Getting Rid Of Everything


May 10, 2010
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A lot of my clothes are boring too me & yet I have no money to buy new ones (I know I know...moan, moan, moan) But some of the stuff I just never wear & I made a rule where I go through my clothes about twice a year & if I don't wear certain things within a month, I sell them.

But as I get more into fashion & blogging & get more inspired to dress a hell of a lot more interestingly, what I have seems to disappoint constantly. So... I was thinking of getting rid of everything. Even if I kind of like it. & starting again completely. :shock:

The only things I'd keep would be sentimental (things knitted by my mum/gran, special vintage) & possibly a few essentials (black t-shirts, one pair of jeans) but that would be it & then I could start all over again.

Do you think it would be possible?
Or is it a ridiculous idea? :ninja:
I think it is a very good idea. Sometimes it is also better to start a whole new clothes era (just like sometimes we do with our lives).
I would like to consider this idea, but I am unable to give up my clothes, even if I do not wear them (I'm just a weak creature, I know...).
Can I recommend something? The clothes that you don't want (and which you don't sell), why not give them to your relatives.
I do this whole cleaning of my closet 4 times a year and I send what I do not need to my relatives. It's not a big thing, and the clothes aren't completely new, but they are thankful :smile:

Good luck and keep us updated :smile:
I think this is a good idea ... but a difficult one !
Are you sure you want to give everything ?
Maybe you could try to keep some, but with limits, like saying "Ok, I keep only THREE dresses, only THREE pairs of shoes, only THREE bags", and this involves EVERYTHING (sport shoes, evening shoes, everyday shoes) !
I don't know, i am just saying. Your idea is a good one - to start over -, but for me I know it would be too difficult, there are many clothes I don't wear but there are also many I do actually wear and that I would regret not having if I give them away :smile:
I think gwennaliann's idea is a good one. Because if you think about it, you say you have no money to buy new clothes, so if you throw everything away, you'd have to walk around in a jeans and black t-shirt for a pretty long time.
Well.. this is when blogging starts sounding slightly dangerous. :lol:

I don't mind a change but of all the clothes you currently have in your wardrobe, there must be something that's not necessarily there for the sake of an I'm-not-boring statement, that's there because you feel like yourself in it, even if it's a silly blue sweater with weird prints on it!. A wardrobe isn't much different than a record collection, you may not play some songs for months or even years but they still mean something to you, even if they mean nothing to the rest of the world and are a part of yourself when you revisit them. And of course, acquiring the 'What's hot' compilation record probably won't help make it more exciting than narrowing down your own playlist.
Bad example maybe, but just sayin'!.

I would recommend integration instead of starting from scratch. Take fashion with a pinch of salt and patience, and carefully buy guided by what speaks to you.. what creates harmony with the rest of your clothes but still pushes your own style on to some more creative level, it doesn't have to be loud, as long as you feel like a stronger version of yourself.. soon you'll find replacing some stuff and realising what really doesn't work and what does.
Throwing everything away is bound to generate some remorse, especially as you find yourself buying something new that would've made perfect chemistry with something you got rid of out of an thirst for what's new.
I agree with MulletProof. Getting rid of everything doesn't sound like such a smart thing to do. I'm all for cleaning out your closet every now and then, but the fun for me in doing it is to find beautiful things buried under lots of other things and re-integrating them into my daily wardrobe. I know the feeling of standing in front of your closet and just not being impressed by anything, but when that happens I'll just grab everything, make a huge pile on my bed and begin throwing on random pieces. Not everything you once liked sucks now, you know? And even if they were trend items once and don't feel like they're you anymore, some day you'll probably like it again and even find a new way to wear it (excpet if we're talking Buffalo platform sneakers and Ed Hardy tees). As for basics, they should only be eliminated if they haven't been holding up well. And if you do end up getting rid of some things, make a plan where the things will go. I never just throw things away, I always either give them to charity, salvation army, friends or if it's good stuff sell it on eBay.

If you said you just won the lottery and your current wardrobe consisted of only cheap and worn out old stuff I would have encouraged you to go ahead, but in this case, I think you should rethink your idea. Good luck ^_^
Don't get rid of everything! You'll mostly likely regret it.

At the beginning of Spring and at the beginning of Autumn, when my wardrobe needs to start changing because of the weather, I go through my entire wardrobe. I look at every single garment and ask myself when I last wore an item. If I haven't worn it for a long time, then it needs to go, unless it's a really beautiful piece- like a bridesmaid's dress, for example- that I don't want to throw away because it holds memories and it looks divine, even though I'm likely to not wear it again. I also ask questions like "why do I need this?" and "can this be replaced by something better?" to make decisions about what stays and what is going to Oxfam (but I put the expensive things that I know will sell on eBay! That might be a good idea for you because then you will have money to buy new clothes :smile:).

I sometimes have moments when I'm annoyed with everything in my wardrobe and I chuck things out. A week or so later, I think "hmm... where's my (insert item here) gone?" and then I remember that I've thrown it out and I think, "sh*t, I should have kept that". Basically what I'm trying to say is that you will find that you miss certain things after you've thrown them out.

So don't get rid of your wardrobe in its entirety. Keep things that you wear regularly and that you look good in. I know you hate some things now but you will probably change your mind about them soon, because you'll discover new ways to wear them. You will! And some things may even come back into vogue, and then you'll feel good!

You've said you'll keep sentimental pieces, which is good. Also, keep basics. I'm not talking about Primark and Topshop basics from the high street- you can get rid of those if they were cheap and are of poor quality (they probably will be) because they can be replaced with more luxurious garments over time. Keep things that you wear often. Keep things that you feel good in. Keep things that look gorgeous. Keep things that are practical. Keep things that might come in use at some point!

Slowly build up a new wardrobe which has things from your current wardrobe in. Pay money for quality pieces that you are drawn to and that you will wear again and again. If you're a bit stripped for cash then don't pay as much money on "trend" pieces that you will probably only wear for one season (of course, if you have the money, then by all means buy extravagant pieces that you will not wear all the time! You only live once!). And shop in vintage shops and in charity shops and on eBay, because they are a great way to save money and also saving the environment.
Wow I obviously hit a cord with quite a lot of you. ^_^

Firstly though, I do sell stuff on eBay, or give it to charity, I only 'throw away' things that are like ripped or that no one else would want (eg underwear)

gwennaliann: I really like your idea of keeping a certain number of items. I mean I need to keep a few pairs of shoes but these aren't really an issue for me (even though I love them, I have HUGE feet so I don't actually own that many). & I'll keep like basic black tube dresses because they're great for layering & pretty much anything.

& maybe I'll keep more garments that I do actually still like so I have something to wear in the transition between old wardrobe to new wardrobe! Because like you said Enjoy Division (great name by the way) jeans & t-shirts :yuk: aren't that great fun.

MulletProof: That sounds like a very lovely analogy, but the fact is I spend a lot of my time staring at things I've bought, trying them on & trying to wear them. But I always end up going out in the same thing I've worn the week before; because it's safe. It's not necessarily that I need to "feel like myself" it's more that I know I'm comfortable in that, I know that I need to pull this skirt down more in wind, or keep these sleeves down, or watch when I bend over; but these are the kind of things you learn when you wear something. I've started to not feel myself in the clothes I have & that's why I sort of feel the need to "start again" however drastic that might sound... :blink:

blackkohl: That's exactly what I mean. I don't actually shop in Topshop anymore (for reasons that are too long & boring to go into) and I only by sort of one or two things from H&M over a few months. I actually don't really shop anywhere but eBay, charity shops & the occasional vintage fair (mainly because i hate town). But I would like to swap some of my old highstreet items for more worthwhile ones, like better quality jackets & t-shirts, because these are things that I wear constantly. It's just that buying more & more jackets & t-shirts doesn't help anything!

Hm... Maybe getting rid of everything is a little extreme. :shock: But I think that it would allow me to breathe a lot more fashion wise & figure out where to take things. I think starting again would make me consider what I buy first, rather than just joining the mounds of clothes I buy, wear for a few months & then barely ever again.

I do pretty much wear everything in my wardrobe (because otherwise I sell it/give it away like I say above) but it's the fact that it doesn't inspire me anymore. It's outfits I've worn 100 times & no matter how much I play around with them, they always look the same to me.

I just feel like I need a cleanse! & for new clothes I need money, so surely it makes sense to get rid of (most of) the old ones?

neonpeg I get in "cleansing moods" as well; just recently I donated bags upon bags of clothing and other things. I'm getting ready to move and start a new career and a lot of the pieces I only have because I wear them to work. I'm quite bored with my style and wardrobe at the current moment so I very well understand your urge to cleanse.
That said, I learned a hard lesson once- I donated some pieces I regretted. Since then, I keep everything I'm "on the fence" about in a bag, in a storage closet, out of sight. If I find myself thinking about it/looking for it in a month or two I know it's a keeper. If I haven't touched the bag in sometime, I give them away.
I think it is important to get an idea of what you're looking for before you start anew. You might want to start a "vision board" of things that inspire you so you have a clear picture of what you're looking for. You might find this can be done with pieces you already have.
Good luck and keep us posted!
I wouldn't get rid of everything. Maybe things that won't fit anymore or have worn out completely, so you might donate those, but not everything should go just because they're not super trendy or fashionable or even blog-worthy. You need some basics, and I think a big part of being stylish is being creative and working with what you already have. I think looking good in general is a lot better than always having the latest trend. You probably have all the basics in your wardrobe already, and those are essential. You can always add things to your wardrobe and use those new pieces to mix and match and sort of "refresh" old pieces already in your wardrobe.

When I look at fashion/style/what-I-wore-today blogs, I'm not always looking for something to pop out at me but rather creative, interesting ways to wear something ordinary and make it look special as part of a whole.
I'm going through this at the moment. I am going through a transitional peroid, with finishing my degree and thinking of moving in with my boyfriend. I always like to make an impact with my clothes and I am pretty used to being the 'fashion girl' out of my friends. The thing is I have an idea of what my perfect wardrobe would look like, but the reality is different. I don't have the luxury to start again at the moment.
I have being going through and am steadily making a charity and ebay pile though.
My advice to you is look at things that you think can be made interesting, its all about the layering! And then other things which really aren't you anymore should be the things you get rid of.
Today I did get rid of 98% of my clothes, shoes, bags. I only keep jewerly and what I really like and what I really wear. I can tell you that I am feeling llight and happy at the something huge just fell from my shoulders.
Now my closet looks pretty empty BUT there are only items I really like.
I love this feeling :heart::heart::heart:

Where do I need all that crap I have collected over the years?
From this moment I am going to be more careful what I buy and only buy what I really need.

Seriously, everybody should do this once in while.
I think go for it but be aware that it might be very expensive depending on your style and taste. As long as your happy with your decision then go for it!
How about selling things that don't fit or that you hate and seperating the things you just don't wear, can't bring yourself to get rid of etc. and storing them somewhere ou of sight. Then buy things you want, create a new wardrobe and then come back to the things you seperated at a later date. You might find you have ideas of new ways to wear the items and can fit them into your new wardrobe.
seems like a VERY expensive proposition to get rid of everything and start over...
unless the stuff was crap to begin with...
in which case i don't think it matters if you chuck the lot of it...

whenever i go on a cleaning/purging binge...
i always regret it later...
i always always always wish i still had some of the things that i got rid of....

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i think its a great idea. im doing that since pretty much all my clothes pre-baby don't fit me anymore or are def not my style anymore. go through your closet and seirously...get rid of everything you will not wear.
then write a list of your dream closet. then start buying the simple stuff, cami, white cami, skinny jeans, brown sandals, etc..
^ yes, if you're the kind of person where you regret the things you give away, alot...then be cautious about what you get rid of!
i'm an out of sight out of mind kind of person. i almost never remember what i gave away...
This post makes me want to cleanse my wardrobe too, haha. But I do think emptying it out completely is unnecessary. I would agree with earlier posters who recommended you look at each individual piece you own, and judge piece by piece what needs to be replaced by something new & better. If your wardrobe does little to excite you, then this is a problem. But throwing it all away is like throwing out a part of you. You should always seek to improve, but not necessarily to become someone new, right? Besides, how do you know that everything you fill your closet with today will still be loved by this time next year? You dont know -- thats why changing up the wardrobe needs to happen gradually.
Wow. My first thought was... wouldn't it be expensive to replace everything? :unsure:

If you really want to try this, I would recommend throwing all that you'd like to "throw away" into a box (or x many) and stow it away. Once you by your new clothing, and an old article comes to mind... pull it out. But if after a year (or whatever), you don't even think about any of those old clothes... then donate them to Goodwill. You obviously didn't need/desire them!
I recently did something similar to this, since over the past 12 months my dress size has altered somewhat, and doesn't appear to be changing back. I waited a while, just in case, then decided to sell them on. I used the cash from the sales to replace my wardrobe - although I am still deeply upset that some of those items couldn't be replaced.
Ultimately I chose to perceive it as a sort of renewal, a closet cleansing. It was doing me no good to mope!
Although my own circumstances were born of necessity, there is also something quite exhilarating about being faced with the prospect of renewing an entire wardrobe (slowly, admittedly, as my finances allow).

On the other hand, I do so wish that I had the means to store everything that I have ever owned over the years. So many items that I parted with many years ago for various reasons might delight me today, so I always try to think ahead if contemplating a de-stash. I will probably also regret the garments that I have recently sold to make way for new, better fitting items, simply because at some point I imagine that something, just something could have been altered, reworn in a new way.....etc, etc.

I agree that it ought to happen gradually in most instances, though. Such wise words!

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