Designer & Fashion Insiders Behavior (PLEASE READ POST #1 BEFORE POSTING)

^ Not a tough decision for me as I only ever bought one T from him years ago, and the quality was terrible, especially considering the pricetag! It is still knocking around my loungewear 'collection.'
^ Not a tough decision for me as I only ever bought one T from him years ago, and the quality was terrible, especially considering the pricetag! It is still knocking around my loungewear 'collection.'

Right, lol! But would you, for instance, take issue if you come across a flowery Wang designer profile in the latest issue of Elle, a pro-women magazine? Let's assume for a second that Elle is your favourite read.
See, I think that as an Elle consumer, you do have that right to feel some sort of way and also, to let Elle know about that. It's then Elle's decision if they want to oblige to your complaint or not.

I think that cancel culture often get so much hate because some (those who are against it) tend to look at the repercussions first and say - they've put this poor man through hell and he's left with nothing. What more do they want?!?
The movement has helped with A LOT. Without cancel culture I doubt Me Too, Times Up, or BLM would've been effective.
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Sounds to me like you're asking a trick question, Lola? Not trying to start a row. LOL. Why do you want to know what the end goal is? Are you waiting for the answer only to pick holes in it? It's not for you or me to ask the victims 'well, what do you want to have happened to Wang?'. That should be left to the court and even then punishment should be meted out in accordance with the crime.

And if you meant to aim the question at the greater public, well, Wang is a public figure. Pretty much the face of his brand thanks to a star designer culture that has been actively encouraged by the industry since Tom Ford. The very star designer culture that pretty much fuels millennial spending habits, something that Wang enjoyed for years. Consumers will have to decide if they want to continue supporting the brand because that ultimately means they support his values. If they're happy to continue buying, ok. Freedom of choice. And if not, also ok.
I think the goal is interesting because the court of public opinion was solicited prior to legal actions. When someone call out somebody, they expect some sort of repercussions or punition.

Wang is a major player in the American Fashion industry and the outcome of this issue (now that lawyers are involved) will have an impact in his position in the western fashion world.

Personally, this won’t have an impact as I’m not a Wang customer but it will be interesting nevertheless. I’m also curious to see how Wang will get out of this...

But i think what you said about the values is very interesting and I think there’s always some sort of double standard because we are human. Anybody can find excuses to justify why he/she supports a designer. I admire Galliano. I stopped buying his stuff from Dior a longtime before the debacle. I’ve bought clothes from his era at Margiela...
But from some people, the introspection work he has done hasn’t changed the way they feels about him. And I think for me what was particularly interesting in the Galliano thing was the reaction of the victims.
I think that cancel culture often get so much hate because some (those who are against it) tend to look at the repercussions first and say - they've put this poor man through hell and he's left with nothing. What more do they want?!?
The movement has helped with A LOT. Without cancel culture I doubt Me Too, Times Up, or BLM would've been effective.
I’m against Cancel culture, not because of the « What more do they want » but because it is superficial.
I’m lucky and blessed to be in a position of power in my professional life and I have a very radical approach.
I know the corporate system and sometimes the processes makes it difficult to take strong and definitive actions. So, I tend to take definitive actions. If there’s a complaint, I figure things out with the parties involved but while I take decisions regarding the parties involved, it’s always with the collective in mind.

I think for example, the Weinstein and Bill Cosby cases were interesting. The decisions took way too long to happen but they were definitive. The question « do you watch the Cosby show or à Weinstein produced movie » is superficial after that.
^ I am most certainly not watching Cosby reruns, but given the large ensemble cast, I'm not sure how much I should think that show (and its spinoffs) is just about him, and same thing with Weinstein, especially. The people in his movies were often his victims, and don't deserve to have their work boycotted. I do definitely draw the line at a Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movie. Those are their vision, their creative output, and no thank you.

Benn, wrt your Elle example, yes, I would take issue with that if they failed to mention the problem--which I think they would. Hopefully this will change now that Bazaar has a new editor, but I have been disappointed with their approach to 'journalism' in the past. I think fashion needs to take their journalism much more seriously.
Where Does Alexander Wang Go From Here?

by Evan Ross Katz
06 January

"Why aren't more fashion news outlets reporting about Alexander Wang?" It's a question that's been asked quietly for years, but got way louder last week after the combined forces of Diet Prada and sh*t Model Management picked up on TikTok videos posted by model Owen Mooney in which Mooney alleged that Wang had nonconsenually groped him at a New York City club in 2017.

"I was by myself at one point and this guy next to me obviously took advantage of the fact that no one could f*cking move and he just started, like, touching me up and fully like, up my leg, in my crotch, like it made me freeze completely because I was in such shock," Mooney said in his brief statement addressing the allegation. "I looked to my left to see who it was and it was this really famous fashion designer. Like, I couldn't believe that he was doing that to me. It made me go into even more shock. It was really f*cked up."

This broke the proverbial dam, with many inside the fashion world and NYC nightlife community offering similar stories, as well as even more serious allegations, including that they'd been drugged by the 37-year-old designer. "Alexander Wang is an alleged sexual predator, many male models and trans models have come out and spoken about the alleged sexual abuse that Alexander Wang has inflicted upon them," read a post by sh*t Model Management. "It is important to show your support to these victims by unfollowing Alexander Wang and boycotting his clothing line."

sh*t Model Management was then flooded with DMs from other accusers, as well as those with secondhand accounts of Wang's alleged past encounters. Old tweets from rapper and former Wang muse Azealia Banks began to resurface, in which Banks shared anonymous reports of Wang's sexual misconduct — and particularly his targeting of trans women — on her Instagram. Also resurfacing was a 2017 Twitter thread from model Nick Ward accusing Wang of nonconsensual groping. "As he was passing, he swung, squeezed me, and kept walking," Ward told Insider last week. "They were moving pretty quickly through, so by the time I realized what happened, I just announced to my friend, 'that guy just grabbed my dick' and they're all like, 'that was Alexander Wang.'"

And because this is a column versus a report, I must mention my own DMs, which have been flooded with allegations from friends, friends-of-friends and followers I do not know with their own stories about Wang's reported predatory behavior. ENTTech Media Group and PAPER have not independently verified such accounts.

On December 31, three days after Diet Prada and sh*t Model Management's posts, Wang finally issued a response. "Over the last few days, I have been on the receiving end of baseless and grotesquely false accusations," the designer wrote in a statement sent to The New York Times. "These claims have been wrongfully amplified by social media accounts infamous for posting defamatory material from undisclosed and/or anonymous sources with zero evidence or any fact-checking whatsoever."

On January 1, Gia Garison, a trans model and actor, alleged details of her own Wang encounter from February 2017. "He tried to pull my panties down and expose my genitals in the VIP area... It was just another night and then I remember being introduced to Alexander Wang and then chatting to him. I just remember dancing around and he was chilling with his posse and then reached for my bikini bottoms I was wearing and tried to tug them downwards. I said: 'What are you doing, what the f*ck,' and stepped away. I didn't make much of it in the moment because I was just in club mode and tried to let things brush off my shoulder and not ruin my night... I've done many shoots where they've wanted to put me in his clothing since and I've just said no." Wang's lawyer said he "has never grabbed any woman" in the manner alleged.

On January 2, Business of Fashion's Lauren Sherman published a report in which she spoke to five men about similar encounters to Mooney's. At time of writing, the story has been picked up by, in addition to the New York Times, The Business of Fashion, Harper's Bazaar, InStyle, People, HYPEBEAST, Dazed, The Guardian, Fashionista, PAPER and more. Noticeably absent from that list were a number of the industry's biggest glossies. "Why are [Elle] and [Vogue] not reporting on the Alexander Wang news?" tweeted former InStyle Editor In Chief Ariel Foxman. "You are the world's leading fashion news outlets. This is fashion news." On Monday night, Vogue finally published a story.

So that's where we're at. But what's next? On Sunday, sh*t Model Management posted to their IG story stating that Lisa Bloom, the attorney that advised Harvey Weinstein through his sexual assault and r*pe allegations and represented the women whose sexual harassment claims helped get Bill O'Reilly ousted from Fox, had "reached out" and is "going to represent the victims." The post encouraged followers to come forward with their story if they are willing to speak. "Dear Alexander Wang accusers, Google my name + Lisa Bloom to learn hard truth," wrote Rose McGowan on Twitter. "Learn who is repping you. Nooooo."

It's clear that hurdles remain, even if victims come forward in droves. Already, one alleged victim I spoke to anonymously asked his story to be removed from sh*t Model Management and Forbes after hearing that Wang is "lawyering up" and trying to "take down" the victims.

On Monday morning, in a statement seen by Page Six, Wang wrote an internal email to his staff that reads: "Firstly, I'd like to take the opportunity to connect directly with the people who have helped me grow this brand into what it is today and address the recent false, fabricated and mostly anonymous accusations against me. While I have always been active in my social life, frequently attending various industry gatherings, parties and concerts where drugs and alcohol were present… but contrary to what has been said, I have never taken advantage of others in a sexual manner or forced anything on anyone without consent. I also have never abused my status or fame for my own benefit. These baseless allegations were started on social media by sites which repeatedly disregarded the value and importance of evidence or fact checking. It's my priority to prove these accusations are untrue and are fueled by solely opportunistic motives."

On Monday afternoon, Wang responded on his personal Instagram account. "I'd like to take the opportunity to connect directly with the people who have followed and supported this brand and me over the years and address the recent false, fabricated and mostly anonymous accusations against me," he wrote. "These baseless accusations were started on social media by sites which repeatedly disregarded the value and importance of evidence or fact checking. My team is doing everything in its power to investigate these claims and I promise to remain honest and transparent throughout that process. I am fortunate to have received an overwhelming amount of support over the last few days and am thankful to those standing by my side at this time." Comments were turned off.

Now comes a possible legal battle with no certain outcomes. "In general, sexual assault allegations are really hard to turn into a civil suit — or criminal charges for that matter — because of the absolutely horrific job we as a society do collecting and managing physical evidence," says Jenny Odegard, Of-Counsel at Samendinger Law. "So most legal actions come down to either videos, photos, or audio recordings (which is extremely rare), witnesses, and/or friends who remember hearing about it at the time. Even with some of those things, a victim has to have a lot working in their favor to have enough to be 'believed' by the legal system in any way that would result in culpability."

As Odegard says, Wang is in the position of power here, in having both financial resources and access to institutions that confer power. She cites Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey's allegations and the lack of fallout as good examples of the type of battle Wang's victims face in seeking justice. According to her, there are two main paths that victims in this instance might take if they do not have the type of evidence mentioned above. One is to settle privately, the other is public shaming.

"Public shaming can motivate a settlement, but it is very risky because the accused pretty much always responds by threatening a defamation/libel suit," she says. "Which can be really scary to receive and would be potentially financially ruinous. Even having to engage in the back-and-forth on that sort of thing can be too expensive for most victims and too time consuming for pro-bono attorneys. Either way, a victim has to have some solid receipts to get anywhere at all. In the accusations against Wang, where he's [allegedly] using drugs and alcohol to incapacitate victims, even a reliable memory of the events can be hard to conjure. So, an awful uphill battle is the general summary."

While some of his alleged victims are asking for the bare minimum — acknowledgement, apology — that's definitely not happening anytime soon. What remains clear at this point is that Wang is taking no culpability within the accusations and intends to fight them in the effort to exonerate his name — and by extension, his brand.

But those calling him out have no plans to stop. "I have no sympathy for abusers," the sh*t Model Management admin tells PAPER. "I think that Alexander Wang deserves to be de-platformed. He wants all of this to blow over, but I'm not letting up until I see actual change. If he gets away with this, it will make abusers feel safe and feel like they can continue to get away with it too. Just because Alexander Wang is famous doesn't mean that he is untouchable. He needs to be held accountable as much as every other abuser in the industry. I think that everyone should be boycotting his brand. I think that magazines should stop working with him. I don't think that he should be allowed to show during fashion week. There has to be some sort of accountability. Celebrities need to speak up and stop supporting him, as well. All of the celebs that were just wishing him happy birthday are silent right now. Where is the support for the survivors? I believe that Alexander Wang is a danger to the fashion community and these claims should be taken seriously."

My feel is that this will blow over, although I can't believe it. The brand Instagram will lay off posting for a while til it is mostly forgotten, he will deny deny deny and the victims will get nowhere. His friends will continue to support him (for example Zoe left her bday post up, despite the hundreds of comments, although she changed the caption). It has in no way become a major news story, despite a few reports. This will hurt him but it won't kill the brand. Pretty sad.

pardon if this is the wrong place, but I was surprised that a big photographer like Bailey is still unpaid from a lot of his work. is this the case for most editorial work?
So does Lachlan Bailey infer from his post that he made a windfall on Brad Pitt's brand licensing the image? or does GQ?
New to TFS but anyone know why Enninful supposedly doesn't like Gisele? Read that on another thread I forgot
D&G is suing Diet Prada

Not very good with Law and Order but what chance does D&G have of winning this case? Can they solely blame Diet Prada for their own error?

To be honest it'd be funny to me to see Diet Prada lose only because I used to trust them as an honest source of news until I saw they clearly get sponsored by certain brands...
Can't stand both parties but I'm on DP in this because all of this fiasco started with Stefano ignorant so they should blame themselves.

And doing all of this won't bring your old customers back D&G. You know what will bring them back, start put effort in your design make something that creatively and not something desperate try to chasing TikTok kids.
LOL, for them to sue must mean they've felt the loss of all those customers. The mainly Chinese customers. And then the pandemic happened. Can't they just chalk it down to karma instead of trying to blame someone else?

Anyway, this case seems clear cut to me, Diet Prada will win. But their lawyer's fees will ramp up. This is how the rich assert their dominance. It's not about winning or losing. It's about dragging the opponent into every international court they can in order to bankrupt them.

Mowalola is proved to steal ideas and designs from small designers. This is suck, because I want to root for her.
D&G doesn't have a case but I hope that woke DietPrada lose, they're one of the biggest contributors to this cancel culture, feeling so above morally, someday someone who loses their job or get their business affected is gonna fight back against them in some court, but not D&G, not his time.

Mowalola is proved to steal ideas and designs from small designers. This is suck, because I want to root for her.

Why do students/indie designers keep sharing their work with bigger designers? They're asking to get screwed over. Of course they're gonna steal their ideas!

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