The Da Vinci Code

dgie said:
Loved it!!!! :heart:
But, I'm disappointed that they're going to ruin it by making a movie- movies rarely compare to the books they are based on.

yes, that's usually true, i'd agree.
I loved it, mostly because I've read about the whole priory of sion thing before. I'm a sucker for mysteries :blush:
i enjoyed the Da Vinci Code, tho the ending was a little dissapointing, and i found the female character to be a bit too 2D, as tho she was there only to be the beauty on his arm... i have also read Angels and Demons which i think i enjoyed more. true they aren't what you might call literature, but if you like a mystery and find religion based conspiracy theories intriguing you will probably love it!! :smile: [i happen to like both those things]
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I mean it's not great literature or anything but it's a decent book. Really pulls you in right away which is difficult to do I think. My only problem is that Dan Brown painted a lot of the art history things to be known facts when in fact they are not. For example, he says that the Virgin of the Rocks at the Louvre is thought to be the first when actually there is a large body of people who believe the one at the National Gallery to be the first. Also the positioning of the Virgin's hand to be sort of 'twisted' so to speak which isn't even how I was taught it which was that it was sort of 'loving'. Anyway, it was still a good read.
esiders said:
I agree! The writing style was very reminded me of reading teenage mystery books like Nancy Drew.

The subject matter was interesting, but if you know anything about early Christianity/paganism/ancient mythology, then the theories are really nothing new or innovative.:innocent:

i absolutely agree..
to me the story was a joke but regardless, it is a VERY bad writen book, Dan Brown could easily be the worst author i ever read in this life.. so over advertised, affecting global conciousness... and all his silly propaganda is seriously getting on my nerves :angry:
Meg said:
My only problem is that Dan Brown painted a lot of the art history things to be known facts when in fact they are not.

ditto - he's a bit of a joke within the art history academic community because of this. :ermm:
^ I guess that was erroneously posted. ^_^ Cannes Festival critics laughed at it and called Tom Hanks bloated! I knew he wasn't right for the role :angry: . Just because he's Ron Howard's best friend he gave it him. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Hanks ruined Robert Langdon :doh:
A friend of mine went to see that movie and said it is really bad, comparing with the novel. She mentioned that Tom Hanks becomes a typcial American hero and Audrey Tautou is like his follower kind of idiot, not as smart as Sophie. :cry:
My sister-in-laws say the movie last night....
they said it was really good.
But they also both liked Failure to Launch so I can't take their words for it.:lol:
I loved teh book.And i just couldnt put it down once i started reading it!So i read her in two days a thing i have never done before and dont think i ever will!I was just so hooked!
Cant wait for the movie and while it got a great critic reviews in US it good slated in France!I am not surprised and we all know that the church has a lot to do with it.So dont mind the reviews and go and see it for yourself!I sure will no matter what the critics say!
i read The Da Vinci Code two years ago, i love it
and today i am going to see movie, i want to show this movie to my younger sister
I saw the was ok. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't particularly good. I giggled during some 'important' moments :innocent:
^I did that too a couple times as well. It was a pretty fun and entertaining movie but some parts really were overly dramatic. Anyways, even if it did get bad reviews, you still gotta give it credit for showing just how strongly religion affects (and some could argue, controls) peoples' lives. I still have a really hard time understanding why people who are devoutly religious can still kill another human being.

By the way, is the book any good?
Misako said:
Everyone always reads The DaVinci Code first, even though the first appearance of Langdon is in Angels and Demons. I also prefer Angels and Demons to The DaVinci Code, and if you guys are interested in bibliomysteries, I also recommend Umberto Eco, Katherine Neville, Iain Pears, and Matthew Pearl...there was one other but I forgot his name. Those are my biggies for bibliomysteries, though, but they're more heady books than Dan Brown's stuff is, which is much more thriller-esque.

Hey Misako, thanks for the recommendations! I read Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum and it was a much, much, much more difficult read than Dan Brown. It was very interesting though. Like you said, Brown's are more thriller-esque.

^ I guess that was erroneously posted.
Cannes Festival critics laughed at it and called Tom Hanks bloated! I knew he wasn't right for the role
. Just because he's Ron Howard's best friend he gave it him. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Hanks ruined Robert Langdon

LOL smartarse, just 'cos the critics don't like it doesn't mean other people cannot like the movie. I've not watched it and I intend to once the hype has settled a little and the throngs of people have lessened. I was afraid I was going to be horribly disappointed because that's always what happens when I read the book, then watch the movie. But thanks to the critics and the bashing the movie got, I'll go with a lot less expectation and hope to be pleasantly surprised.
But I agree with you. I've seen the trailers and Tom Hanks has totally ruined my image of Langdon!!!:cry: Why did they have to go style his hair in that hideous manner??? :sick:That's sad because Tom Hanks is one of my favourite actors. :cry:
BTW, you've got a very cute username :wink:
As I said for 100 times now, Dan Brown wrote a best seller not a masterpiece, he doesn't write literature. The film is a blockbuster not a masterpice.

Having said that, I actually liked this movie. I thought sir Ian Mckellen was really good, Paul Bettany outstanding as Silas(I actually felt sorry for him in the film though I disliked him in the book), Audrey was good and she wasn't all the time with her eyes wide open as many critics said. Hanks as Langdon?? Well he is actually the most wooden character of all, seriously, Hanks had no great material to use. I think he was fine, no zombie at all.
I saw it last night and I didn't like it at all. C'est horrible.

Ron Howard made it as cheesy as he could had and used bad casting. The holograms? Come on. He had to SHOW everything and left nothing to the imagination. And this is why the Cannes critics hated it. They hate when they are made to be a stupid audience and, as the Europeans (or any non-Americans) do, like a little left to the imagination; a little insinuation instead of a blatant lay-it-out method.

That being said, the editing staff I think did a wonderful job of paring down the long book into a movie, and was smart in editing out certain details.

Hanks was unconvincing as Langdon, and wasn't the right person to play him. He lacked a certain academic sophistication and he just looks too goofy. And where the hell was the tweed? He made a lot of the audience laugh at inappropriate times, and his awkwardness just did not sell me on the fact that he was supposed to be a renowned Harvard professor. I stil think they should have just given in and used Harrison Ford for Langdon.

Audrey Tautou was better than I thought she would be, but in my opinion, a little too young-looking to play the role.

Ian McKellen, as the critics said, was the only really good thing about the movie and his portrayal of Leigh Teabing was both intriguing and smart.
I liked it just fine...a good fun thriller of a movie :flower:
I see alot of movies and believe me, i have seen much much worse.
People are acting like this is "Basic Instinct 2":lol: this is a good popcorn film, shot beautifully, with great actors, and a truly intriguing plot...thumbs up from me.

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