High School Students, How to Prepare For Fashion School


Dec 20, 2005
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Hey guys I am a 17 year old high school junior and want to be a designer and know I want to go to FiT. But I need some help first the portfolio what fo I need in it I need it to look proffesional what book can help me with it. I just need help.
I'm in the same situation, I'm 16 and I want to go to FIT or Parsons. I was so lost when it came to the portfolio thing so I looked into classes. It turned out I was able to attend a nearby technical school for fashion design in the moring and then go back to my normal school in the afternoon for my academic classes. Now I'm improving my drawing, sewing and style all while building up pieces for my portfolio. You should look into nearby technical schools to see if you could somehow work something out. Also go to FIT's website and they have all the portfolio guidlines clearly stated. Good Luck!

Thanks I'll try that plus I found out that my school offers a fashion class sure it's only a semester but it's something.
You can apply to FIT and enroll as a matriculated non-degree student, and take classes and get college credit, and then after you've taken a few drawing/sewing classes, then you can apply with a portfolio as a degree student, and the credits you took will still apply for your degree.
Hello my fashion forward friends. Question...Well a few actually.

These questions are geared toward students wishing to pursue fashion:

What knowledge and skills should high school students (most likely seniors) be equipped with before applying to a major design school?

Should these students be able to sew very well and know about different seams?

At what level should their illustrating abilities be?

How well learned in garment construction should they be?

Please if any of the knowledge-filled members could clarify these things for me - I would be ever so grateful!
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I'd like to know this too... unfortunately my school's art department is worthless.
the position i'm in right now suits your question very well...

i am in my final year of high school, and thus far i've taken fashion for the last to years...what i learned were basic sewing skills (how to make a tote bag, pajama pants, hooded sweater, darts, pleats, gathers, hems, etc..) this is very very helpful and crucial if you'd like to pursue fashion in post secondary education...friends and profs from university stress this very much, those who do not know how to sew are going to either flunk out or get kicked out...i pursue more complex projects on my own: beading and more complicated patterns...

>other helpful things to know are about manufacturing and production. what is CAD, what's grading, types of weaves, etc., etc.

your illustration skills should be mature, know the difference between natural (8 heads) and 'illustration' (10 heads) proprtions..my fashion course taught me nothing about this, in this aspect i'm self taught...

- really helps if you're knowledgeable in visual arts...


the reason i'm telling you this is because right now i'm in the process of completing my portfolio (two actually, one for a fashion design program, one for a fashion business/marketing program), these ask for things like 4 illustrations, 3 garments, two graphic pieces, 1 self-portrait, blah, blah, blah..

everything i've learned about fashion and art both at school and tfs :smile:blush:smile: i found so extremely helpful...

ABOVE ALL though...if i was not as passionate about fashion as i am, i would be doing everything half-heartedly, and i definitely wouldn't take 20 mins to read an article about hedi slimane, or learn about why satin is shiny just because...make sure you find yourself caring about fashion, otherwise (imo) it's not worth pursuing it....

:flower: :flower: :flower:
*Pastry* Thanks so much for the info. I believe it has given greater knowledge and understanding to those who had the same questions. I do agree with you in saying that you must contain a passion for fashion. You must have a vision and a definitive point of view. Clothes should take you on a journey or tell a story or display and idea. Being a designer is more than the clothes, its about the art.
thanks pastry, the advice is very helpful since I was wondering about that too
Thank you pastry! Karma for you! I only wish my school could have an art program or home econmy at least. Are there certain art classes you can take to acquire this knowledge?
^ i go to art school:P...but there ar still a lot of overachievers :smile:yuk: ) who take classes outside of school..i'm sure you can find a fashion illustration class or workshop, nowadays you can find anything, right?
Pastry said:
^ i go to art school:P...but there ar still a lot of overachievers :smile:yuk: ) who take classes outside of school..i'm sure you can find a fashion illustration class or workshop, nowadays you can find anything, right?

Thanks for the info:flower: I've always wondered what the major differences are between an art high school and a regular one?
I'm so confused about what art courses I want to take. I'm very interested in business, and think that that's what I want to do, but I love art and fashion so so much. A relative of mine was once a buyer for Barney's, and now works with another company, and I believe she went to fashion school. I need to make course selections for next year, my junior year in high school. I'm thinking of taking fashion, because I don't know how to sew, but I sketch often, and would love to bring my creations to life! I really want to take marketing too, and I also have the oppurtunity to take "Ad Agency", b/c I took "ad design" this year..in Ad agency you actually get to design logos, etc. for programs in the school and the outside community. I just don't know what to do!! I think I'll take AP Art History, but I can't take that until Senior year! Any suggestions? I'm only a sophomore, but I'm finding myself freaking out about what college I'll end up going to, and if it'll be "good enough"..it seems like its so hard to get into colleges these days, you have to be an oustanding athlete or student, I'm an athlete, but a figure skater...to bad it's not a school sport! I love art and I'd love to pursue it more, but maybe I should take marketing in school and find a fashion class outside of school?
if you love fashion and the arts, then pursue fashion and the arts. i'm a visual arts major in my school, which helps quite a bit, it's kinda of a really good stain on your record....

also, take take take something that deals with graphic design. if you know how to design a magazine cover, business card, etc....it will make you university love easier. when you want to apply to a business fashion course, they'll ask you for those things. they asked me for them:P

and stop freaking out! you'll look at this a couple of years later and realize that it's all a giant joke. post-secondary institutions aren't that hard to get into. just like the news, they try to scare you. and believe me, you won't have to worry about this stuff untill your final year of high school, no one ever does..
^ ahh thanks for that lol it calmed me down. The art program at my school is actually alright, in my ad design course we're working on all the things you mentioned!! I just finished a project where I had to design a cover for Rolling Stone magazine, and later on in the year we work on things like business cards and invitations. I'm still confused about what course to take next year, but I think I'll like whatever I choose!
Im just posting this so its on my subscribe list and so I can read everything later ^_^


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