The Model & Celeb Weight Thread [Read post #1 before posting] #5

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Yeah that's why I prefer Chanel covered up.

But I do have to say that she does look significantly smaller than Adriana in person. I saw both of them together (along with Doutzen, but she doesn't count cuz she was pregnant) at FNO and there was a major difference. But yeah, like labelwhore said, it's her narrow hips and giant head really (in proportion to her body).
I don't think you've seen an average tummy then

I have seen an average tummy for my age group. but 'average' varies by age and location. and i'm twenty, i think i said before. like i said, she doesn't look bad at all, and i'm not implying that she should oh my god lose the weight pronto or anything, i'm just not seeing the vision of enviable perfection. that said, if there's Chanels in the show why not have someone with a bit of a convex stomach as well? clearly some people think it's perfect.
The reason why Chanel gets singled out is because she's the epitome of everything that's wrong with fashion. It isn't so much about whether or not she's healthy than that endorsing a body type such as hers concomitantly means that we're endorsing the HF models who starve themselves in order to achieve and maintain a preposterous body type. It's not a physique which, IMO, should be extolled, because it's neither covetous nor exactly achievable for anyone other than pre-pubescent and pubescent girls. Her body isn't one that needs to be celebrated because it is 'different', because by that token, every type of 'different' needs to be inducted into the rarefied strata of VS, and I don't see a plus size girl modelling for them anytime soon. It isn't about catering to all bodytypes than to use a bodytype on which the lingerie looks good, so the argument that Chanel caters to girls with that body type is a moot point. I'm sure 90% of VS's clientele doesn't have the body of the models who walk the shows. Bottomline: VS uses attractive models, always has and always will and makes no bones about it, and Chanel's body just isn't cut out for it.
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Because I can't edit my post... let me rephrase my last sentence. Chanel's body is one of the lesser attractive ones, one synonymous with HF and eating disorders, not quite in the same league as someone like Adriana who exudes an aura of strong femininity and sexiness, and one which doesn't look exactly unhealthy.
Honestly, of the two, Chanel looks healthier and more attractive to me. I guess I've never been a fan of Adriana so I may be prejudiced but she looks gaunt, overly toned, also with narrow hips compared to her waist and strangely bulging abdominal muscles. A lot of the VS girls look this way, as if they try very hard to be thin. Chanel looks effortless. While narrow-hipped her body does not remind me at all of the emaciation I associate with high fashion models generally. And obviously (judging by the facebook album and the fact she keeps getting hired) there are a lot of people really liking her and thinking she's very attractive.

What's WRONG with fashion is emaciation, starvation and rigid restrictions on the women's bodies. I agree with tthe person who said it's more reasonable to expect 36 inch hips than 33 or 34. But most of the other women in the show look more like they're starving/in the gym for 4 hours a day/subjecting themselves to the rigid restrictions than Chanel does.
Anja...... :

viva moda facebook
The first picture looks like the guy is trying to resuscitate her with fluids or something. I scrolled past it and thought she must have fallen down. :shock:
The worst thing is, we focus on the models, but it's not their fault that they're having to conform to a certain look - it's the people behind the scenes who keep making the decision to book models who look like this, they're the ones who are creating and perpetuating the trend.

I really dislike the shape that Anja is currently in, but it seems that she's not stopped working since she became a shadow of herself. She didn't make the rules, she's merely conforming to the standards laid down by her potential employers.

We're so often horrified by the sight of models and their apparent physical condition, but that's merely a symptom - the real sickness lies in the decisions made by people that we can't see.
^^Yes! if all modeling agencies started turning away girls and told them to come back AFTER they put on 10/15 pounds or whatever, i think it might help change the industry?...
I agree about Anja taking it slowly but its not that bad
Anyone noticed Sasha lost weight again after gaining a few pounds in 2009
same with Natasha she lost weight again
^ No, it's bad. -_- She looks like death itself. Such a shame because the girl used to be a goddess.
And yes, I noticed too. Sasha looks mighty thinner, but Natasha looks the same to me- she's always been super thin. Wether she's naturally thin or not is debatable.
well its true that sasha was heavier in spring 2009 (which was 2008).
but in my opinion at that point she really glowed the most in her entire career.
she was really pretty pretty!!! now she is just pretty :P
but that was also the season, she got the least bookings :(




i mean just look how much more neautiful she was a bit fuller!!!
I think that Sasha and Magdalena gained a modest amount of weight (or alternatively stopped fighting mother nature so vigorously) when they signed contracts for Biotherm and Eaudemoiselle de Givenchy respectively which is financial security for a model. When it comes to Sasha, while her runway work slowed down (but the runway work she does is blue chip), she continues to get campaign work, and has interestingly done quite a bit of beauty work (Biotherm and Armani). With Magdalena, it remains to be seen.
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