After Anna : Who Should Be The Next Editor In Chief of Vogue?

^ I'd say Sally is a good bet indeed. Her or Amy Astley as mentioned before..

but that's not an answer to the question of who SHOULD be the next editor..
As long as it's someone who dares to break with the current regime, take "risks" and blend a little creativity and imagination into the pot, I don't think it's too important who it is. :smile: God forbid that the ones who takes over continues with a jumping Caroline Trentini in a studio ..
I would really like ALT....I think he is capable of switching it up a bit...and bring diversity to the magazine.....and im not just talking about talking about designers, editors, stars...etc.
Anna Wintour will never die. Her body will be preserved and her brain will be hooked up to some electronic contraption/apparatus.
^^ Now that is what I truely define as "Fierce"...who else but Anna ....Punching hoes out of the game since 1987...:blink:
me the former editor in chief of Interview who just stepped down?
ha anybody will be better than her!!
it should be like alice dellal or terry richardson or jefferson hack or iekeliene stange someone craazzy!!! or just carine roitfeld should do it along with paris!
:blink:guys...donoy daydream anymore:lol:

i prefer a stylist-cum-editor in chief,like carine roitfled&katie grand:blush:tonne goodman would be great:heart:grace is just too old:ninja:oh!let this crappy mag be stylish with a stylist-cum-editor in cheif^_^
OMG! Just the idea of Anna dying or stepping down scares me. I don't think there's anyone talented, manipulative, and evil enough to run Vogue. I mean we've all heard about how evil she is but by far, Anna Wintour is the only thing that Vogue has ever had in years, besides DV , to make Vogue what it is now. Even Kate Betts whom Anna loved, won't be as good, i think. ALT, i think, lacks a certain evil in him. Heehee!!! Same as with Paul Cavaco, who, although is one of the best stylists for me, would not be strong enough to maintain what Vogue is now. I love Paul Cavaco though! :heart: Fabien Baron is very talented but I don't think an ed-in-chief position at Vogue would interest him anymore considering he has free-rein now as the creative director of Interview, Arena, etc. all at the same time. Just my two cents worth. :flower:
A select group of tFS'ers should be editor in chief over at Vogue model cover after another and more variety in editorial models. Praise!!

Vogue under Talley would be a nightmare..
Of the most horrid variety, rly... :yuk:
He truly is everything I loathe about 'fashion types'...

I can only hope that the next EIC of American Vogue
enjoys photography/art direction, innovation, progression,
and excitement...
All of which Wintour seems to heavily abhor.. :doh:
Wait, is ALT not garunteed the position? I thought that was what Editor-at-large meant?:unsure:
Please leave ALT where he is!!!
I think Tonne Goodman would do good for US Vogue....
isn't there another Carine Roitfeld somewhere out there that can take over US Vogue??
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^^Yes maybe it would be best to take someone from the "outside" but i think Goodman would be great aswell.ALT as editor in chief? :blink: Thanks for the laugh.
Vogue under Talley would be a nightmare..
Of the most horrid variety, rly... :yuk:

:rolleyes:i would say i agree.

if carine would let herself be controlled by the american stereotype newhouse imposes on american vogue, then she'd be the person. i don't think she would accept though. :cry:

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