Balmain Mens S/S 10 Paris

this is awful... though i kind of like look #5 & 6
there's nothing HORRIBLE here. it's clear to me that decarnin focuses all of his energies on the womenswear....he's under lots of pressure to keep up that momentum. when that's less of a stressor, we'll probably see him experiment more with the menswear.
i hate it. Looks like a designer collaboration with H&M. I bet they're going to charge USD 1000 or more for those jeans or sweatpants too, ugh ...
Not conducive to a luxury house, no matter how l'éclaireur he wants the collection to appear. I can almost smell the sweat coming from the sweatpants and grubby T shirt...
This isn't very good, but hey, at least the model is cute!
The shoes are cool. Everything else is so damn nasty. Thats the only word I can think of to describe it. It's extremely try-hard and really shallow.
And it seems to be rubbing off on the model, he looks like he just had a make-out session with a horse.
The jeans are the only okay pieces but way over priced (as mentioned by many tFSers).
I was in the balmain store the other day in paris, it was located at the second floor because they had closed the groundfloor shop for restoration. It was so small and they had some menswear, nothing special actually. the navy-coloured hoodie was worse than american apparel, I liked some t-shirts but they were 249 €. too much money for a lame t-shirt. I saw a lady trying on the glittering highheels with a bow from the fall collection. she had a troubled expression on her face, maybe because the shoes cost a fortune!
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