Apple's iPhone

So guys.. classic question.. should I buy 4s or 5? I've never ever had Apple products so this is my first time. I'm leaning towards 5 though, with the fast connection & wider size... my fingers are huge, so... :zorro:

why should you get something that´s updated already? get a 5.
Naw, I read somewhere that there's a little difference between 4s and 5. Not to add the prices + they only have 4s in stock right now so if I'm a little desperate I could buy one now but I guess I'll wait :P
the 5 has a better camera and the display is bigger. the quality and sound of your videos is much better. it´s thinner and lighter but taller.
i have a 4s and my boyfriend a 5. he likes his much better (the 4s was his previously and i had a 4). there is no big different between 4 and 4s so i would go for the 5.
it also looks more elegant.
i know it´s pricey, but apple items don´t have much loss in worth (unlike nokia etc.)
holy smokes, my iphone 4s is a real trooper.

so i went out 2 nights ago, things got a bit wild and i somehow dropped my phone in a glass of beer. i raced to the bathroom to for some reason rinse it off with water, and it doesn't seem to be damaged in the slightest! :D :P
the other day I spilled my cup of hot tea over my iphone and bumper. both are fine. but the hot tea was so hot on my legs :cry:
^lol yea, it's really crazy how much an iphone can survive. considering how much more complex they are, you'd think they would be way more at risk with water damage than good ol' flip phones and such!
^^^That piece of glass over your touchscreen is what keeps it ticking despite taking a lickin', whereas those horrible flip phones of yesteryear are full of gaps and crevices for the slightest drop of moisture to mess up the internals.

Just a quick tip for those accidents where liquids are concerned:

- Immediately turn it off.
-Turn the gadget/notebook upside down.
- Don't rinse with water if you've spilt juice, beer, coffee, etc., just clean the surface with a damp cloth/paper towel.
- If possible, cover the item in a bowl/bag of uncooked rice (never cooked--d'uh!). The dry rice will absorb the moisture out.
- If no rice available, leave the item upside down on a towel for 24 hrs before turning it back on.
- If it does turn on, carefully monitor to make sure it's working fine. Sometimes, it'll be fine for a week than it will start to not work.
- If you're unsure, take it to Apple and see a Genius. I hate going to the Apple store because most of the people there don't know what they're doing-- even the so-called geniuses, who never likes it when I correct them. Their Customer Service are not very knowledgable beyond the general info that may be found on the Apple site.

Apple computers were so awesome back in the day, I don't like what they've become now. They release products in a rush all the time now before working out all the bugs/kinks, with new cash-grab revisions every several months that have only the slightest upgrades. I miss the Apple of 10 years ago-- they never crapped out on you like they do now.

End of rant.
Possibly purchasing my first iPhone next month. I'm still in love with my Blackberry. :smile:

Should I opt for iPhone or Samsung Galaxy?
My sister has the Samsung Galaxy S3 and whilst it's a very very good phone, I cannot help but to think iPhone's are more superior. Applications are far more accessible, a load more are available for the iPhone (iOS) as opposed to Android phones. I don't know what it is.. but once I've went iPhone, I doubt I'll be resorting back to anything else. They're just the best - no matter how many faults critics find with them. So, from me, defiantly an iPhone!
iPhone is much better built, looks better, better apps, never really got what peuple see attractif in Samsung.
Those massive samsungs I see people with would be a hassle for me. My iPhone 5 is the perfect size to hold/text/browse my apps with one hand and it's so light! It must weigh about as much as a candy bar. Screen is bring and videos look crisp. It has all the apps I would want, is incredibly easy to use (pretty sure my grandmother could figure it out) and it looks so simple and well designed, too. I've had it since it came out and I haven't experience a single error with it. Also, people complain that the batter runs out too quickly, but I've never had an issue with that. Don't think I'll ever willingly choose another kind of phone.
Thanks, guys! As I suspected, I'm going to stick with getting an iPhone when the time comes. I've been lusting after it for years so I think it will be meant to happen.
I think iPhone has become really vulgar as of late and I want to change it... I'm trying to find a new mobile, and I kind of like Karlie's. Does anybody know who makes it? It looks too big and I don't like that colour, but the design is quite sleek. Could it be the new HTC one? I don't think so, but who knows.
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I certain it's Microsoft's HTC after I done a Google search; although I'm unknowledgeable about Microsoft products:
Thank you a lot, vogue28!

I'm surprised because I thought it was going to be quite beautiful, but it looks terrible actually.
You're most welcome, Creative. I'm not a huge admirer of how the HTC looks either. For me, I think colours such as those ones above make the product look childlike and inexpensive. I'm not even an admire of the white iPhone's - I have a black/slate one.
Yes, you're totally right, those colours look terrible and make it look cheap. And the material is awful too, it looks too plastic (I prefer aluminum).

By the way, I also have the black iPhone 5. The size is perfect and I used to like the design, but I'm tired of it and the battery runs out too quickly (I didn't have that problem with the 4s), so I want a new one... But, which one? They are all hideous.
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Concerning the battery, have you tried draining the battery and then charging right up to 100% without using the phone? The guy at the Apple store recommend I do that about once a month and it has worked for me.
My mom owns an iphone but after using her phone for few days I realized that my phone is much better, it's a samsung and I'm more than satisfied with it.
No, I never did that, but I'm going to do it tonight. Hope it works! Thank you for the advice. :flower:

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