Manolo Blahnik vs. SJP

hi I'm new at this, but here goes..
At the time SATC was showing Mr Blahnik was apparently pleased at the publicity he was getting hence the SJP shoe..and now suddenly he claims it affects his reputation and art? His shoes have become one of the most coveted shoe brands out there together with Jimmy Choo and Christian Louboutin. True, Manolos were known among those with an interest in fashion way before SATC but now those who dont even know who Pheobe Philo is know the name Manolo Blahnik. I dont see whats so bad about that. I say this is just another gimmick to get even MORE publicity.
fuchimama said:
If I was an artisan who cared so much for my work that I oversaw every part of the creative process, from the initial sketches to the final shippings, I, too would be pissed to see a face-stretching goat wearing my art on a show about old people having sex. Some people do still have morals, you know, not to mention taste-- the outfits Patricia Fields paired his shoes with were indescribably ugly.

Soooo I'm guessing you're not a fan of SATC?
notice those quotes were not by Blahnik himself but by Bowman and we know how things get twisted.
Me thinks he doth protest too much. More likely that since the Hype of SATC has dried up now, he is desperately searching for another way of getting his dull little shoes some extra advertising :innocent:

In all honestly if you only had the budget to buy one pair of fab shoes, would you ever choose his over the god of Louboutin :shock: . MB even manages to make Choo's seem inovative and their styles change about as often as a tramps underpants :lol: ...... He is going all out for the all publicity is good publicity. I think even he knows that what he is saying is rediculous, but atleast it is guaranteeing him some column inches, which his shoes alone no long warrant :D
no, SATC hasn't dried up. They have a tour in NYC And they stop by the Manolo store. MY SA there hates it because alot of tourist come in and try things on, aren't careful with the shoes and don't buy.

They come in looking for the stolen shoe and argue since the price in the show was 495 and in the stores its 645...and they always argue about the price with the SAs there.
Oh I just mean that the repeats on tv and everything have dried up and slowed right down - I bet in NY its still massive (I still love it), and wish with a passion that they would come back for a finale :smile:
and I know MB is not "mad" at SJP....she gets all her shoes early before they even put them in stock. She gets a big discount and buys most every pair a season. She is one of the only celebs that gets that.

Also, Blahnik isn't a pushy guy. Louboutin and Jimmy Choo both throw their shoes at people for free to push them. Like the bag ppl get free press.

MB doesn't do advertisments and no free shoes to people. He is more private.
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Bah, I love how this comes up years after SATC is done and there's no more Manolo talk.

He didn't have any complaints about the hype and free advertising back then, cause his bland shoes were selling off the racks, but now because nobody's talking, cause there's so many designers out there with way better shoes, that realize that they paid $500 for shoes that they just wanted to wear cause they mentioned them on SATC not cause they're Manolos...

Whatever, he just wants more publicity, they all do, regardless of what they claim to say.
I happen to love Manolos. I think his shoes are creative and beautiful opposed to chunky and funky that get old. I love them and buy at least 8 a season.
purexelegance said:
You know, because Sarah Jessica Parker wrote Sex and the City, she was wholly responsible for putting Blahniks on the map. That tramp.

well for one. Sarah Jessica Parker didn't write SATC... :blink:

MB should be grateful for the wave of success that the show brought him and not be so ungrateful.
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Oh mister blahnik shut up. if you do not like the people buying you shoes (and so make your life reallllyyyy comfortable) stop selling them and start displaying them in a museum or artgallery placed with a tag that says "don´t touch look or buy"
So until this happen deal with the idea that your shoes may even be worn by the "overlifted juicy-couture sweatpants wearing trailer park trash dumb blonde "during grocery shopping in an town named hookerville. that is simply her right cause she paid for them . nuff said
tinuvielberen said:

Imagine! People over the age of 30 actually having sex, when really they ought to be moving to retirement homes and playing bingo. I'm shocked, shocked! All television programs, movies, and novels should exclusively concern people in their teens and early twenties, as everyone knows, they are by far the wisest and most interesting of us all.

I couldn't have said it better myself. "Mature" is just a nice way of saying "more haness."

I'm not a fan of Sex and the City, but I'm not a fan of Manolo's just that he has a right to b*tch, and I will defend his right to b*tch to the death. Besides, it's ludicrous to credit his success solely to Sarah Jessica Parker.
talk about ungrateful, SJP and SATC MAAAAAAAADEEEEE Manolo
fuchimama said:
I couldn't have said it better myself. "Mature" is just a nice way of saying "more haness."

I'm not a fan of Sex and the City, but I'm not a fan of Manolo's just that he has a right to b*tch, and I will defend his right to b*tch to the death. Besides, it's ludicrous to credit his success solely to Sarah Jessica Parker.

No one is saying that he became successful solely because of SJP and SATC but the fact is that not only is he speaking out against her after he rode the SATC fame train to death but that there are clearly underlying elitist views behind his comments about why he's actually upset and who he wants wearing his shoes.
reese06 said:
Although people were wearing his shoes before her, she made him a household name to people who would normally never know who he was.

And this is probably the exact reason for his disgust. when everyone wears your product and it's a "household name" it lessens the value of the product. when things are kept "secret and sacred" more value is placed on them. so Manolo probably had good intentions in the beginning and was excited when his shoes first stepped onto the SATC sets....but after a became boring and typical to him. I'm sure no one had any idea that SATC would take off the way it did. Even the creator and director Michael Patick King says on some of the commentary on the dvds that the initial pilot and the first episode were a gamble.

so manolo didn't know his shoes would be a total success.
*Happiness* said:
so manolo didn't know his shoes would be a total success.

Yeah right!
....and people allways work towards faillure, and like he does shoes to be left unsold in the shops....:innocent:

Maybe he didn´t even say those things or maybe he is just a pr!ck looking for even more attention...
with all this vulgarity posted...did you notice that the quotes say "Mr Blahnik thinks" and not quoted exactly by Manolo. It was a quote not even said out of his mouth...and everyone is on attack mode.
guccigal07 said:
with all this vulgarity posted...did you notice that the quotes say "Mr Blahnik thinks" and not quoted exactly by Manolo. It was a quote not even said out of his mouth...and everyone is on attack mode.

definitely true.

i realized that while reading the article also.
btw, i forgot to cite where i got this from...

I actually didn't write the commentary, so don't attack me or compliment me. I just found it from a site and thought the commentary was witty.

Sorry for not citing it right away.

Anyways, keep on discussing what you feel about this issue. :smile:
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