Please Help Me With My Homework/Research/Survey

What's happening in the world at large will certainly find its way into fashion magazines--no one could keep it out. I'm fine with that, as long as serious, complex topics aren't treated flippantly.
Excellently put! I agree with you,it's important to be creative in response to the world, but I think these magazines have a duty not to just use it as an excuse to be controversial and be flippant about it as you said.
Spring/Summer 2016 Trends Project

Hello everyone, I am working on a project for class that involves trends from the upcoming Spring/Summer 2016 season. I am wondering if anyone could give me some good places to research. I have already been to a really good one called I also came here to look for ideas too. I just need a few others to look at not only colors but different garment trends too. I would appreciate any help you guys could offer.

Hello everyone, I am working on a project for class that involves trends from the upcoming Spring/Summer 2016 season. I am wondering if anyone could give me some good places to research. I have already been to a really good one called I also came here to look for ideas too. I just need a few others to look at not only colors but different garment trends too. I would appreciate any help you guys could offer.


we do not have any threads here on S/S 2016 collections. i can tell you that. its far too early.
Yeah .... I've been thinking about how to forecast trends for a year out ... when the collections won't even be seen until Sept. It's unlikely that anyone is publishing anything about 2016 trends, yet.

All I can suggest is that you learn the process about how trends come about ... and then it should give you some insight. Here are a few resources I thought of that might help you learn more about trend forecasting:

Pantone ... this is the company that forecasts colors for the upcoming year and names the "color of the year" ... not sure when they do this. Designers in all disciplines (fashion, furniture, appliances, cars, pretty much everything) buy their information and that is why you will suddenly see a certain color all over the place. This year's color of the year is "Merlot", a brownish red. Now, I don't think you can get this information in advance ... unless you pay for it.

Here are some old threads that might have some helpful information and links in some of the posts: one thread about how trends come about and one about a career in trend forecasting:
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Pantone ... this is the company that forecasts colors for the upcoming year and names the "color of the year" ... not sure when they do this. Designers in all disciplines (fashion, furniture, appliances, cars, pretty much everything) buy their information and that is why you will suddenly see a certain color all over the place. This year's color of the year is "Merlot", a brownish red. Now, I don't think you can get this information in advance ... unless you pay for it.

It's "Marsala". :wink: It has been announced in the beginning of December 2014, so you will have to wait for a long time (they don't reveal it before that under any circumstances). And I think it has more to do with graphic and industrial design than fashion.
Lidewij Edelkoort is a trendwatcher who already has done a forecasting for S/S 16. The title of the trendseminar she gave is 'Vanities'. I think if you use her name and the season you will find some articles about the seminar she gave.
Good luck with your project! :flower:
Yeah .... I've been thinking about how to forecast trends for a year out ... when the collections won't even be seen until Sept. It's unlikely that anyone is publishing anything about 2016 trends, yet.
Now, I don't think you can get this information in advance ... unless you pay for it.
bettet is right.
brands pay a lot of $ to forecasting companies for these types of services.

however, certain brands have longer lead times than others. so trends will show up slower at stores like macys, walmart. so it's conceivable that trends shown on the s/s 2015 catwalks will be instores years later after having trickled down and still be "in fashion".
Dating vintage

Dear everybody,

hope all of you are well! I'm working right now on a very personal project, and I would need your help since you guys seem to have a such large knowledge in fashion! I found these pictures, I know the designer of the pieces seen in these pics - some of them are Azzedine Alaïa, Dolce Gabbana, Stephen Sprouse etc... - but I really would need to have the right season and year for each picture for the project i'm working on. If you could help me with this, it'd be so nice and i'd be really grateful...

Thanks in advance for your time and help everybody :-)

Pics here:

Italian tailors: Stop Sénès & Calabri

Hi everyone,

I'm researching on Italian tailors from the Fifties / Sixties / Seventies. I'd like to write a bio about 2 Italian tailors, Stop Sénès (Rome) and Calabri (Florence), but I absolutely cannot find any piece of information about them.

I was wondering if someone here can help me find some website or any online resource where I can find this kind of information. Anything - even small details - can help.

Thank you so much for your help!
Hi, for my project I have designed a backpack but I was wondering if anyone could give me suggestions for how to make it a bit more innovative


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Nice looking leather!

How about a few sleek add-ons ... to allow the buyer to customize it to what he's doing at the moment. Example ... he's on his bike ... maybe an add on pouch on the side for a water bottle? Or a case for sunglasses or his iPhone, etc. (Any iPhone holder would have to be very secure, but still easy to access)

That's all I can think of.
Nice looking leather!

How about a few sleek add-ons ... to allow the buyer to customize it to what he's doing at the moment. Example ... he's on his bike ... maybe an add on pouch on the side for a water bottle? Or a case for sunglasses or his iPhone, etc. (Any iPhone holder would have to be very secure, but still easy to access)

That's all I can think of.

I like the sound of that and I was also thinking of trying to make it more a everyday bag by...

• Remove the magnetic clip
• Adjustable buckle and belt for front
• Detachable back straps
• 4 legs at the bottom so base of backpack does not touch ground when put down
• Removable and insert able compartment blocks (this square has designated space for a 13” laptop, tablet, books, phone, purse, other accessories) it can be removed to make backpack space more bigger or smaller suited to what i am currently carrying
• Square tag so I can put a personal name label in
On the topic of Power Dressing

Hi everyone,

We've heard of the ideas of 'power dressing' and being 'dressed to kill'). I have a couple questions:

1. What's the working definition to these? Any idea of how the choice of wording came about?

2. What combinations are needed in an outfit to achieve the effects?
- What components in a particular part of an outfit are
given attention & symbolism? What are the meanings (perhaps
even the stereotypes which go into this?)

What would the case be for women? What about for men? Aside from talking about the aspect of clothing, I'm also interested in reading what you have to say about the role of varied accessories in this effect...

Also, please do feel free to mention aspects that I haven't brought up in my questions which you think is considerably relevant to our discussion.

Thanks much! :-D
Here's what I understand it to be ...

Power dressing: a term used in the 80's for women in business who were just beginning to rise to positions of "power" for the first time after the women's lib movement ... in other words, women were moving up to management. It was a way for women to compete with men on the men's turf ... by wearing tailored suits with big shoulder pads and with either straight pencil skirts or pants, which made a woman look more like a man.

Also, in the 80's there was the movie "Wall Street" and many young men started to dress like Gordon Gecko (not sure if I spelled this correctly) .... yellow ties, suspenders and severely slicked back hair. This was a popular style of "power dressing" for men in the 80's.

Since then it usually means a way of dressing like top management in business... for either men or women.

For a man, a suit is always power dressing, but it's got to be sharply tailored. Sometimes I hear a man refer to a "power tie" which is always part of power dressing for a man, but what it looks like changes, depending on the current style. With one exception .... the diagonally striped tie, which I think originated from prep schools, has always been considered a power tie and continues to be so ... probably because it was first worn by the wealthy students. But other patterns and materials come and go as "power ties". And men do not always wear ties in business, nowadays ... unless they are top managment in a conservative company ... like banking. Right now a white shirt, always a power dressing standard, has been joined by colored shirts and stripes and plaids. So the definition of power dressing has broadened.

Woman don't wear suits much anymore, unless they are older or in politics ... most likely because women are not battleing to compete as much (they have partially arrived ... not at top management often, but certainly in lower and middle management). I would say to today's power dressing for a woman can still be a suit, but more often it would be slim dresses and skirts and still pants, sometimes with a light jacket to add on for more emphasis. So the look has softened ... and women look a bit more feminine in business.

Here's much more detail about the history of "power dressing":

Dressed to kill: that's something else. I think the term started in the 40's, but I'm not sure ... maybe something to do with the war? It usually does not refer to working or business attire, but more about dressing for special occasions. It means dressing up in fancy clothing, so that you attract a lot of attention. Same as "dressed to the nines".
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I didn't know where to post this, but I was having a discussion with a friend about which fashion house is the "biggest". She had learnt from a quiz that it is Dior? Is this correct? I couldn't find any information on the matter myself.

I don't know what the quiz meant by "biggest". Could be most famous (I assumed it was Chanel...) or most successful financially.
I have no idea.

But ... I think that you could probably start a thead about this topic, if you would like, in Designers and Collections. Sounds like it could stimulate and interesting conversation and the members who frequent that forum might have some solid information.

Of course, your point about what "largest" means would have to be discussed and decided. My thoughts about that is it probably means which house generates the most in sales ... by dollars. But it could also mean "biggest", in the sense of number of employees or square feet of their ateliers, stores, and any related real estate. So, that question is rather vague, actually.
^Thank you for your reply! I agree it is vague, but so was the quiz. I think they probably meant in dollars, but I don't agree with that interpretation. It was a Norwegian quiz. It might have meant "greatest" too. And then we are talking about talent, influence and a lot more than just money and numbers... This is why I can't do quizzes ever:lol: I will consider making a thread:flower:
Hello, everyone!

I'm writing a piece on SPFW for a travel website, one of the questions I have to answer is how a brand or designer is selected to be part of SPFW's line up. Any insider tips or thoughts, please?

I believe the brand must pay to be there and be somehow known and of quality, but does anyone have real information on how this work, please?

(ps: I'm sorry if this has being discussed somewhere else on the forum, I wasn't able to use the search box, I've got the 404 error every time I tried.)

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