Most influential movie on fashion?


Feb 19, 2006
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Hi everybody. What do you think is the one movie that MOST influenced fashion for its time, and started a trend that lasted for the longest time?

Here are some thoughts -
For those of us old enough to remember THE REAL EIGHTIES (not the current rekindling of the decade)

I think this was a very influential movie. I remember people my age wearing their own handmade cut-offs FOREVER after this movie was released, just like the ones baby wears in the lip-sync scene...

Arrested after strutting around the Statute of Liberty, mermaid Darryl Hannah has her oceanic nakedness covered with an XXXXL T-shirt. C'mon... who didn't wear a gigantic tee as PJs for the next twelve years following this romantic cinematic favorite?

THELMA AND LOUISE (okay, this was the early nineties)
All of a sudden, cowboy boots, hats, and sleeveless plaid shirts tied to expose the belly were not just for waitresses and housewives on the run anymore...

Add your own thoughts!:heart:
The Fifth Element
Blade Runner
Tank Girl
Demolition Man
Remember the "Rose" dress that everyone copied?

The transformation of prep/bad girl gets a lot of coverage
the matrix

not just in goth circles - long black coats, sunglasses, pvc - they became a lot more popular after it came out.

and more recently - memoirs of a geisha - the oriental trend was huge!!! but alas, fading away... :(
napoleon dynamite ... so many people had vote for pedro tee shirts
clueless - knee high socks
amelie - that red dress and her quirky style .. also her hair cut
desperately seeking susan...
16 candles
breakfast club

miss artemis said:
so why not 'pretty in pink'? haha

Oh my all time favorite movie.:heart:

I think movies like:

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Rebel Without a Cause - inspired the plain white tee shirt to be worn alone, NOT just under another shirt.

Brokeback Mountain - I think to some degree inspired alot of what we are seeing on the runways now. Lot's of designers have shown "cowboy looks" lately.
tiamaria said:
amelie - that red dress and her quirky style .. also her hair cut

Agree. Last winter I cut my hair in this style, long after the premiere, so I guess we can say it's still inspiring.

What about Almost Famous? It's one of my biggest inspiration-movies, and I've heard a lot of other people who also is inspired by this movie.
miss artemis said:
so why not 'pretty in pink'? haha
actually-i meant pretty in pink- not 16 candles...

gladiator. how long has that roman look trend been going on? :lol:
I can't believe no one has mentionned Blow-Up yet.
David Hemmings rocking the white skinny jeans, Veruschka, Jane Birkin, Peggy Moffit, and the Yardbirds thrown all in one movie. Wow.

I would say without a doubt , 2 movies come to mind no1
FLASHDANCE !!!!!!!!! im mean come on , it brought huge sweatshirts with with oversize off shoulders, headbands, leg warmers, bodysuits , red pumps could i say more???
big baggy pants, victorian blouses, vests , hair buns, funky hats
disco54 said:
I would say without a doubt , 2 movies come to mind no1
FLASHDANCE !!!!!!!!! im mean come on , it brought huge sweatshirts with with oversize off shoulders, headbands, leg warmers, bodysuits , red pumps could i say more???
big baggy pants, victorian blouses, vests , hair buns, funky hats

I agree, these movies are on a different level since they influenced fashion history and defined an era, not only caused passing trends.:flower:
I also agree with Breakfast at Tiffany's and Rebel Without a Cause, Desparately Seeking Susan :heart: and Pretty in Pink for the same reason.

Also from Audrey: Roman Holiday (pixie cut!), Sabrina (capri pants, aka "Sabrina pants" at the time)

We can't avoid giving credit to Top Gun too...all those bomber jackets and girls with that wavy, side-parted hairstyle :P

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