celine told Miss Tweed on condition of anonymity.
Viard, who stepped into Lagerfeld's big shoes after he
passed away in February 2019, embodied continuity.
She was his right hand for many years. Viard has
powered Chanel's growth and helped it remain one of
the industry's most desirable brands. Now 61, the
designer may want to move on and enjoy life, sources
close the brand say. Or stee may be asked to leave to
allow Slimane to join and give Chanel fresh impetus
and momentum Slimane would centralize and
coordinate the brand's image and cormwnication,
which has been going in different directions recently,
industry insiders find. Viard sticks to design. Clearly,
you sense there are other sensibilities than hers
behind the brand's communication beyond its clothes.
When Lagerfeld was in charge, he decided everything.
All of the brand's messages were coherent.
If Slimane pined Chanel. which is far from certain, it
would not happen overnight. It may take several
years, industry insiders predict. The Wertheirners are
known for taking their time before making important
decisions such as this one. Also, they would have to
be ready to give Slimane the sarre arrmnt of power
and control he currently has at Celine, which is not a
given either.
Industry veterans will tell you that an easy-to-manage
designer is an oxymoron. It does not exist. Slimane is
known for being one of the rnost difficult designers to
work with, together with John Galliano at Margiela —
but not for the sarre reasons. Galliano is very tough
on his staff and changes his mnd often, making them
work long hours. Slimane's story is slightly different.
He is unapproachable. He interacts only with a small
number of people. "There are only a few people who
have access to the king: one senior manager at the
brand said. "With me for example, he communicates
only via e-mail. I personally have only met him only
once and he rescheduled our meeting many times
before it happened.-
Celine's ascent may have plateaued, but it has been
one of LVMH's biggest SUCCess stories. In 2018, when
Bernard Arnault hired Hedi Slimane to take over from
Phoebe Philo, he predicted the brand would more
than double its annual sales. Back then. revenue
stood at just under 1 billion euros. Amault won his bet.
stood at just under 1 billion euros. Arnault won his bet.
Last year, Celine's annual revenue surpassed the 2
billion euro mark.
Arnault's ambition now is to make Celine reach 3
billion to 4 billion euros in annual sales. To get there,
he may have to part ways with Slimane, people close
to the brand say. If Slimane leaves, a source at Celine
said, "life would be easier for us because we know
what the brand is about and we could really improve
its communication, which has been terrible." Celine
CEO Severine Merle has done a great pb putting up
with Slimane's exacting dernands. Staff are
loyal to her than to Slimane. Celine employees say,
even though they admire the designer and think he is
a genius.
Under Slimane, Celine launched its first perfume
collection in 2019 and this fall it will unveil its first
make-up line. starting with lipsticks — as brands
usually do.
Prior to Celine, Slimane worked wonders at Kering's
Saint Laurent and stamped the brand with his dark
seditious aesthetic. which remained after Anthony
Vaccarello took over in 2016. Before Saint Laurent,
Slimane made a name for himself as Dior's menswear
designer. Lagerfeld enpyed saying he forced himself
to remain slim to fit into Slimane's Dior suits. Slimane
has a cult following and knows it — perhaps too well.
That's why he thinks he can get away with anything —
really anything.
During the pandemic lockdowns, Slimane moved the
entire Celine studio to Ramatuelle, the village on the
hill near Saint-Tropez. That move not only cost a lot of
money but disrupted the lives of his team, who had no
choice but to follow him. Tt•en, Slimane got angry at
Conde Nast's new global content strategy launched
three years ago. In reaction. he forbid Celine to
feature in any of the company's glossy magazines,
whether in the form of advertising or features. These
include all various editions of Vogue, GQ and
Vanity Fair. "Celine is not even allowed to give them a
photo of a piece of clothing or bag, • a senior industry
source said. "It takes balls to do what he did, but the
problem is that it has significantly reduced the brand's
visibility and that's just suicidal." Celine's shows also
do not feature on Vogue Runway. the main platform
for watching shows. -If you are not on Vogue Runway,
you don't exist: the source said.
Enough is enough. The Arnaults are fed up with
Slimane's whims and costly decisions. The designer
decides everything, shoots every film and photo, and
charges big amounts for everything he does. Slimane
is estimated to be paid several tens of millions of
euros a year by the brand. He managed to negotiate
royalties on the line of perfume he launched in 2019
and on every piece of furniture he designed featuring
in the brand's boutiques, industry sources say.
Slimane also decides the layout and design of every
one of the brand's boutiques.
"For any photo he takes, he charges 50,000 euros,"
one person who works with him said. Staff at the
brand feel that its communication needs to evolve. Its
black and white stern photos have become repetitive.
Also, Celine models are always very young and ultra
thin — which goes against the current inclusive trend
of featuring older and plumper models.
"It's always the same thing. We know that the brand's
communication needs to change but Hedi does not
listen to anybody: one person who works closely
with him said. "He does not surprise clients anymore.
In fashion, you constantly need to create excitement,
that's how it works. But he always wants things to be
his way, with his codes that never change.-
The designer gives himself credit for every product he
designs and every photo featuring on the brand's
website or social rnedia account. During the last Paris
Fashion Week, Slirnane did not want to do a show.
Instead. he produced a film called *L'Arc Triomphe-
that he shot himself. At the end, the film says CELINE
and then HEDI SLIMANE. That is usually a big no-no in
the industry. Brands are supposed to be bigger than
the designer. But Slimane thinks Celine is him and the
world should know about it.
Relations have become particularly tense between
the Arnault family and Slimane in tt-e past six months.
"War has been declared between Slimane and the
Arnaults," one person close to the brand said.
Literally who is this person ??

I think it not being on vogue makes me want it and look for it more. Ive been buying Hedi since DH days. Like LVMH knows most of Celines clients are looking for it … i think the seperation from the industry has helped its cult status.
Last edited:
I know some girls that walk for him that said same in regards to him leaving.
The article is long and many details that just sketch the current uptodate situation, that's what i found interesting to read.

The article does not say its concrete: it mentions the tension building up on various topics happening with different departments at Celine despite the success so far, the sources she mentions are from senior managers at Celine. (No mention of model rumors)

Also it goes in on Chanel and current CD thinkings of wanting to slow down as sources close to her mentioned and other scenarios.
It also states that the Chanel owners take their time, so if and when it happens can be soon or also much later if Hedi leaves due to tension with LVMH and eventually joins Chanel.
Im not sure if you properly read the article but nothing is of substance here once again she is trying to get clicks or other big journals to buy her article. She is desperate for attention.

I dont know whether to critique you or the writer of this article further.

All im going to say is that a Senior Manager at Celine does not know anything. This is what im going to say about someone who I know who has closely worked with Hedi forever. Dont believe in anything that isnt said by himself only. All this is noise. This is noise created by someone who asked a disgruntled senior manager (note senior manager does not mean anything, they do not even work closely with Hedi, for instance there are senior managers who oversee merchandising and work closely with corporate LVMH, then Hedi.)

And did you ask yourself who were these Fashion Experts who said Hedi is going to Chanel? Please, I am a Fashion Expert and all I do is buy clothes.

@PDFSD is lying​

Here is the article:

Hedi Slimane, Celine's star designer, is getting ready
to part ways with the storied French brand, several
sources close to the label and its parent LVMH say, It's
the talk of Ie tout Paris in fashion. The timing of his
exit is unknown. It could be tomorrow, or it could take
a year or more. depending on how quickly LVMH finds
a replacement or whether the Arnaults get angry
enough to kick him out from one day to the next, the
sources say.
The Arnault family, who control and run LVMH. cannot
put up with Slimane's whims anymore. There is only
so much they can stand. several senior industry
sources have said. That includes not just LVMH CEO
Bernard Arnault but also his daughter, Delphine, who
runs Dior and has a say on designer nominations and
If Slimane leaves Celine, there is one obvious place he
could go: Chanel. Fashion experts have predicted it
for years, partly because he has a lot in common with
Karl Lagerfeld, the designer who made Chanel and
with whom he was quite close. Slimane's last Celine
fashion show, which was themed around Paris' Arc de
Triomphe, was very Chanel-like, with a 1960s twist.
Chanel designer Virginie Viard has given Chanel a girl-
power, rock-chic vibe that Slimane could easily
continue. Also, the Chanel's owners, are
used to dealing with designers' antics. The late Kart
Lagerfeld demanded the impossible and always
obtained it.
But as opposed to Slirnane. Lagerfeld was a team
player who got the best out of his colleagues,
something for which they remain grateful to this day.
Slimane, in contrast, is a solitary figure who rarely
ventures out of his first circle of colleagues and
friends. He's also not into celebrating other people's
work and can be quite mean and aggressive if staff
don't do what he asks, That's been particularly the
case since January as pressure has been mounting on
Slimane due to the brand's sales growth declining.
"A member of his first circle told me that Hedi was
leaving but we don't know when, • a senior nunager
at Celine told Miss Tweed on condition of anonymity.
Viard, who stepped into Lagerfeld's big shoes after he
passed away in February 2019, embodied continuity.
She was his right hand for many years. Viard has
powered Chanel's growth and helped it remain one of
the industry's most desirable brands. Now 61, the
designer may want to move on and enjoy life, sources
close the brand say. Or stee may be asked to leave to
allow Slimane to join and give Chanel fresh impetus
and momentum Slimane would centralize and
coordinate the brand's image and cormwnication,
which has been going in different directions recently,
industry insiders find. Viard sticks to design. Clearly,
you sense there are other sensibilities than hers
behind the brand's communication beyond its clothes.
When Lagerfeld was in charge, he decided everything.
All of the brand's messages were coherent.
If Slimane pined Chanel. which is far from certain, it
would not happen overnight. It may take several
years, industry insiders predict. The Wertheirners are
known for taking their time before making important
decisions such as this one. Also, they would have to
be ready to give Slimane the sarre arrmnt of power
and control he currently has at Celine, which is not a
given either.
Industry veterans will tell you that an easy-to-manage
designer is an oxymoron. It does not exist. Slimane is
known for being one of the rnost difficult designers to
work with, together with John Galliano at Margiela —
but not for the sarre reasons. Galliano is very tough
on his staff and changes his mnd often, making them
work long hours. Slimane's story is slightly different.
He is unapproachable. He interacts only with a small
number of people. "There are only a few people who
have access to the king: one senior manager at the
brand said. "With me for example, he communicates
only via e-mail. I personally have only met him only
once and he rescheduled our meeting many times
before it happened.-
Celine's ascent may have plateaued, but it has been
one of LVMH's biggest SUCCess stories. In 2018, when
Bernard Arnault hired Hedi Slimane to take over from
Phoebe Philo, he predicted the brand would more
than double its annual sales. Back then. revenue
stood at just under 1 billion euros. Amault won his bet.
stood at just under 1 billion euros. Arnault won his bet.
Last year, Celine's annual revenue surpassed the 2
billion euro mark.
Arnault's ambition now is to make Celine reach 3
billion to 4 billion euros in annual sales. To get there,
he may have to part ways with Slimane, people close
to the brand say. If Slimane leaves, a source at Celine
said, "life would be easier for us because we know
what the brand is about and we could really improve
its communication, which has been terrible." Celine
CEO Severine Merle has done a great pb putting up
with Slimane's exacting dernands. Staff are
loyal to her than to Slimane. Celine employees say,
even though they admire the designer and think he is
a genius.
Under Slimane, Celine launched its first perfume
collection in 2019 and this fall it will unveil its first
make-up line. starting with lipsticks — as brands
usually do.
Prior to Celine, Slimane worked wonders at Kering's
Saint Laurent and stamped the brand with his dark
seditious aesthetic. which remained after Anthony
Vaccarello took over in 2016. Before Saint Laurent,
Slimane made a name for himself as Dior's menswear
designer. Lagerfeld enpyed saying he forced himself
to remain slim to fit into Slimane's Dior suits. Slimane
has a cult following and knows it — perhaps too well.
That's why he thinks he can get away with anything —
really anything.
During the pandemic lockdowns, Slimane moved the
entire Celine studio to Ramatuelle, the village on the
hill near Saint-Tropez. That move not only cost a lot of
money but disrupted the lives of his team, who had no
choice but to follow him. Tt•en, Slimane got angry at
Conde Nast's new global content strategy launched
three years ago. In reaction. he forbid Celine to
feature in any of the company's glossy magazines,
whether in the form of advertising or features. These
include all various editions of Vogue, GQ and
Vanity Fair. "Celine is not even allowed to give them a
photo of a piece of clothing or bag, • a senior industry
source said. "It takes balls to do what he did, but the
problem is that it has significantly reduced the brand's
visibility and that's just suicidal." Celine's shows also
do not feature on Vogue Runway. the main platform
for watching shows. -If you are not on Vogue Runway,
you don't exist: the source said.
Enough is enough. The Arnaults are fed up with
Slimane's whims and costly decisions. The designer
decides everything, shoots every film and photo, and
charges big amounts for everything he does. Slimane
is estimated to be paid several tens of millions of
euros a year by the brand. He managed to negotiate
royalties on the line of perfume he launched in 2019
and on every piece of furniture he designed featuring
in the brand's boutiques, industry sources say.
Slimane also decides the layout and design of every
one of the brand's boutiques.
"For any photo he takes, he charges 50,000 euros,"
one person who works with him said. Staff at the
brand feel that its communication needs to evolve. Its
black and white stern photos have become repetitive.
Also, Celine models are always very young and ultra
thin — which goes against the current inclusive trend
of featuring older and plumper models.
"It's always the same thing. We know that the brand's
communication needs to change but Hedi does not
listen to anybody: one person who works closely
with him said. "He does not surprise clients anymore.
In fashion, you constantly need to create excitement,
that's how it works. But he always wants things to be
his way, with his codes that never change.-
The designer gives himself credit for every product he
designs and every photo featuring on the brand's
website or social rnedia account. During the last Paris
Fashion Week, Slirnane did not want to do a show.
Instead. he produced a film called *L'Arc Triomphe-
that he shot himself. At the end, the film says CELINE
and then HEDI SLIMANE. That is usually a big no-no in
the industry. Brands are supposed to be bigger than
the designer. But Slimane thinks Celine is him and the
world should know about it.
Relations have become particularly tense between
the Arnault family and Slimane in tt-e past six months.
"War has been declared between Slimane and the
Arnaults," one person close to the brand said.
A more readable version of the article:
Hedi Slimane, Celine's star designer, is getting ready to part ways with the storied French brand, several sources close to the label and its parent LVMH say, It's the talk of Ie tout Paris in fashion. The timing of his exit is unknown. It could be tomorrow, or it could take a year or more. depending on how quickly LVMH finds a replacement or whether the Arnaults get angry enough to kick him out from one day to the next, the sources say. The Arnault family, who control and run LVMH. cannot put up with Slimane's whims anymore. There is only so much they can stand. several senior industry sources have said. That includes not just LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault but also his daughter, Delphine, who runs Dior and has a say on designer nominations and changes.

If Slimane leaves Celine, there is one obvious place he could go: Chanel. Fashion experts have predicted it for years, partly because he has a lot in common with Karl Lagerfeld, the designer who made Chanel and with whom he was quite close. Slimane's last Celine fashion show, which was themed around Paris' Arc de Triomphe, was very Chanel-like, with a 1960s twist. Chanel designer, Virginie Viard has given Chanel a girl-power, rock-chic vibe that Slimane could easily continue. Also, the Chanel's owners are used to dealing with designers' antics. The late Karl Lagerfeld demanded the impossible and always obtained it.

But as opposed to Slimane. Lagerfeld was a team player who got the best out of his colleagues, something for which they remain grateful to this day. Slimane, in contrast, is a solitary figure who rarely ventures out of his first circle of colleagues and friends. He's also not into celebrating other people's work and can be quite mean and aggressive if staff don't do what he asks. That's been particularly the case since January as pressure has been mounting on Slimane due to the brand's sales growth declining. "A member of his first circle told me that Hedi was leaving but we don't know when.” a senior manager at Celine told Miss Tweed on condition of anonymity.

Viard, who stepped into Lagerfeld's big shoes after he passed away in February 2019, embodied continuity. She was his right hand for many years. Viard has powered Chanel's growth and helped it remain one of the industry's most desirable brands. Now 61, the designer may want to move on and enjoy life, sources close to the brand say. Or she may be asked to leave to allow Slimane to join and give Chanel fresh impetus and momentum. Slimane would centralise and coordinate the brand's image and communication, which has been going in different directions recently, industry insiders find. Viard sticks to design. Clearly, you sense there are other sensibilities than hers behind the brand's communication beyond its clothes. When Lagerfeld was in charge, he decided everything. All of the brand's messages were coherent.

If Slimane pined Chanel, which is far from certain, it would not happen overnight. It may take several years, industry insiders predict. The Wertheimers are known for taking their time before making important decisions such as this one. Also, they would have to be ready to give Slimane the same amount of power and control he currently has at Celine, which is not a given either.

Industry veterans will tell you that an easy-to-manage designer is an oxymoron. It does not exist. Slimane is known for being one of the most difficult designers to work with, together with John Galliano at Margiela — but not for the same reasons. Galliano is very tough on his staff and changes his mind often, making them work long hours. Slimane's story is slightly different. He is unapproachable. He interacts only with a small number of people. "There are only a few people who have access to the king.” one senior manager at the brand said. "With me for example, he communicates only via email. I personally have only met him only once and he rescheduled our meeting many times before it happened.”

Celine's ascent may have plateaued, but it has been one of LVMH's biggest success stories. In 2018, when Bernard Arnault hired Hedi Slimane to take over from Phoebe Philo, he predicted the brand would more than double its annual sales. Back then, revenue stood at just under 1 billion euros. Arnault won his bet. Last year, Celine's annual revenue surpassed the 2 billion euro mark.

Arnault's ambition now is to make Celine reach 3 to 4 billion euros in annual sales. To get there, he may have to part ways with Slimane, people close to the brand say. If Slimane leaves, a source at Celine said, "Life would be easier for us because we know what the brand is about and we could really improve its communication, which has been terrible. Celine CEO Severine Merle has done a great job putting up with Slimane's exacting demands. Staff are more loyal to her than to Slimane.” Celine employees say, even though they admire the designer and think he is a genius. Under Slimane, Celine launched its first perfume collection in 2019 and this fall it will unveil its first make-up line. starting with lipsticks — as brands usually do.

Prior to Celine, Slimane worked wonders at Kering's Saint Laurent and stamped the brand with his dark seditious aesthetic. which remained after Anthony Vaccarello took over in 2016. Before Saint Laurent, Slimane made a name for himself as Dior's menswear designer. Lagerfeld implied saying he forced himself to remain slim to fit into Slimane's Dior suits. Slimane has a cult following and knows it — perhaps too well. That's why he thinks he can get away with anything — really anything.

During the pandemic lockdowns, Slimane moved the entire Celine studio to Ramatuelle, the village on the hill near Saint-Tropez. That move not only cost a lot of money but disrupted the lives of his team, who had no choice but to follow him. Then, Slimane got angry at Conde Nast's new global content strategy launched three years ago. In reaction. he forbade Celine to feature in any of the company's glossy magazines, whether in the form of advertising or features. These include all various editions of Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair. "Celine is not even allowed to give them a photo of a piece of clothing or bag,” a senior industry source said. "It takes balls to do what he did, but the problem is that it has significantly reduced the brand's visibility and that's just suicidal." Celine's shows also do not feature on Vogue Runway. the main platform for watching shows. “If you are not on Vogue Runway, you don't exist” the source said.

Enough is enough. The Arnaults are fed up with Slimane's whims and costly decisions. The designer decides everything, shoots every film and photo, and charges big amounts for everything he does. Slimane is estimated to be paid several tens of millions of euros a year by the brand. He managed to negotiate royalties on the line of perfume he launched in 2019 and on every piece of furniture he designed featuring in the brand's boutiques, industry sources say. Slimane also decides the layout and design of every one of the brand's boutiques.

"For any photo he takes, he charges 50,000 euros," one person who works with him said. Staff at the brand feel that its communication needs to evolve. Its black and white stern photos have become repetitive. Also, Celine models are always very young and ultra thin — which goes against the current inclusive trend of featuring older and plumper models. "It's always the same thing. We know that the brand's communication needs to change but Hedi does not listen to anybody.” one person who works closely with him said. "He does not surprise clients anymore. In fashion, you constantly need to create excitement, that's how it works. But he always wants things to be his way, with his codes that never change.”

The designer gives himself credit for every product he designs and every photo featuring on the brand's website or social media account. During the last Paris Fashion Week, Slimane did not want to do a show. Instead. he produced a film called “L'Arc Triomphe” that he shot himself. At the end, the film says “CELINE” and then “HEDI SLIMANE”. That is usually a big no-no in the industry. Brands are supposed to be bigger than the designer. But Slimane thinks Celine is him and the world should know about it.

Relations have become particularly tense between the Arnault family and Slimane in the past six months. "War has been declared between Slimane and the Arnaults," one person close to the brand said.
Source: Miss Tweed
This is the woman who assured Julien Dossena at givenchy and Clare W Keller back at Chloé and praises herself to have predicted Alessandro Michele at Valentino 2 days before his nomination. This article is pretty vile
The Tea on Hedi’s Celine:
Arnault wants Celine to reach €3-4bn and sources are suggesting that it would be easier without Hedi.

While the brand significantly under Hedi’s direction, his difficult personality and his expensive demands, which include obscenely expensive films and campaigns, loyalties on the perfume line and store designs, and moving the design studio to the South of France.

There are also claims that the brand image has become boring and outdated along with the brand’s visibility being killed by banning Celine from featuring in Conde Nast’s magazines. Celine employees say that the brand can continue to grow and improve using the base Slimane built.

There are also a slim possibility of Hedi going to Chanel, mainly to clean the brand image which has gone wayward since Karl’s death.
There are also claims that the brand image has become boring and outdated along with the brand’s visibility being killed by banning Celine from featuring in Conde Nast’s magazines. Celine employees say that the brand can continue to grow and improve using the base Slimane built.
This is laughable, brand visibility by who? Sorry I am not some Bain or McKinsey analyst that works in the fashion sector, but Celine's relevance on social media is at an ever all high. Also this excluding how most Chinese consumers (Arguably Celine's most important base of customers) connect with luxury brands and Celine which is solely through social media. Conde Nast is factually and objectively dying out. We can even see how Vogue China has failed spectacularly too.

Every take that Astrid Wendlandt has written is so out of context with reality and current state of Fashion.
I agree Hedi is an esthete. I think his supernatural grasp on codes is what truly sets him apart. I like the S France design studio because it seperates him from Paris. It obviously is working. I describe Celine as Monagasque-Glam. It doesnt look neccessarily Parisian like Chanel (with Karl) and Gaultier do …

I think he is almost associated with Karl in a disrespectful almost cynical manner. Maybe Hedis work is viewed as plain or dull and maybe Karls was as well - particularly at Chanel. I personally think Hedi and Karl have nothing in common designwise.

Karl was like a futurism fantasy in the moment. While Hedi is jet set in the moment. The looks are so different…

Karl liked wearing Hedis clothes because Karl is jet set. Hedi only did Chanel style jackets because hes a minimalist and is all about reducing everything down to just codes.

I think Hedi at Chanel Femme would probably not move needles like we expect. Also unless they add Chanel Homme I dont see Hedi doing it.
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That article was badly written and the alleged concerns are pretty obvious. Things that both parties knew would happen when they signed the deal. By 2018 everyone knew how Hedi Slimane would run a brand.

Anyways Hedi at Chanel is a commercial exercise if it happens. That’s the only way I can make it make sense. I’d pay good money to see the drama.

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