Alexander McQueen skull scarf (August 2004 - November 2010)

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i have to say i really dont see the appeal in this scarf either...
the print, the colors, or anything..
i feel like i'm missing something..?!?...
I can't talk for everyone i just think it has this amazing rock chic' vibe about it..

I hate everything too "pretty" like the Chloe' scarfs.. i just find them boring.
this has the right element of rock that i like, i like something a little different.

I find it sexy, edgy, but i pray to God that it wont become mainstream, that will totally ruin it for me.

I just saw it, and fell in love, easy as that. And i had it before Sienna or Mary kate, so i am not following anyone! :P
^I don't think she was talking about you, Pucci Mama. Just in general.
oh... sorry, if i sounded offensive i am just sick of girls coming up to me like "is that the scarf that Sienna has?? OMG!! where did you get it??!"

That does happen,. and it is so annoying.:(
Well... I like MK & all that BUT Ive had my skull scarves for 2 years so Im deffinately NOT copying MK. I just LOVE the scarves!! Neither one are the color she has & I dont want the color she has either. :lol:
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is this the same scarf on Marykate?


Does anyone have the pic of Sienna wearing it? thanks! and where can you get one?
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There a couple of those skull scarves on ebay, but not sure if they are actually genuine. I saw one in pink as well..but I think it ruins it imo. I think the black + white looks best.
Anyway Kate Moss is still wearing hers on the cover of Grazia.
I mean no offense to Pucci Mama or anyone else who likes the scarves, but I honestly don't get the appeal. To me it's just a scarf with skulls, which I think is kinda dumb. Wearing skulls period is just...ugh...screams faux punk rock or something. But I do like how it looks on Mary Kate there for some reason. But I really don't think anyone would give a sh*t about such an item if it wasn't Alexander McQueen.
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..we are living in a material world and i am a material girl... :innocent:

I dress for myself not for anyone else, im glad not everyone likes it, at least it wont become a "trend". :smile:
thanks for all the help everyone. i didn't even know MK had one so i'm certainly not "following" her. I already checked yoox and they don't have any. i saw the one's on ebay but i only really like the black and white one and it's waaaay too expensive for me to be able to afford at the mo. Ah well, guess I'll have to save up and keep looking
I love that scarf too - but only the black. I guess it is good and bad that it is hard to come by
I used to like it when i first saw it, but its not my style really, but i could see that if it would suit your style while you'd like it. In fact i like it a lot less since i saw a picture of sharon osborne wearing one, i dont know it felt werid seeing ehr in one.... not sure why though ... ???
i love my b/w skull scarf-- once get one you want all the colors!! the pale ones are nice, the mcqueen store in NY has several new ones but sometimes in really weird combos, like blue-orange.
Hi Emma Peel - I'm in Australia and I can't seem to ever win one on ebay. Do they have them in the McQueen store in NY at the moment? If so, I will give them a call to see if I can get one direct.

Thanks very much :smile:
hi mousie, i got mine on ebay 'cause the mcqueen store didn't carry them again until recently--the store in NY has some, but not the b/w one from what I saw, but you should call and ask... good luck! I forgot to check how much they are running now, does anyone know how much a new one costs direct from mcqueen?
emma peel said:
hi mousie, i got mine on ebay 'cause the mcqueen store didn't carry them again until recently--the store in NY has some, but not the b/w one from what I saw, but you should call and ask... good luck! I forgot to check how much they are running now, does anyone know how much a new one costs direct from mcqueen?

Thanks very much! Do you recall what colours they had?

hiya i love the scarf to bits and have trying to get my hands on one for ages, was walking through portobello market this morning and they had them!! i snapped the last one up thank god- have to decide how to wear it now!
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