

Active Member
May 18, 2006
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So theres a thread on ipods, iphones, etc..
so i figured id start a macbook thread because in some ways they are an accessory

anyone have experience with macbooks that they would like toshare?

im debating purchasing one and would like to hear what others have to say:flower:
My life line! Always said I've never used a PC by choice. I've been a long supporter of the Mac, everything just works. Best defined as reclined computing if there is such a thing? Beware by owning a Mac you also join the Cult of Mac, like the mob once your in there's no getting out. You'll probably question why you waited so long?
dear god..they are the best thing typing on one right now.
I have a MacBook Pro, and I adore it! I had a PC before and I will never go back!
i have a Vaio notebook, and i was wondering what do YOU as customers like the most about your macbooks (design, programs, performance)???
^ugh i hate vaio
i had the ultra mini one and the screen cracked TWICE...900$ to fix each time..

im thinking of getting a macbook pro

will games like the sims or simcity work well on reg. macbook or would i have to get a macbook pro?
I have an iBook, it's getting old and I really want a Macbook! The magnetic power cord is so cool, and the camera.
sorry if I sound slow but what is a macbook?:blush:

here's mine with this red plastic cover... thing :doh: now i need a red nano to match!
sorry if I sound slow but what is a macbook?:blush:

:lol: ,Are you for real???
It's the new MAC laptop..........:flower:
Anyways,I love it....,been using mac for years,:heart: ,but I rarely use mine except for travelling abroad.......,I use my IMac at home:blush: ,and i'm not a businesswomen...i'm just a good ol' desperate housewife,so i dont carry it around town:blush:
hahahha yes I was for real =P

but thanks for the explanation
Amazing. I recieved mine last week... (a black macbook), it's super sleek. The speed is amazing, it only takes 5 - 10 seconds to turn on!
i also have a vaio, but my boyfriend has a macbook pro. i think i will also get one soon. hes been telling me to get the macbook bc i really dont need the pro but i dont really like the keyboard on the macbook haha and the one on the pro illuminates! (i know its really not necessary but i love it) what color macbook do you guys have? i like the white ones but im afraid they will get dirty, how are the covers if you have one? the only thing i like about my vaio is that the screen goes all the way back but besides that its sooooo slow.
I am trying to decide between a mac book, a basic one and a pink sony vaio. You can get a cover that can change the colour of the macbook which can be a good idea for people incase they do not like white.
I am messy, so a white one will get dirty very quickly and I like the idea of having a fast laptop different.
I used to have the tangerine mac a while ago and it broke. I have then stuck to dell, have to see what is around!
My life line! Always said I've never used a PC by choice. I've been a long supporter of the Mac, everything just works. Best defined as reclined computing if there is such a thing? Beware by owning a Mac you also join the Cult of Mac, like the mob once your in there's no getting out. You'll probably question why you waited so long?

thats the exact thing that everyone of my friends who own a mac tell me!
besides its features, it looks so damn beautiful.. i want one :cry:
i am getting me a macbook when i get the money. i'd get a pro but i don't think i'll have enough to do that since i'm going to europe at the end of the summer. but

i think we as customers should really be supportive of apple products, besides the mere design features,but apple in general is 'greener' when it comes to mercury and such inside the computer itself,than any brand out there. and after using an ibook for quite a long time and having to alternate to a PC Dell notebook(not mine,so thankfully i didn't have to shell out the money for it)after it got hit by a lightening. i truly miss the formatting of the utterly easy to navigate through!!!
I switched to Mac last year after being an Ubuntu-Linux user and I must say I couldn't expect more from my Macbook. I own a white one.

At first I liked the design, but after seeing how my boyfriend's one worked and all its applications, I decided to buy my own one. And I'll never regret leaving pcs behind.
i think we as customers should really be supportive of apple products, besides the mere design features,but apple in general is 'greener' ...

That's not really true, Apple is the worst company when it comes to the environment as far as their manufacturing process. Although they've promised to go green, they current have the worst reputation in the industry for their factory processes. :innocent:

I own a black macbook. It's very light, the screen is beautifully sharp although the colours aren't particularly great (it's a laptop, what do you expect). The battery life is phenomenal, if you're only running safari and msn then you can expect 4-5 hours of use with optimized battery settings. I find the laptop is very fast and no annoying disc tray which is usually very flimsy. I run Final Cut Pro, Motion (yes, motion) and Cinema 4D with ease, Final Cut Pro is especially fast.

The main downside is that the MacBook has an integrated Graphics Card so some programs don't work, you have to check with each manufacturer before you buy software. Also it gets dirty very very easily so I'd suggest buying some cleaning materials and a keyboard protector as well as a dust case for storage. The inbuilt speakers are practically useless so you'll need some headphones.

Hmm what else...not much else to report. I can't wait for Leopard, although I love OSX right now it's too basic. Not that I want bloat but there are some key features missing.

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