Balmain S/S 2015 Paris


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
It honestly looks like Kim Kardashian's closet exploded. I can't imagine anything tackier at this point.
^ :lol:

I see some interesting pieces at least. That's more than I could say in the last say 10 seasons.
I think its a pretty sharp collection.
It has a strong late 80s/very early 90s under current.
Something about this collection feels too saturated and the contrast is so STARK. I'm glad he's shifting away from last season's african-tribal collection. But the clothes here seem stiff and there's some styling issues. Some top pieces such as bra-tops don't go with the bottoms etc. And yes, high-class hooker inspiration, a.k.a Kardashians, is allover the clothes.

And overall I feel there's nothing really innovative about it. There might just be too much crammed into one collection.
The first three looks had me excited. The rest left me feeling cheated. It was definitely very, very flat.
For the first time I dislike Balmain's collection.
Not really my cup of tea, but I appreciate that he finally tried a new silhouette.
Fashion writer for The Independent Alexander Fury just posted this on his facebook feed:

"Balmain 2015, Givenchy 1997."

This is all just so unflattering and that's on 5'10'' models, I can't imagine once regular women wear it.

Also the make up is horrible.
Well this was "Prison Break: Balmain Edition".... :ninja:

Such a complicated collection to process, he throws at us so many things at once that I felt dizzy by the time the show ended.... YEEZUS....... :ninja:

I only liked the glitter dresses with sheer between colors, plus those looks with the bold colors (red, yellow, blue), that painted leather dress on Anna Ewers is amazing! :blush:

Now.... talking about Nadja in the look #15, she looked soooooo butch, in that zipped corset and flare pants! What an ugly look, and the look on Saskia, that blue prison outfit, hideous!

So many prison uniforms....... please God bring back Decarnin!!!!

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