Nicola Formichetti - Stylist


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Dec 28, 2004
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Biography from showstudio

Nicola Formichetti is Senior Fashion Editor of Dazed and Confused Magazine. Born in Japan in 1977 to Italian and Japanese parents he grew up between the two countries. Initially studying music and architecture, he moved to London at the age of twenty-one and started at the successful boutique, 'The Pineal Eye' and went on to become both its art director and head buyer for a two year period. Out of this experience came a move into styling which in turn led a core role in the creation of magazines Dazed & Confused and Another Magazine. He is also a contributor to punlications such as V magazine, V Men, 10 magazine, Numero Homme and Mixt(e) as well as publications in Japan. Formichetti and designer Kim Jones have a close working relationship consulting on Kim Jones projects from shows to collections and outside ventures. Other brands that he has collaborated and consulted with include TopMan, D&G, H&M, and Stussy. He has ongoing collabrative relationship with photographers Laurence Passera, Laurie Bartley, Magnus Unnar, Benjamin Alexander Huseby and Toyin. Formachetti has started a new shop venture in Japan, intended to introduce new designers, previously unavailable to the Japanese market, alongside a gallery space showcasing photographers and artists.
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i feel he is one of the more authentic visionaries out there. i feel like he makes the images 'bristle' , and you can see something else going on besides styling a pretty picture in the conventional ways. nothing i see so far is completely outstanding (that is super hard), but you can tell it's pretty damn good though , and i think he has a lot of potential to get there.
those are kind of funa and interesting travolta, thanks for posting . . . my favorite one is the second dazed & confused cover where the model is covered with balloons or balls or whatever those are
Thank you for posting, maybe part of the "visionary" is that he lets the teenagers be teenagers, very natural and I like.
I really like her work and I apreciate how she keeps the look young and creative with out trying to ahrd or making it look like an idea of what young people are suposed to look like. If that amkes sens.

Inside La Foret department store, Side by Side’s glossy black walls signal your entrance into fashion stylist Nicola Formichetti’s avant garde world. Greeting you at the door, an askew Disneyland-ish chandelier spotlights an alcove with a bulbous candy cane-striped sculpture. An in-store boutique, Side by Side sells art alongside clothes because to Nicola, fashion is art. In a quasi-ontological way, the target customers are exactly those that produce the products displayed—designers and artists. Bright, hard colors stripe intricately constructed dresses and jackets, which you may initially need help figuring out how to wear. Collectors may ooh and ah over Emma Cook’s clothes or over a hauntingly beautiful platinum print photograph—it’s all art.[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
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[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]also, good points seraphelle and spacemiu :flower:
Nicola Formichetti - Stylist

I know he's a stylist for men editorial... but he's just a genius and I love him...
so here are some stuff about him, if you wanna help this thread. you're welcome as usual...:flower:

Nicola Formichetti is the Fashion Director (menswear) for Dazed & Confused magazine. Also Senior fashion editor of Another Man magazine. Born in Japan in 1977 to Italian and Japanese parents, he grew up between the two countries. Initially studying music and architecture, Formichetti moved to London at the age of nineteen and started at the successful boutique, 'The Pineal Eye' and went on to become both its art director and head buyer for a two year period.

He later moved into styling working at Dazed & Confused, Dazed & Confused Japan, Another and Another Man magazines. Formichetti is also a contributor to publications such as V magazine, V man, Arena Homme Plus 10, 10 magazine, i-D, Teen Vogue, Common & Sense, , as well as numerous publications in Japan.

He has a close working relationship with Kim Jones, collaborates and consults on his fashion shows, collections and outside ventures. Formichetti has also worked with other brands including MCQ by Alexander McQueen, Prada, Missoni, Uniqlo, Gareth Pugh, Nike, Stussy, Topman, H&M, Iceberg, D&G, Puma, Umbro and Edwin...

Formichetti has also worked with a diverse selection of photographers including Laurence Passera, Magnus Unnar, Solve Sundsbo, Oliviero Toscani, Nick Knight, Mariano Vivanco, Terry Richardson, Benjamin, Alexander Huseby, William Selden, Horst Diekgerdes and Will Davidson.

Formichetti has started a new shop venture in Japan called "Side by Side", introducing new designers, previously unavailable to the Japanese market, alongside a gallery showcasing photographers and artists.

Fashion junkie: Nicola Formichetti, stylist
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 26/10/2005

At 28, Nicola Formichetti is one of the most wanted stylists in menswear. From working the tills at London's most avant-garde fashion emporium, the Pineal Eye, he has gone on to create bold, colourful spreads for just about every important men's fashion magazine there is, and is the senior fashion editor of Dazed & Confused and its sister titles Another Man and Another. Most recently, he has gone back to his retail roots with his first shop, Side by Side, in Tokyo, which introduces hot young design talent.
Which pieces are on your wish list at the moment? A Burberry Prorsum (a/w) pink-striped grey coat, and every item from Weberbilt, the photographer Bruce Weber's label. They're all hand-made products from America; I'm particularly waiting for a western-style shirt called 'River Phoenix' (from Dover Street Market, 020-7518 0680).
Which was your favourite show for autumn/winter? Raf Simons is constantly producing great shows, so simple yet so powerful. I also liked John Galliano's men's show, which is the complete opposite of what Raf is doing. The outrageously exaggerated volumes and the extreme outfits just blew me away.
Who are your favourite designers at the moment? For menswear, Kim Jones. That's not just because we work together, I truly think there is no one like him out there at the moment. His clothes are very simple and wearable but not boring; he always finds the right colour and design to fit the moment ( For womenswear, Gareth Pugh is right at the top of my list. This young designer is producing killer outfits that are going to rock the fashion world.
Which pair of shoes has caught your eye recently? Everything from Visvim, a Japanese shoe label sold at Hideout in Soho (020-7437 4929).
Which are your favourite shops? In London the Pineal Eye (020-7434 2567), Dover Street Market (020-7518 0680) and Ashleys (020-7499 9658) are some of the shops which I always check out.
What do you wear to work? My uniform is usually just comfortable clothing. Being a stylist, you spend most of the day at photo shoots covered in safety pins.
Do you ever shop for anyone else? Always for my boyfriend everywhere I go, it's great shopping for someone you love. Plus it stops him nicking all my stuff.
Which are your favourite hotels? Principe di Savoia in Milan ( and Cerulean Tower in Tokyo ( are the two hotels that I always feel comfortable in.
Which is your favourite restaurant? I mostly eat out at Japanese restaurants. Ten Ten Tei on Brewer Street in Soho has to be my favourite food spot in London (020-7287 1738).
Where do you buy your underwear? Muji and Topman.
Who makes the best jeans? Levi's and Edwin (
What do you wear in bed? Kimono shorts.
What was the last CD you bought? The Best of Michael Jackson.
What scent do you wear? Burberry 'Touch'.
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a (french) itw of him by Kuki (PR @ Totem) :

Kuki de Salvertes : Nicola, de quelle manière es-tu arrivé à la mode ? Raconte-moi ton parcours initiatique.
Nicola : J'ai quitté Rome pour Londres en 97 pour étudier l'architecture. Mais j'ai fait la fête, je sortais énormément en boite, je menais une vie décousue……Je suis donc allé rarement en cours ! Mais c'est ainsi que j'ai rencontré la plupart de mes amis et que j'ai découvert la nouvelle scène londonienne.
Ma première expérience dans la mode eut lieu lors de ma rencontre avec Yuko, qui voulait ouvrir une boutique à Soho, « The Pineal Eye », dont je suis devenu l'acheteur. Je n'avais aucune expérience dans la mode et j'ai donc dû suivre mon instinct. J'ai ouvert grand mes yeux, la créativité était partout autour de moi. Nous sélectionnions des designers fascinants. The Pineal Eye est ainsi devenu une vitrine internationale pour les jeunes talents.
Je me souviens encore de la première fois où je suis allé à un défilé à Paris avec Yuko et j'ai vu celui de Raf Simons. On a dû s'incruster parce que personne ne nous connaissait mais le défilé était incroyable. J'ai été ébloui par la puissance et la modernité de ce que j'y ai vu !!!
J'ai continué ce job pendant quelques années jusqu'à ce que mes amis Katy England et Alister Mackie me demandent de rejoindre l'équipe de Dazed&Confused.
Dazed m'a offert un espace mensuel, la section « Eye Spy ». C'était encore tout nouveau pour moi. Je n'avais aucune idée de la manière dont fonctionnait un magazine mais j'ai fait ce que bon me semblait. J'ai effectué le même travail que pour The Pineal Eye en essayant de mettre en valeur de nouveaux créateurs, mais d'une manière plus visuelle. Cela m'a dirigé vers le stylisme, le consulting et bien sur, des shootings plus importants pour Dazed et Another Magazine !!!
Kuki : Ton premier shooting ? Quand était-ce ? Pour qui était-ce ? Pour quel magazine ? Quelle trace a-t-il laissé pour toi ?
Nicola : Mon tout premier shooting était pour la section « Eye Spy » du magazine Dazed avec le photographe Magnus Unnar. C'était également son premier shooting et on a pris mes amis en photo avec des vêtements venant de The Pineal Eye. On avait seulement 2 pages mais je l'ai pris très au sérieux… C'était stressant mais stimulant! C'est formidable de penser que Magnus et moi travaillons toujours ensemble après toutes ces années. Nous sommes toujours de bons amis et continuons à shooter pour beaucoup de magazines et de marques.
Kuki : Parle-moi de ta boutique à Tokyo. Comment est né le projet ? Comment le gères-tu ?
Nicola : Mon nouveau magasin à Tokyo s'appelle « Side by Side ». C'est une collaboration avec une compagnie japonaise, Mori Building. Etant moitié japonais et y ayant vécu la moitié de ma vie, je trouve important de garder ce lien.
On m'a demandé de créer un espace dans un magasin qui s'appelle Laforet Harajuku… C'est une continuation de ce que je faisais pour The Pineal Eye, mais à plus grande échelle. J'essaie de retourner au Japon régulièrement pour gérer et organiser des expositions, rencontrer mes clients et comprendre leurs envies. J'ai une excellente équipe qui travaille pour moi à Londres et au Japon. C'est un projet vraiment motivant et qui va continuer à prendre de l'ampleur.
Kuki : Nicola, qu'est ce qui fait la particularité de ton style ?
Nicola : Mmmmm… C'est un grand mélange de luxe et de street culture, un peu italien, un peu japonais, très international… Mais le plus important est de ne pas se prendre trop au sérieux… FUN, FUN, FUN !!!
Kuki : Combien réalises-tu de shootings par saison ?
Nicola : Beaucoup! J'ai une équipe de photographes avec qui je travaille régulièrement en tant que rédacteur mode, principalement pour Dazed, Another Magazine et AnotherMan. Je produis des shootings pour chaque édition de ces magazines.
Je collabore également avec d'autres magazines comme V magazine,Vman, 10 et 10+Men, Arena Homme Plus, Numéro Homme et beaucoup d'autres publications internationales….
Les photographes avec qui je travaille sont : Magnus Unnar, Benjamin Alexander Huseby, Laurence Passera, William Selden, Laurie Bartley, Will Davidson,Terry Richardson, Solve Sundsbo, Mariano Vivanco, etc…
De la même manière que je réalise le stylisme de mes éditoriaux, je suis consultant pour plusieurs marques de prêt-à-porter.
Kuki : Quel est la séance photo dont tu gardes le meilleur souvenir ?
Nicola : Stussy avec Laurence Passera.
Kuki : Nicola, après le photo stylisme, y a-t-il une vie ? Si oui, quels sont tes projets futurs ?
Nicola : Le stylisme est très intéressant. J'adore créer des images. Utiliser des vêtements, les réinterpréter, les mélanger, en confrontant différents points de vue au mien. Je continue à me battre et à me surpasser en diversifiant mes activités créatives et commerciales….
J'adorerais explorer d'autres univers, toujours créatifs, mais en totale intéraction avec le public, comme un nouveau magasin, une galerie, un departement store, etc.…
En ce moment, le Japon m'offre beaucoup d'opportunités. La compagnie avec laquelle je travaille, Mori Building, s'occupe du développement de la ville et c'est très excitant de travailler pour eux en tant que conseiller.
J'adorerais développer des projets plus ambitieux, créer des espaces modernes de shopping ,des galeries d'art,etc.…..C'est un peu ce que je fais maintenant mais à plus grande échelle…
La ville que je ne connais pas encore assez bien est New York. J'adore l'énergie qui s'en dégage. Ce sera peut être une prochaine étape de ma vie.

both itw and pictures :
translation by Babelfish of the itw in #3 :
Kuki de Salvertes: Nicola, how did you arrive à.la.mode? Tell me your initiatory course.
Nicola: I left Rome for London into 97 to study l'architecture. But I has fun the festival, I left enormously limps about it, I carried out an which unstitched life...... I thus went seldom in progress! But c'est like j'ai met the majority of my friends and that j'ai discovered the new London scene. My first experiment in the fashion took place at the time of my meeting with Yuko, which wanted to open a shop with Soho, "The Pineal Eye", of which I became l achetor. I n'avais any experiment in the fashion and j'ai thus due to follow my instinct. Large open J'ai my eyes, the creativity was everywhere around me. We selected attractive designers. The Pineal Eye thus became an international window for the young talents. I still remember the first time where I went to a procession to Paris with Yuko and j'ai considering that of Raf Simons. S'incruster was owed because nobody knew us but the procession was incredible. J'ai dazzled by the power and the modernity of what j'y saw!!! J'ai continued this job during a few years jusqu'à what my friends Katy England and Alister Mackie ask me to join l'équipe of Dazed&Confused. Dazed m'a offered a monthly space, the section "Eye Spy". C'était still very new for me. I n'avais any idea in the way in which functioned a magazine but j'ai done what good seemed to me. J'ai carried out same work as for The Pineal Eye while trying to emphasize new creators, but d'une more visual manner. That m'a directed towards stylism, the consulting and well on, of the more important shootings for Dazed and Another Magazine!!!
Kuki: Your first shooting? When was this? For which was this? For which magazine? Which trace did it leave for you?
Nicola: My very first shooting was for the section "Eye Spy" of the Dazed magazine with the photographer Magnus Unnar. C'était also its first shooting and one took my friends in photograph with clothing coming from The Pineal Eye. One had only 2 pages but I l'ai taken very with serious... Stressing C'était but stimulant! Formidable C'est to think that Magnus and me work always together after all these years. We are always of good friends and continue with shooter for many magazines and marks.
Kuki: Speak to me about your shop in Tokyo. How was born the project? How do you manage it?
Nicola: My new store in Tokyo s'appelle "Side by Side". C'est a collaboration with a Japanese company, Mori Building. Being Japanese half and y having lived half of my life, I find important to keep this bond. One m'a asked to create a space in a store which s'appelle Laforet Harajuku... C'est a continuation of what I did for The Pineal Eye, but on a large scale. J'essaie to go back to Japan regularly to manage and organize exposures, to meet my customers and to include/understand their desires. J'ai an excellent team which works for me in London and Japan. C'est a project really justifying and which will continue to take of l amplor.
Kuki: Nicola, qu'est what makes the characteristic of your style?
Nicola: Mmmmm... C'est a large mixture of luxury and street culture, a little Italian, a little Japanese, very international... But most important is not to be caught too much with serious... FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Kuki: How much do you carry out shootings per season?
Nicola: Much! J'ai a team of photographers with whom I work regularly as a writer mode, mainly for Dazed, Another Magazine and AnotherMan. I produce shootings for each edition of these magazines. I also collaborate with d'autres magazines like V magazine, Vman, 10 and 10+Men, Arena Homme More, Numéro Man and much d'autres international publications.... The photographers with whom I work are: Magnus Unnar, Benjamin Alexander Huseby, Laurence Will pass, William Selden, Laurie Bartley, Will Davidson, Terry Richardson, Solve Sundsbo, Mariano Vivanco, etc... Same manner that I carry out the stylism of my leading articles, I am consulting for several marks loan-with-to carry.
Kuki: Which is the photo meeting of which you guards the best memory? Nicola: Stussy with Laurence Will pass.
Kuki: Is Nicola, after photo stylism, there a life? If so, which are your future projects?
Nicola: Stylism is very interesting. J'adore to create images. To use clothing, to reinterpret them, mix them, by confronting various points of view with the mien. I continue to beat me and to exceed me by diversifying my creative and commercial activities.... J'adorerais to explore d'autres universes, always creative, but in total intéraction with the public, like a new store, a gallery, a department blind, etc.... In this moment, Japan m'offre much d opportunities. The company with which I work, Mori Building, s'occupe of the urban development and c'est very exciting to work for them as an adviser. J'adorerais to develop more ambitious projects, to create modern spaces of shopping, galleries d'art,etc...... C'est a little what I now do but on a large scale... The city that I do not know yet rather well is New York. J'adore l'énergie which s'en releases. It will be can be a forthcoming stage of my life.
go there to see more of his work :
(sorry I cannot screencap...)
(CLM represents Marie Chaix, Christopher Niquet, Jay Massacrette, Havana Laffitte etc.)
10 + magazine, #9

photos by Mariano Vivanco, styled by Nicola Formichetti

MH forum
Dazed and Confused, Sept. 2006
unkwn photographer
model :Vladimirs Cibulsky

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Dazed and Confused, March 2007
Fashion forward : Dior Homme
photos by Mariano Vivanco

MH forum
Dazed & Confused, july 2006
New Power Generation
photos by Will Davidson

MH forum
:woot: thanks berlin, I stumbled upon his myspace profile a while ago and I was waiting for someone to start a thread on him.. his editorial work is kind of hard to come by on the web, non?.. at least harder than tracking the man down anyway. :lol: :ninja:

some editorial.. with less evident styling.. but still worth posting I guess.

Photographed by Nick Knight
I-D Magazine October 2006
scanned by glósóli.


Dazed & Confused - Sept.2005

Break Out by Solve Sundsbo
model : Behati and Aries

MH archives

Great editorial thanks for the scans BerlinRock:flower::heart:

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