Men Working in the Fashion Industry


Nov 16, 2006
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I was wondering how many men here on tFs are working in the fashion industry and in what positions. If you haven't guessed, I'm a male; I post this because I will be doing my first internship this summer at a large fashion house in Manhattan in the field of marketing. I would like to know how many others on here are working or begining to get into the industry that is predominantly female.

i'm sorry but somehow -at least in europe and as far as top industry positions - fashion is predominanly ..male :ninja:
^top industry positions like... art director, business manager...?
^ right, also add finance directors, 'power' stylists etc :wink:
Obviously I am a bit mistaken. When I think of it, I think you are right. I'm not sure why I had that mindset, maybe its just late haha. Either way...I'm interested to see the range of job titles guys have; specificall on this forum.
EVery industry is male dominated. Fashion is no different. They may be gay, but they're still male.
Like James Brown said, it's a man's world.

And look at all the corruption.....
Well, I work as a menswear stylist. And the last time I checked, I still would bed a woman than a man.
And don't forget photographers ... mostly male and mostly straight. Maekup artists and hair stylists in addition to fashion stylists ... a mixture of every type. Bookers in agencies ... often male.
^kind of weird, isn't it? Why does there seem to be less women
but the students in fashion schools, the women seem to outnumber the men
BetteT said:
And don't forget photographers ... mostly male and mostly straight. Maekup artists and hair stylists in addition to fashion stylists ... a mixture of every type. Bookers in agencies ... often male.
Male, straight..... and desperate!!!
gius said:
^kind of weird, isn't it? Why does there seem to be less women
but the students in fashion schools, the women seem to outnumber the men

Thats what I was going to mention. When I started fashion school there would usually be 1-3 guys in a class of 15-30. Now in my last few quarters there's been one guy in ALL of my classes. It's surprising, and sad, that they're the ones succeeding.
In class there was only two or three guys in the whole group. Most of the girls sucked *** at what they were doing other than patternmaking and construction, im not generalizing just saying the ones in my school.

As for design and illustration, I kicked a lot of ***, sadly its too much money for me to keep pursuing. But yeah, sad that from school not a lot of the girls were succesful at what they were doing, and they end up doing "Miranda assistant" jobs.
...and the only place the women dominate in the fashion industry is in modeling B)
and personally I think its sad cause modeling doesn't really involve any brains.

again takes us to a third world "world" where men go to work and women stay at home. There should be a 50-50 with both men and women being succesful in this business. And its slowly becoming so.
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au contraire! there are models who are very intelligent... they got the whole package of both beauty and brains, that my friend, outweighs everything :wink:

Alejandro said:
and personally I think its sad cause modeling doesn't really involve any brains.
Alejandro said:
and personally I think its sad cause modeling doesn't really involve any brains.

hmm..clearly you dont know what you're talking about
^then explain how brains are needed to do modelling:P
exactly put on some clothes and get your cha cha heels on and run.

and honey, don't fall.

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