What Makes A Good Fashion Blog? What Do You Want To See On A Blog?


Jun 23, 2009
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So what makes a good fashion blog, and what is the role of a fashion blog? Obviously it's a matter of personal taste.

I like the idea of getting insight into a single person's preferences, and going on their journey, rather than having information shoved upon you by a major media company, with the backing of advertisers.

Good taste (depending on your personal preferences) is fundamental, as are images; and as much as I would like to put writing skills as paramount, I think for most readers/viewers it comes third.

With all the street style and 'what I wore today' blogs out there, I feel it gets mundane, and many are very poorly written. I very rarely remember street style photographs, or blog articles, they don't inspire me the same way a magazine article would. I also hate scrolling through something that is badly designed, and looks like its been stuck into someone's scrapbook.

Product endorsements, sneaky advertorials etc are annoying, but the big mags have been doing it for years (which of course doesn't make it right!)

Would love to hear other people's thoughts on this..

My favourite fashino blogs are those who cover personal style matters just as reviews of fashion shows and stuff (what doesn't mean I would like your blog less because it is about only one of these subjects, but I would like your blog more if you do).
Good taste (similar to mine, may I say) is an extremely important point in both aspects and keeping your blog organized will also make me like it a little bit more.
Interesting posts are with no doubt what builds the popularity of your blog but if your blog has a whole lot of awesome content and a crappy layout, I won't feel like staying on your page for too long and probably won't read all the posts. Of course some people don't even go to the blogs's webpage to read their posts through Google Reader and blogloving but it's a good deal to consider those who will access your blog with certain frequency. When it comes to street-style and outfit-of-the-day post, it is really important to have the outfits well photographed. A picture of the whole look, your favourite details will give the reader more information to actually form some opinion on that outfit and the best blogs are those you can trade opinions with the writer.
And when it comes to runway reviews, illustrating the post is very important but when you overload the post with pictures it just gets less interesting. I like those who usually publish a picture of the best oufits and indicate a link where you can see all the outfits from the reviewed collection.
There are other points, of course, but those are the ones that matter the most to me.
I hope this thread doesn't go away soon! It's a really interesting topic and if it has been asked around before, I would love to read that too (in case the moderators decide to join the threads).

Much like you, I too do most of my blog reading through GReader. And I find it amazing and a truly useful tool. However, if I have more pictures to see, I'll definitely go check out the original article, at the source.

I find street style blogs interesting, but not that much as to make them a daily read. I like fashion reviews interesting (genre fashion shows, ad campaigns) but I can read them once a week. I think in terms of fashion, I like the diy approach the most and the reality check (yes, by that I mean celebrity and their fashion manifestations) as well as the curiosities (like .. don't know - Marilyn Monroe's dress has been auctioned off for $$$ or another artsy/fashionable project signed by a designer, not necessarily a fashion designer).

I love a good home decor idea/update every now and then as well as a healthy dose of humor and irony. I was very disappointed in fashion magazines and their marketing policy, often pushing products without saying it, thus deceiving the reader, and their politic - like management who only cares about influence and next trimester's advertising contracts. Because of that, I felt relieved when I started my own website. I'm my own fashion magazine (lol)!
I dont buy that "good taste" has to be a key factor, I'd be as adventurous as yo say "a point of view" or "some form of taste" is key. Why? The taste level doesnt have to be "good" imho, it has to be carefully edited, with this I mean that if someone starts blogging about chav culture and starts posting the most chavtastic looks ever seen online, the blog's gonna be a hit, for sure. So I guess thats the most important thing to me .. some sort of "image", "feel", or "concept".

Right after that, original content .. if you just regurgitate everything from the intl shows it becomes boring, like reading a Vogue ... I want to see a bit of the blogger (in every single post)

No 3 ... some consequence ... I mean ... succesful blogs do not post once every three months, so updating daily or weekly or whatever is a key factor to retain followers.

I think thats it.
I'm actually drawn to more 'humble' blogs, just everyday musings on fashion by everyday people. It's also quite nice when you can detect the human being behind the images and words, so a moderate amount of openness and individuality works wonders for me. Although image quality is always important, I am more concerned by the clarity of the images, as opposed to the prettiness of them. Pretty images are a bonus, but never quite enough on their own to keep me reading. I do like to see a balance between text and imagery, rather than an onslaught of either. Anything over 10 images of one outfit really doesn't do it for me.

And this is just a personal thing, but I really don't like fashion blogs that are crammed full of magazine scans, or images grabbed from Tumblr and we heart it, etc. I often come across blogs that are created 100% out of someone else's images and words, and many of these are extremely popular, which baffles me. Personally taken images, along with occasional media inspiration works better for me. Oh, and I like a little bit of beauty info thrown in for the mix too, but not to the extent of endless product reviews.
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It's great to have so many different opinions.. After so much discussion in the media, I think it's worthwhile to hear what the blog audience have to say on the subject.

Thanks for the responses, I hope we hear some more opinions soon too!

I think a lot of blog readers find a niche in the blogs that they read, but personally I believe that a broad view of fashion is essential in an interesting/worthwhile blog. A blog shouldn't be just about one type of style (ie. minimalist, goth culture, Vogue worshipping, or what have you), but it should encompass all of the different types of style and fashion culture.
I think that a blog that is relevant and 'in the now' is always important. I like blogs that have intelligent people writing it, who have some gauge of the industry, or the nature of the industry that can provide me with their opinion. Blogs that have a relatively unique sense of style are a must too. Mainly a blog that doesn't reproduce other images or text, but produces their own.
I follow multiple fashion blogs on Blogger/Blogspot. All I can suggest is that there is no such thing as a fashion blog. It all depends on what you want to showcase and how you want to showcase them. Can you have your own personality and style even if you wear the same thing most others do, shop at most of the same places others do, and wear things the way most others do? Absolutely. Standing out is about expressing yourself and your views in your own way. Some fashion bloggers even post about certain deals online from retailers (especially those who have sponsorship). Some simply post about fashion shows and other things. Some post fashion and food, but I never know what is the real connection between the two.

I mean... there's no real way to make a fashion blog as far as what makes a great one is concerned. Just be yourself. Just express fashion the way you want to. Everyone has their own way of doing things. Even in my own blog (which is not under any category besides "personal"), I discuss fashion from time to time with my own thoughts. Maybe I don't pull the trigger on posting anything I know is going to upset people, but I do what I can to offer my own opinions in my own way.

Just go start a fashion blog or make a fashion post in your own way! :D
I believe what makes a fashion blog good is seeing that particular universe that's distinctly the blogger's. The consumption of fashion can always be enriched by things outside of fashion. I've grown weary of bloggers trying to copy this look and that look from such and such season, such and such designer, and so on. I seem to want to see what else is there beyond the surface. What does this blogger read? What does this blogger like to watch? Is he/she particular over a certain auteur? Does this blogger fancy art and does art transcend to his/her sartorial aesthetic? And less of those self-posessed and vacuous bloggers.
And it's better if the blogger posts regularly. I'm not saying on a daily basis but almost.
I think that for style bloggers their personality is the most important thing. I like Chiara Ferragni and Jane Aldridge's blogs because it is not only about clothes and fashion, it is about beauty of their everyday life which inspires me to change my own life for the better.
What I like are blogs that go beyond personal style photos. I prefer blogs with solid content and some sort of an opinion or interesting information from which I can learn something. I guess I prefer blog posts that are more like articles (but more visual and brief) than lookbooks.
I like fashion blogs who combine fashion with related topics like music, movies, arts, food, books etc
Of course a fashion blog should be mainly about fashion, but I think it doesn't hurt if it contains other topics too, because fashion can be found in so many other domains, like movies, tv series, books, arts. One could talk about the style in certain movies or tv series which have a very fashionable attitude and who are a lot about fashion like Gossip Girl for example. Posting pictures of the cutest outfits and maybe interviews with the stylists of the shows, sometimes they have become very famous, as you all probably know, would be interesting.
What I also like, and I have already seen that a few times by now, is when blogger's draw pictures of fashion, shoes or models and put them on their blogs. I think that is so personal, creative and different from all those blogs who just have pics from the internet.

And I have to agree with so many other of you that I think it's great when blogger's talk about their personal life too, like their work or their studies. It's interesting to get to know the person who is blogging
There are different types of blogs. I like On The Runway for the serious, informative posts and well justified opinions, but I also passionately read Searching for Style for the humor, honesty and common-sense approach. I do not always have to agree with a blogger to admire her or him, as long as they have something interesting to say (knowledge and experience in the fashion industry are crucial) and a pleasant-to-read style of writing. It also helps to make a good use of photos and graphics.
I also love it when a blog has an original idea behind it rather than just being "all about fashion". One of my favorites is arthistoryformodels.blogspot.com that mostly focuses on the links between fashion and fine arts.
I am fed up with people posting their own outfits. The one exception is Susie Bubble, but she does way more than that.
I think it's about the person...I can't explain why I'm drawn to certain people or why certain people seem to blow up while others don't. Like with movie stars, I do think blogging stars have to have that undefinable IT, you know? You have it or you don't. Oh, and of course it helps to have a nice big bank account.

Even though I know people like BryanBoy and Rumi gets clothes free, they can't all be for free and I often wonder how they aren't in massive debt.
I am not a huge reader of blogs, but writing quality is a primary factor for me. If the writing bores me (and I have been amazed at the inane content some people will post), I won't be back. As others have said--a point of view, taste--it doesn't have to be mine (and in fact it's guaranteed not to be), but a specific POV is important. And of course it should be beautiful--layout, font, photos, white space. The quality of content should be obvious on the first page, or I won't click any of the links. And ads--the ads, if any, should not be distracting or seem to be the main point of the blog's existence.
I also agree about the writing and the general layout. Even if some are genuinely trying you can still see a lack of personality through the bland writing.
Is it favourable to write a lot of your opinions on your fashion blog? I'm not a strong writer and would only post photos of my outfits with captions on where I bought them from. But when I look at other fashion blogs they tend to have a little introduction about this or that. Do people actually read those? I would assume viewers (who are busy) would just look at the pictures and if they are interested, look to see where it was bought from. Thoughts?

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