Designer & Fashion Insiders Behavior (PLEASE READ POST #1 BEFORE POSTING)

Not familiar with this brand, but I'm always intrigued by these pocket (I want to say 'cult', but maybe that's too harsh) brands who quietly commands an army of rabid fans.
It seems to me they've created this monster by shouting green values and supposed fair practices from the rooftop, got caught flouting it, and must now suffer the consequences. Reading some of the comments on their IG posts, the audience seems to be a lot of women who feel very strongly about supporting slow fashion almost to the point that they sound fanatical.

Also, their customers seem to have some sort of problem with the pre-order concept, and I wonder who their influencers are because there seems to be a lot of resentment coming from customers.

The fanatical ones should learn how to grow and pick their own cotton. Then they should learn how to spin, mill and weave it. Then after they can learn how to dye a floral print by themselves. Finally, they should learn how to drape, make a pattern, sew and tailor a dress.
The fashion industry is in for a very complicated ride. Raw materials from many countries like India, Vietnam, Australia, Peru, Mexico etc come from problematic labor. There are sweatshops in Canada and Italy as well as prison labor in the US. The whole industry is up for an awakening if consumers want genuine fairness. Let's not just isolate this issue to one geopolitical conflict because it's not going to change much.
I completely agree with this post but want to comment that Australia is the least problematic country there is for labour. As someone who grew up earning the $22 minimum wage at McDonald's as a teenager and has grown up with the media referring to it as slave labour when British backpackers work for $13 an hour, I have lived in Canada, UK and France and I can't believe what people work for in other western countries. I have met people from all over the world that come here just to work as a tradie because the pay is so high. If you want a country with the least likelihood of problematic labour, Australia is the one.
I completely agree with this post but want to comment that Australia is the least problematic country there is for labour. As someone who grew up earning the $22 minimum wage at McDonald's as a teenager and has grown up with the media referring to it as slave labour when British backpackers work for $13 an hour, I have lived in Canada, UK and France and I can't believe what people work for in other western countries. I have met people from all over the world that come here just to work as a tradie because the pay is so high. If you want a country with the least likelihood of problematic labour, Australia is the one.

Yes, Australia is really one of those unique countries when it comes to the minimum wage because of their history with the trade union. They've implemented it way ahead of many other countries, that when you consider that Thatcher and Blair still tried to squash it here whilst they were PMs which obviously set us back. Even today it's not necessarily regarded as a positive in UK culture, but Fair Trade really helped by bringing worker's conditions to the fore by approaching and effectively shaming the consumer. Which needed to happen.

Though I obviously understand and applaud the brands and their decision, I do also get why the Chinese are so up and arms. It just seems preachy and as mentioned a few posts above, hypocritical for Burberry to all of a sudden make this stand because I'm sure we haven't heard the full story......
I hope Diet Prada gets super cancelled for attacking gay men. I never supported them bc I don't like Prada and I figured any account that was named Prada would be full of arrogant out of touch millennials. Turns out that was correct.

I've always supported Dolce (and D2) exclusively because they're gay men and I won't ever reduce my support in favor of hateful 'intellectuals'

I love their latest street wear collection with the printed stripes, I'm going to buy as much of it as I can. You can't cancel Dolce because they have real long-term customers unlike brands like Gucci whose customers fly with the night. They're the only brand I buy RTW suits from.
Not familiar with this brand, but I'm always intrigued by these pocket (I want to say 'cult', but maybe that's too harsh) brands who quietly commands an army of rabid fans.
It seems to me they've created this monster by shouting green values and supposed fair practices from the rooftop, got caught flouting it, and must now suffer the consequences. Reading some of the comments on their IG posts, the audience seems to be a lot of women who feel very strongly about supporting slow fashion almost to the point that they sound fanatical.

Also, their customers seem to have some sort of problem with the pre-order concept, and I wonder who their influencers are because there seems to be a lot of resentment coming from customers.

There are some designers/brands that do genuinely offer slow fashion that have devoted followers. Nathalie Dumeix is a french designer that offers 70s style pieces in the same price range. They are made in Paris and the pieces are sometimes made to order and take two weeks to produce. You may have heard of the other brand she designs for - Rouje. Rouje manufactures mostly in Europe and the factories used are mostly unionized. They also minimize waste.

In regards to Doen's preorders the grumblers may have a point. Their cards are charged immediately even if the pre-order period may take months. I'm not sure this is lawful in all states and Doen may even be violating their agreement with card issuers Visa/Amex etc in processing these charges so early rather than a normal temporary authorized hold. Any seasoned logistics expert would blanch at customers prepaying for items before the garment is even produced overseas in India. It is rolling the dice.

I think the extreme wealth of the founders of the brand may also contribute towards resentment towards the brand and their business practices.

The founders are two sisters from a wealthy Santa Barbara family - Margaret Kleveland (CEO) and Katherine Kleveland (COO). Both worked at Joie and one of them is married to the head of creative for Equipment, Current/Elliott, and Joie. Another is married to a Hollywood executive producer who helped churn out "The Hills" and other similar fare on MTV.

Both live in multi-million dollar properties with guest houses in Toluca Lake and frequently shoot on their own properties. That to me is another blunder. Why showcase expensive real estate especially during the worst economic period since the Great Depression and ask customers to essentially float zero interest loans for months on end if the business is profitable?
There are some designers/brands that do genuinely offer slow fashion that have devoted followers. Nathalie Dumeix is a french designer that offers 70s style pieces in the same price range. They are made in Paris and the pieces are sometimes made to order and take two weeks to produce. You may have heard of the other brand she designs for - Rouje. Rouje manufactures mostly in Europe and the factories used are mostly unionized. They also minimize waste.

In regards to Doen's preorders the grumblers may have a point. Their cards are charged immediately even if the pre-order period may take months. I'm not sure this is lawful in all states and Doen may even be violating their agreement with card issuers Visa/Amex etc in processing these charges so early rather than a normal temporary authorized hold. Any seasoned logistics expert would blanch at customers prepaying for items before the garment is even produced overseas in India. It is rolling the dice.

I think the extreme wealth of the founders of the brand may also contribute towards resentment towards the brand and their business practices.

The founders are two sisters from a wealthy Santa Barbara family - Margaret Kleveland (CEO) and Katherine Kleveland (COO). Both worked at Joie and one of them is married to the head of creative for Equipment, Current/Elliott, and Joie. Another is married to a Hollywood executive producer who helped churn out "The Hills" and other similar fare on MTV.

Both live in multi-million dollar properties with guest houses in Toluca Lake and frequently shoot on their own properties. That to me is another blunder. Why showcase expensive real estate especially during the worst economic period since the Great Depression and ask customers to essentially float zero interest loans for months on end if the business is profitable?

You just confirmed my suspicions. I get huge colonizer white privilege vibes from their marketing material on top of the fake earth mother green washing angle.

Good to know about Rouje!
I'm not surprised. I always thought they were full of green washing and virtue signaling. They have really strong colonizer and privilege vibes from their marketing visuals and language. So I am not surprised they were ignorant to find a plantation to be so idyllic for their colonizer aesthetic.

The brand's obession with motherhead also gives off privilege vibes to me. I find it off putting.
One of the weirdest images of the Plantation shoot was the model pretending to do laundry in front of the main building as if she was the "help".
I'm hesitant to post it due to embarrassing the model.
Not very good with Law and Order but what chance does D&G have of winning this case? Can they solely blame Diet Prada for their own error?

To be honest it'd be funny to me to see Diet Prada lose only because I used to trust them as an honest source of news until I saw they clearly get sponsored by certain brands...

D&G will probably win but they plan to put DP out of business.

LOL, for them to sue must mean they've felt the loss of all those customers. The mainly Chinese customers. And then the pandemic happened. Can't they just chalk it down to karma instead of trying to blame someone else?

Anyway, this case seems clear cut to me, Diet Prada will win. But their lawyer's fees will ramp up. This is how the rich assert their dominance. It's not about winning or losing. It's about dragging the opponent into every international court they can in order to bankrupt them.

With the whole Nike x Lil Nas X and the Dominion x Fox News situation I don't think defamation from social media is a settled case at the moment. If anything this could be precedent. Dolce is trying to move it to America bc they're probably going to go after Diet Prada's owners personal pockets.

They shouldve kept their mouths closed about gay men. DP is getting put in their nobody place. The Associated Press referred to them as Bloggers, the regular public isn't cancelling Dolce bc China has slaves.
These brands acting shocked the cotton from China is questionable is beyond hilarious. Darling, it's china...these people make plastic rice and cement baby formula. You think they're above slavery.

The execs know because they're touring the facilities. Burberry isn't buying anything without touring the facility.

Also this is why nobody listens to china regarding the dolce thing. They're just buying press and social media people but the average person is thinking "wait isnt china doing all sorts of human rights abuses" and refill their bottle of Dolce Light Blue.
There are some designers/brands that do genuinely offer slow fashion that have devoted followers. Nathalie Dumeix is a french designer that offers 70s style pieces in the same price range. They are made in Paris and the pieces are sometimes made to order and take two weeks to produce. You may have heard of the other brand she designs for - Rouje. Rouje manufactures mostly in Europe and the factories used are mostly unionized. They also minimize waste.

In regards to Doen's preorders the grumblers may have a point. Their cards are charged immediately even if the pre-order period may take months. I'm not sure this is lawful in all states and Doen may even be violating their agreement with card issuers Visa/Amex etc in processing these charges so early rather than a normal temporary authorized hold. Any seasoned logistics expert would blanch at customers prepaying for items before the garment is even produced overseas in India. It is rolling the dice.

I think the extreme wealth of the founders of the brand may also contribute towards resentment towards the brand and their business practices.

The founders are two sisters from a wealthy Santa Barbara family - Margaret Kleveland (CEO) and Katherine Kleveland (COO). Both worked at Joie and one of them is married to the head of creative for Equipment, Current/Elliott, and Joie. Another is married to a Hollywood executive producer who helped churn out "The Hills" and other similar fare on MTV.

Both live in multi-million dollar properties with guest houses in Toluca Lake and frequently shoot on their own properties. That to me is another blunder. Why showcase expensive real estate especially during the worst economic period since the Great Depression and ask customers to essentially float zero interest loans for months on end if the business is profitable?

I despise brands like this: Copy-and-paste PC-trendy/virtue-signalling/by-the-numbers sustainability… I swear, if these two could be transgender/cisgender, they’d exploit that as well. Because other than their typically trendy virtue-signalling, the clothes are such generic, boho hippie gear with high markups, like countless numbers of other brands out there hustling the same rubbish. Get that gimmick, ladies…and I suppose on that solid business aspect alone, good for them for suckering all these women into buying their nothingness. Whether these two and their customers are disingenuous/intellectually-dishonest or not, it’s just the careless, herd-like PC-trendiness of it all that’s so tiresome.

(And I wouldn’t bat a lash if it’s discovered that as independently wealthy as they are, their team are paid on near minimum-wage salaries and on a revolving door— all in the name of profits going to whatever their cause-of-the-day is. I will gladly support and remain loyal to a real designer brand that charges an organ for their wear because for no reason than it’s all straightup about exclusivity and status. I'll contribute and support humanitarian organizations on my own.)
I despise brands like this: Copy-and-paste PC-trendy/virtue-signalling/by-the-numbers sustainability… I swear, if these two could be transgender/cisgender, they’d exploit that as well. Because other than their typically trendy virtue-signalling, the clothes are such generic, boho hippie gear with high markups, like countless numbers of other brands out there hustling the same rubbish. Get that gimmick, ladies…and I suppose on that solid business aspect alone, good for them for suckering all these women into buying their nothingness. Whether these two and their customers are disingenuous/intellectually-dishonest or not, it’s just the careless, herd-like PC-trendiness of it all that’s so tiresome.

(And I wouldn’t bat a lash if it’s discovered that as independently wealthy as they are, their team are paid on near minimum-wage salaries and on a revolving door— all in the name of profits going to whatever their cause-of-the-day is. I will gladly support and remain loyal to a real designer brand that charges an organ for their wear because for no reason than it’s all straightup about exclusivity and status. I'll contribute and support humanitarian organizations on my own.)

How long until the luxury cottage-prairie-core colonizer aesthetic goes away?
Judge Orders Lil Nas X Satan Shoes Off the Market for Now

This is unprecedented. Apparently because they put liquid in the sole - Nike is claiming that the modifications make the shoe dangerous to be sold. Since the original never had liquid in the sole the liquid could leak out. The liquid was added by poking a tiny hole in the bubble.

Nike is claiming interest grounds because the shoes is untested with liquid in the sole and if people get hurt wearing these shoes they could sue Nike over it not MSCHF or LNX.

Nike's lawyers were up all night getting an angle that makes sense.

Also Little Nas X can forget about any sort of deals going forward. Wow
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Judge Orders Lil Nas X Satan Shoes Off the Market for Now

This is unprecedented. Apparently because they put liquid in the sole - Nike is claiming that the modifications make the shoe dangerous to be sold. Since the original never had liquid in the sole the liquid could leak out. The liquid was added by poking a tiny hole in the bubble.

Nike is claiming interest grounds because the shoes is untested with liquid in the sole and if people get hurt wearing these shoes they could sue Nike over it not MSCHF or LNX.

Nike's lawyers were up all night getting an angle that makes sense.

Also Little Nas X can forget about any sort of deals going forward. Wow

When grinding/twerking for the Devil does not pay off :rofl::clap:

Should rename himself Lil B**** X after that ordeal!
It's beautiful seeing those try-hard so-called provocateurs end up like this. Lil Nas X's last video is one of the most vulgar things I've had the displeasure of watching and I feel like it's enough retribution for damaging people's eyes...

A very lovely way to celebrate Holy Thursday.
Judge Orders Lil Nas X Satan Shoes Off the Market for Now

Nike's lawyers were up all night getting an angle that makes sense.

Also Little Nas X can forget about any sort of deals going forward. Wow

I doubt it. While I'm not comparing him personally or his actual work to Madonna, I'm sure when her 'Like a Prayer' video came out and all the uproar over that was happening people said the same thing, and look...100 years later she is still here and has had countless deals post that.

And sorry/not sorry, but anyone with even half a brain would know Nike doesn't openly endorse Satanism. Even Nike having said as such after this was announced and people still being up in arms is laughable. Sure, the shoes will be pulled and for those that haven't yet received their pair, it'll suck, but it'll make those that have already shipped even more coveted.
I hope Diet Prada gets super cancelled for attacking gay men. I never supported them bc I don't like Prada and I figured any account that was named Prada would be full of arrogant out of touch millennials. Turns out that was correct.

I've always supported Dolce (and D2) exclusively because they're gay men and I won't ever reduce my support in favor of hateful 'intellectuals'

I love their latest street wear collection with the printed stripes, I'm going to buy as much of it as I can. You can't cancel Dolce because they have real long-term customers unlike brands like Gucci whose customers fly with the night. They're the only brand I buy RTW suits from.

That's your right, but ... you certainly don't have to be an intellectual to disagree with their traditional, extremely old school, anti-gay family stance. I don't buy from them anymore for this reason. To me this is like saying you've always supported Clarence Thomas because he's black.
I doubt it. While I'm not comparing him personally or his actual work to Madonna, I'm sure when her 'Like a Prayer' video came out and all the uproar over that was happening people said the same thing, and look...100 years later she is still here and has had countless deals post that.

And sorry/not sorry, but anyone with even half a brain would know Nike doesn't openly endorse Satanism. Even Nike having said as such after this was announced and people still being up in arms is laughable. Sure, the shoes will be pulled and for those that haven't yet received their pair, it'll suck, but it'll make those that have already shipped even more coveted.
Agreed, I think the uproar is predictable and laughable, as if we haven't heard this a million times before. Rap, Madonna, Alice Cooper, so many scary things out there ruining entire generations of people!! :rolleyes: It's easy point scoring for certain people to clutch their pearls publicly. Lil Nas X isn't even named as a defendant in this case and I'm sure he'll be just fine going forward.
That's your right, but ... you certainly don't have to be an intellectual to disagree with their traditional, extremely old school, anti-gay family stance. I don't buy from them anymore for this reason. To me this is like saying you've always supported Clarence Thomas because he's black.

I appreciate your sentiment and principle— but their current fashions are more offensive than any thoughtless and stupid comments they’ve spat out high above their ivory tower, frankly. Not sure in what context their anti-gay family stance was said in (was it a personal preference or a blanket statement for all gays?). There’s a good number of old guys that aren’t feeling the whole gay nuclear family model: I always got the impression that the nuclear family represented the ultimate oppression and anti-gay construct to them when they were growing up, so why adopt it now that they have the choice…??? Wasn’t Karl also not fond of gay marriage as well? Being in my 30s, I’ve never fantasized about a big wedding day nor having a “husband” to raise children with that so many gay kidz seem to be so fond of, so I get the older gays' resentment of copying the traditions of breeders. This doesn’t make them awful people.

I despise this “it’s not OK to think this way blah blah blah…” It’s such a brainwashing, dictatorship-mentality to finger-wag others into your way of PC-thinking that some kidz really like to do nowadays. I’d rather people express their opinion— no matter how asinine it may be; As long as I know how they’re really thinking, rather than censor and edit themselves to a popular opinion, only to express a totally different one in private.
I doubt it. While I'm not comparing him personally or his actual work to Madonna, I'm sure when her 'Like a Prayer' video came out and all the uproar over that was happening people said the same thing, and look...100 years later she is still here and has had countless deals post that.

And sorry/not sorry, but anyone with even half a brain would know Nike doesn't openly endorse Satanism. Even Nike having said as such after this was announced and people still being up in arms is laughable. Sure, the shoes will be pulled and for those that haven't yet received their pair, it'll suck, but it'll make those that have already shipped even more coveted.
Madonna was way more famous and successful than LNX at that point. But I think she didn't get another brand deal until the 2000s with H&M. SO she went like 20 years without a deal because of that .What do you think theyre gonna do to LNX who doesn't have Madonna's catalog, at that point Madonna already had her most famous international hits under her belt. LNX has one international hit song.

That's your right, but ... you certainly don't have to be an intellectual to disagree with their traditional, extremely old school, anti-gay family stance. I don't buy from them anymore for this reason. To me this is like saying you've always supported Clarence Thomas because he's black.
Gay men don't have to act any particular way FOR YOU. Gay men owe you NOTHING. We do not exist to carry water for others, we are not mules.

LNX needs to be cancelled for invoking Satan, Dolce on the other hand is clearly trying to not invoke satan. I'd rather be with the people who are dealing with Jesus over the people who arent, regardless of their 'politics'. Everyone in the world thinks this...You haven't seen the backlash to Biden's trans policies? People are about to vote Republican straight up and down the ticket over that, because there are fundamental values that won't ever change.
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