Prince Albert of Monaco is Married


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Oct 3, 2007
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Monaco's Prince Albert to Marry

One of the world's most eligible bachelors is off the market. Prince Albert II of Monaco will marry South African former swimmer Charlene Wittstock, the Mediterranean principality's royal palace confirmed to PEOPLE on Wednesday.

"Everyone here is extremely, extremely happy," the palace said.

No wedding date has been for the prince, 52, and the former schoolteacher, 32. The couple first appeared in public together at the 2006 Winter Olympic opening ceremonies in Turin, and Wittstock has been living in Monaco since 2007, when she unofficially ended her training.

She has become friends with and been tutored in protocol by both his sisters, Princesses Stephanie and Caroline. "But she knows instinctively what is expected of her," a royals source tells PEOPLE.

Last weekend, Albert and Wittstock were in Stockholm to attend the wedding of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel Westling, Duke of Vastergotland.

This will be a first marriage for Monaco's monarch, who is the son of the late film star Grace Kelly and the late Rainer III, Prince of Monaco.

In 2005, Albert officially acknowledged a toddler son he'd fathered with a Togolese flight attendant. The following year, he also acknowledged a second child born out of wedlock: a daughter, now 18, in California.
At Last!!!!

This explains why Miss Wittstock was seated with the royals at Princess Victoria's wedding. And compare the expression on her face to Prince Albert's expression as Princess Victoria and Daniel exchanged wedding vows. I looked at this part of the video over and over again. Prince Albert looked distractred. Wonder what he was thinking?? Everyone else, Miss Wittstock included had a soft AWWW expression and were teary eyed. Photo source:


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All I can say is about time! :P

I like her and I like them as a couple, so I only wish them the best :flower:.

Oh and I must admit I'm excited to see what Charlotte will wear to the wedding :ninja:.
Congrats to them. About time though.

Mostly looking forward to see Charlotte, ofcourse.
I could not be happier!! How wonderful- and I bet she will be a wonderful, stylish Princess!! :wub:
Now cannot wait for the wedding !
That might be the BIGGEST event of next year !!!!
does anyone have a full shot of her wedding dress?!
does anyone have a full shot of her wedding dress?!
Victoria's? She has her own thread called Victoria of Sweden in which the pics of her wedding are posted.
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I was so happy when I heard this. I love royal weddings :crush: I couldn't watch Victoria's weddding live because I had to work. I'll make sure to take the day off when Albert is finally getting married!
I thought Albert vowed never to get married? :lol:
So Caroline's heiress presumptive days are finally over...
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She was an Olympic swimmer but mostly known for her relationship with Albert ofcourse.
Great news then! Congratulations to the happy couple! :smile: Charlene will make a beautiful bride.
The Quiet Royal Wedding

Vincent Damourette/European Pressphoto Agency
THE COUPLE Charlene Wittstock and Prince Albert II of Monaco at a charity fashion show last month.


Published: June 22, 201

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Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

KEEPSAKES Memorabilia for the July 2 royal wedding is prominent in stores.

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Charlene Wittstock competing in the South African national championships in 2004.

FOR four years, Charlene Wittstock lived mostly in the shadows, waiting for Prince Albert II of Monaco to propose.
With no job, no college degree and no knowledge of French, she was installed by him in a small apartment in the center of the tiny Mediterranean principality, far away from home in South Africa. With no official status, she appeared at the side of the prince when summoned, to smile a lot but to say little.
She endured the nastiness of the locals, who gossiped about Prince Albert’s love affairs and predicted that he would never marry her. She stayed silent as stories were embellished about his siring of two children, one with an airline hostess from Togo, the other with an American tourist from California. She bided her time by swimming, gardening, lunching, playing golf and reading in a cafe.
But Ms. Wittstock, a South African national swimming champion who competed in the 2000 Summer Olympics, applied to her love life the same determination, perseverance and stamina that had inspired her backstroke.
“There was meanness, there were jealousies,” said Stéphane Bern, a celebrity French journalist who has known her for four years. “There was the indecision of the prince. Her every move was watched and judged. But she is very strong, very natural and very direct. And it worked.”
The payoff comes July 2 with this summer’s “other” royal wedding. This time, Ms. Wittstock will be the princess stepping down the aisle (in a dress designed by Giorgio Armani). Though the event won’t come close to inspiring the global fascination of William and Kate’s nuptials almost two months ago (or even that of Albert’s own parents, Prince Ranier III and the American movie star Grace Kelly, in 1956), the three-day celebration will nonetheless be quite a party. The event will include an open-air Mass on the Place du Palais; oceans of Perrier-Jouët Champagne; a multicourse dinner by the three-star French chef Alain Ducasse; a concert by the Eagles; a sound-and-light show and fireworks. When it is over, Ms. Wittstock, the daughter of a salesman father and a swim coach mother, will become Her Serene Highness, Princess Charlene of Monaco.
There are familiar elements of Ms. Wittstock’s experience in the story not only of Kate Middleton (pretty and patient commoner who endured snippy tabloid gossip and in the end got her prince), but also in the sadder tale of another princess: Like Diana Spencer three decades ago, she is a much younger bride of a prince with other love interests, who has been painstakingly choreographed by a palace apparatus intent on managing her image. A new episode of the soap opera will begin after the wedding. Will her royal marriage end up being a happy union based on mutual love and respect, as Kate’s seems to be so far, or a melancholy charade like Diana’s?
As with many princesses, Ms. Wittstock’s main responsibility from the outset will be to produce an heir. Although she is only 33, Prince Albert is 53, and his subjects do not want him to die before a successor is old enough to reign. (Because Prince Albert’s two children were born out of wedlock, they are barred by the Constitution from acceding to the throne.)
Ms. Wittstock has been reluctant to talk about the baby issue. Asked during an interview by the veteran French television journalist Patrick Poivre d’Arvor whether she wanted to have children who will one day succeed Prince Albert, she broke with protocol and said to the prince, “Hey, won’t he just give us a break!”
The savvy prince smoothed things over, saying, “We have the intention to start a family.”
Asked in the same interview whether she was afraid of protocol and the relentless glare of the press, she choked. “No, I am not nervous, or ... I’m quite excited actually, so ...” she said. She then turned to Prince Albert, asking, “What do you want me to say?”
“No, it’s fine!” he assured her.
Stumbles not withstanding, ever since their engagement last year, Ms. Wittstock has been preparing feverishly for her new role, with intensive lessons in French and palace protocol. Tutored, watched and corrected by an unforgiving palace guard, she has said little during her public appearances. She has granted few interviews. In at least some cases, journalists have been required to submit both written questions in advance and then the text of the interview before publication. The palace declined a request to interview her for this article.
“I thought she was one of the most anxious people I have ever met,” said Jenny Crwys-Williams, who interviewed Ms. Wittstock for South Africa’s popular Talk Radio 702 in February. “She was absolutely terrified of saying the wrong thing and falling foul of the terrible women in the palace.
“There was a fascinating moment when I asked her to tell me about an amazing blue room in the palace, and she said, ‘I don’t know if I can talk about it.’ I wanted to put my arms around her and tell her it would be all right.”
Ms. Wittstock has been both praised and vilified for appearing to imitate the style of Albert’s mother, who died in a car crash in 1982. Ms. Wittstock sometimes wears the same blond chignon, muted colors, and elegant, tailored dresses as did Princess Grace.
Before-and-after style photos of Ms. Wittstock have appeared on the Internet, with speculation about whether she has changed her teeth, breasts, eyes and nose. A recent post, under “new lips Charlene,” shows her on the cover of the German tabloid magazine Bunte with what appears to be a fuller upper lip than is evident in previous photos.
No strangers to tabloid snipes, Prince Albert’s sisters, Princesses Caroline and Stéphanie, have taken Ms. Wittstock under their wings. In an interview with Paris Match, Princess Stéphanie described Ms. Wittstock as “strong” but “very sensitive.” She added, “I try to reassure her. To help her.”
In a moment of candor in an interview with Tatler magazine last year, Ms. Wittstock acknowledged the difficulty of living in a fishbowl like Monaco, which is about half the size of Central Park. “The people I mixed with in Monaco didn’t relate to my South African mentality or humor,” she said. “Of course, I’ve been subject to jealousy, but that comes with the territory. Although I have met some wonderful people since I’ve been living in Monaco, I regard them all as acquaintances. I only have two people I consider friends here.”
In private, she is said to be blunt and direct. “She speaks very frankly to people,” Mr. Bern said. “She tells Albert, ‘I want this, I don’t want that.’ ”
Even after four years living in the principality, she seems uncomfortable speaking French, a shortcoming that has limited her social circle. (Prince Albert, who spent time with his mother’s family in the United States while growing up and studied at Amherst College, speaks flawless English.)
“Her inability to speak French is going to be a real handicap,” said Joe Little, managing editor of the London-based Majesty magazine. “Princess Maxima of the Netherlands came from the Argentine, picked up Dutch and became very popular. The former Mary Donaldson, who became crown princess of Denmark, came to grips with the Danish language quickly.”
Ms. Wittstock’s effort to try a few phrases in French in the interview with Mr. Poivre d’Arvor backfired. When he asked her whether the fact that she was not a Catholic was an obstacle to marriage in the Roman Catholic principality, she replied, “Je suis Christian.”
“Chrétienne, voilà, chrétienne,” he replied, correcting her. (She has since converted to Catholicism, the official religion of Monaco.)
Ms. Wittstock first met Albert in 2000 at a swimming competition in Monaco. A sportsman who for years occupied a spot on Monaco’s Olympic bobsled team, the prince was obviously taken with her.
She has said that as princess, she will devote herself to charitable causes, perhaps involving children and sports. She also has expressed the hope that she can help modernize the 900-year-old principality. She says would like to see Monaco have a Manolo Blahnik boutique and a Starbucks, for example. “She’s a girl in a gilded cage,” Ms. Crwys-Williams said. “Albert looks at her with great affection. She’s going to look beautiful in her Armani dress. But where the real girl is? That I really don’t know.”

A version of this article appeared in print on June 23, 2011, on page E1 of the New York edition with the headline: The Quiet Royal Wedding.
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There’s only one few days left for the second royal wedding of the year, the much-awaited one between Albert of Monaco and the beautiful Charlene Wittstock. And while we wonder if on July 2nd the bride will wear a tiara like Grace, if her Armani gown will be more or less beautiful than Kate Middleton’s and if she has indulged into having her lips done while waiting for the big day, there are other speculations that are making people worry. In fact, word has spread that the blond Charlene, who comes from South Africa and was previously swimmer, and who after the wedding will obtain the title of Her Serene Highness, is in a position that is simply not enviable.

It’s enough to read some of her statements and look into her commitments and official appearances to get an idea that her life in Monte Carlo, an extremely rich principality but also extremely small and, thus, somewhat boring, is not quite the party. Accustomed to a very informal style and to a joyful atmosphere during her South African days, the 33-year-old has faced several sacrifices and all for the love of her absent-minded prince. Albert, who is 53-years-old and that took his time to make his mind up in taking the big step, is often kept busy by his responsibilities, but he should have treated his consort in a less disrespectful way.

Let’s take look at which are the difficulties of this almost-princess. Breaking her hip three years ago stopped her from perusing her career as a professional swimmer, so Charlene decided to focus on her image as the future first lady of the principality. Albert made her move into a small apartment (they certainly can’t live together in court) in Monaco, neglecting his fiancée’s social life. And she, by the way, didn’t speak a word of French at the time and made little friends. And language continues to be a problem for Wittstock who, despite everyday lessons, is not getting noticeably better. At least according to the criticism from the Monaco subjects…

Many go on to say that Charlene will not resist a life in court, whose pressure on her is already quite strong. She has been banned from giving interviews without the permission of the principality, and those that she does give are carefully reviewed. It seems that the frequent etiquette mistakes and the following mockery from the not-so-forgiving press with the Ranieri offspring make her fall everyday deeper and deeper into depression and anxiety. And there are some pictures, which are making the rounds of internet, that show that the girl has undergone plastic surgery to make her long-limed and toned body more harmonious and princess-like. After all, it won’t be easy for her to be compared to the beautiful and self-confident sisters-in-law Caroline and Stéphanie, and much less to the very elegant mother-in-law Grace.

And what about the prince’s two illegitimate children, which he had from previous relationships with a hostess and a Californian tourist? Charlene has always avoided mentioning the matter, and has talked about it, uncomfortably, during some interviews, but she has surely heard malicious rumors that say that Albert has a certain tendency to have little affairs around the world.

Some go on to even compare them with Diana and Charles, whose age difference and, especially, lack of common interest, quite contributed the married couple to opt, almost immediately, for almost separate lives, except for official commitments. A premise that surely doesn’t help.

Who knows, though, if Charlene’s friendly and humorous disposition won’t have the better part on this negativity. The girl, after all, an ex-athlete, she’s used to challenges, and despite having sometimes stated of being overwhelmed by the many rules to follow (especially on a matter of image), she has valuable allies by her side. Karl Lagerfeld, for example, has taken her under his protective wing, inviting her often to his Parisian atelier and making himself her patron during her days in Paris. And also Caroline and Stéphanie, who know well how hard it is to always behave in the right way when you’re a public persona, try to reassure her everyday, filling her with love and care. After all, who’s ever said that being a princess is a job for all women?

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