The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #6

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@Jina: Thank you - I really love them, and I think the zip details adds a nice edge that my wardrobe has been in desperate need of!

I really like all of your purchases this season - so classic. Also the pieces looks very cohesive - sort of like a small capsule wardrobe. I like. What is the last pieces you are planning on getting?

I see. Was it a piece that you wore a lot since you a planning on replacing it? I can easily relate to your situation in regards of not neccesarily getting any of the pieces - but one can always dream, right?

I am not sure as when I will get the boots, not even if it will be this winter. I do have a lot of idea os of how to style them though - I will keep you posted.
I have really been feeling like adding some colour to my wardrobe that is filled with mainly blacks, whites and greys, but I am not sure where to start and what colours to get, and what colours I like seems to change a lot. This summer I was really into hot pink. These days I find that it hurts my eyes. Generally I do not like something to bright or prints/outfits with sharp contrasts, like this dress that I loved and wore constantly during last winter.

At the moment I tend to prefer deeper shades like dark green and burgundy.

Usually when I have been adding colour I have been doing so by adding a coloured dress but I am not sure wether that is the right way to go since I tend to get bored with dresses that are too statement-y. I have my eyes on a pretty green dress that is "different" in regards of both colour and cut (it is pinned on my inspiration board) but I am not sure wether that would be the right way to go - and I am not buying anything right now anyway.

What would you do?

Eizhowa, that seems like a really long time for them. :shock: Fingers crossed your Monday ends up being not so boring then. :wink:

Betina, I think so too, some are staples that were missed from my old wardrobe and some were replacing items. They may be a bit boring to some, but are really useful and I am getting plenty of wear of them all ever since I bought them. I have been wearing a trench coat for almost 3 months and would never thought I would, since we usualy have not-so-mild Autumn.

Edit: As for coloured pieces to shake up your wardrobe I would go with tops anytime. May it be a basic tee or a piece of knitwear you will be wearing on display. May I add that I find white tones very refreshing in these grey months too. :innocent:

The other items I am planning to get are as follows:

- Iris & Ink silk shirt
- Oasis lace dress (I have a slight obsession with lace dresses for years but never found the right one, so this one should cover both day wear and formal dress)
- Salvatore Ferragamo leather bracelet

I added pictures for some diversity, not that they are somewhat colouful. :P

theoutnet, oasis-stores, luisaviaroma


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I strongly agree, no matter what the price is, there is not a single piece I would be satisfied with if it would last just a season, that's not the deal.

Eizhowa, did you already received the sweater and if so, how are you satisfied with it? I'm in love with the colour and the cut, very elegant.

Trenchcoat, that is a gorgeous coat (I've been eyeing on it some time ago actually :wink:) and the price seems very reasonable considering the materials that it's made off. Hope you will be satisfied with it if you end up buying it. Also you have made a nice selection of pieces you want to add to your wardrobe. Eizhowa has already suggested you clever things to think about. :wink:

As for me, I didn't do any shopping in November, though I am planning to finish my list quite soon hopefully. That would not be difficult, with my birthday at the begining of Dec., followed by holidays and SALES. :woot: And I already picked the pieces that are missing. Below are the items from my Bought list (minus Underwear/accessories that don't count), I had sticked to my plan 100 %. :P

Too right, it is not the deal :mrgreen:

Congrats on sticking to your plan!

Also congrats on everyone's new items. betina, that heel height looks perfect for everyday. I'm surprised you feel in need of edge tho what with your newly badass leather jacket :wink:
@Jina: I do not consider them boring at all. Perhaps because I know that you (I) get most the most wear from basic clothes anyway - also, the scalloped edge on the bag adds a really nice touch. How have you been liking it?

I think the lace dress is great - it could easily see it worn for daytime with a long cardigan and those chelsea boots and for formal events with some nice heels.

Perhaps a top would be a good place to start - preferably a sweater since I do not tend to get a lot of wear out of my shirts these days and in the summer I mainly wear dresses. I am just a bit anxious about investing a lot in coloured pieces since I do not have the best track reckord with those sort of things.

they are perfect - I can wear the blue ones for work for an entire day without having to change my shoes (I stand up for 8 hours straight). Really, I do not consider myself very edgy, so adding some edge from time to time can be neccesary - but thank you :wink:
Thank you for all the responses and tips :flower:

Eizhowa: I get what you mean of the thin-ness. So despite it being top quality silk , if it is still thin and transparent but cheap, it is probably only getting what I paid for. My finger tips love the texture of silk. I probably need to get my grubby hands on "testing" out more silk shirts.

I know that pets have shoes too!!! Not sure if that is an option for your pets.

One coat that last for ages is probably a better choice. The new season will be here soon. And maybe you can get another coat with the end-of- season sales?

The black boots on your wishlist are :heart:. I love burgundy alot too!

RedandNavy: Silk can be robust? I am pretty worried after reading all the tips on washing silk and feel that I may accidentally rip them. I will go take a look at the shops and see if I can have a feel of the more high end silk as a gauge....

I think the snow boots look decent. I think once you are out wearing them and running with your kids , you will thank them for it. They look warm too!

Trenchcoat: I love the options you posted!! But I can't seem to find them online? I learn alot from this thread too! While it does help me learn more about brands , my lemmings get more too:P

I like the trench from Massimo Dutti too!! Pity I have no need for such a coat.

Fashionista-ta: I will visit the higher end stores to see if I can touch the silk and see. I am not sure , but by 'sanded texture' do you mean like the silk chiffon sort? I am now pretty sure that I should just have invested in the higher quality silk since the ones I bought may not be investment pieces in the sense I wish . But a consolation is that the weather in asia is really hot and humid , so maybe the thinner silk will work better for me.

A hooded down jacket will be good for walking the trails. I have one I use for such holidays.

Bertinapple: Hello too :smile: The black booties are really nice and chic! I tend to go for black clothes too , cause I like how basic they are. A basic dress in a cut that simple can be worn many ways and accessorized too. I do like the blue and White dress you posted! The print is really nice!

Nymphaea: Learning as I go along. I probably should not buy anymore till I have figured it out.

Barbaraaa: Hello to you too! I am now in the same job hunting situation like you too. The job market is really tough these days:( Hope you get the cavity fixed soon!

Jindaze: Where are the black pants from? Been looking for something similar too

Here are some of the items I bought recently:

Credits: Uniqlo and Massimo Dutti.

5113920720_1_1_3.jpg silk/cotton victorian blouse

I really want a white blouse. I doesn't have to be silk. Which one would you choose?
^The first one.

Springfiry: I understood what RedandNavy meant by robust. My Joseph shirt (that unfortunately was just a tad too small around the bust:doh:) felt incredibly soft, and yet quite robust. Of course, the fabric could still snag, but it wouldn't tear or anything.

Thank you for the comment on "my boots". I will probably never get my hands on that exact pair, because it is only available to me online, but I will look for something like them when I go to London. I really need them to fit perfectly around the calf.

Betina: You are in the same boat as I am, I think. I feel my wardrobe lacks color too.Thats why I ordered a burdundy sweater to brighten things up. For my style, a colorful sweater is great for winter. I didn't feel like buying very colorful outerwear or jeans, so a sweater seemed like the best option. I think the colors you mention will look beautiful with your own coloring! I also think it is natural to be attracted to different colors during different seasons.

I knew you weren't planning on getting the Acne boots right now - I do visit your blog you know:P I actually look forward to seeing what you'll do with your ankle boots too. I have a similar pair that I "donated" to my sister (with the reservation that I might want them back one day). I just could not figure out how to make them work for me...

I think I will wear the corduroy jacket quite a lot (if it fits), because velvet and corduroy are fabrics I feel very "me" in. When I was 12, and everyone else wore a hoodie and bluejeans I wore a beige corduroy trousers, a brown corduroy hat and a green jumper:lol: I've always loved these fabrics. All of my favorite dresses have been velvet:wink:

Jinadaze: Hopefully your Iris and Ink silk shirt will be just as soft as mine:flower: I really like the look of that Ferragamo bracelet! I am slightly enamoured with the brand due to its connections with Audrey Hepburn:wub:

I recieved my N. Peal cashmere sweater today and I am very pleased with it! It was descibed at "loose fitting" on the outnet, so I sized down as much as I could - with success! The fabric is much thicker than the Iris and Ink one I bought. When I pulled my previous out of the box, I could see my floow through the sweater... That should have been my first clue:innocent: This one is almost opaque:smile:
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Trenchcoat: I prefer the first one! Mango has some nice shirts this collection.Do go to your actual store to try it out first?

Eizhowa: :D , that will be my standard to follow then!
springfiry, not sure how to explain sanded silk, but it's not chiffon. I think there may be a distressing technique involved. When I Googled it I found 'sand washed silk.' It may be that if you Google it, you'll find images that will show you ...
Trenchcoat: I prefer the first one! Mango has some nice shirts this collection.Do go to your actual store to try it out first?

Eizhowa: :D , that will be my standard to follow then!
I saw it in the store but didn't try it on yet.
I wanted to ask your opinion on these leather boots. I really want some riding boots and I saw these from Lauren. They are on sale now but there is no Ralph Lauren store in my hood so I still have some doubts. What do you think:
@Springfiry: Thank you for the nice words on my booties. I do think the dress i posted is pretty, but for some reason I can't stand wearing clothes that are too bright or patterns that are too contrasted ATM. Nice shirt!

@Trenchcoat: the massimo dutti shirt is lovely, but I consider the one from Mango to be more classic.

I think you need to be very sure about those boots. They are lovely but also I would be concerned that I would get tired of the gold-detail because it is so flashy. Also it might be annoying when you walk?

@Eizhowa: Well, then the curdoroy blazer might be the safer choice for you?

Perhaps a sweater would be a nice addition. Still I mainly get attracted to coloured dresses. Not sure what is up with that. Maybe I should start out by borrowing my boyfriends burgyndy cashmere knit - which I tend to steal from time to time since it is sooo nice. :innocent: I really like the green dress pinned on my inspiration board, but I can not see why I would not get bored with it like with all of the other coloured/printed dresses I've owned.

I will keep you posted on how I feel about the boots. I do not think it will be a problem though - I think the cut are great for wearing with skirts and dresses.

So glad to hear that your new sweater is lovely - succes!
@Springfiry: Thank you for the nice words on my booties. I do think the dress i posted is pretty, but for some reason I can't stand wearing clothes that are too bright or patterns that are too contrasted ATM. Nice shirt!

@Trenchcoat: the massimo dutti shirt is lovely, but I consider the one from Mango to be more classic.

I think you need to be very sure about those boots. They are lovely but also I would be concerned that I would get tired of the gold-detail because it is so flashy. Also it might be annoying when you walk?

@Eizhowa: Well, then the curdoroy blazer might be the safer choice for you?

Perhaps a sweater would be a nice addition. Still I mainly get attracted to coloured dresses. Not sure what is up with that. Maybe I should start out by borrowing my boyfriends burgyndy cashmere knit - which I tend to steal from time to time since it is sooo nice. :innocent: I really like the green dress pinned on my inspiration board, but I can not see why I would not get bored with it like with all of the other coloured/printed dresses I've owned.

I will keep you posted on how I feel about the boots. I do not think it will be a problem though - I think the cut are great for wearing with skirts and dresses.

So glad to hear that your new sweater is lovely - succes!

Thank you. Yes it's the golden think that made me doubt and the fact that riding boots are kind of ' big ' .

Maybe these tommy hilfiger boots are much more subtle. And the leather is awesome.
Thanks everyone :flower:

Ta-ta, I thought that Patagonia would ship to me from the US so I'd be hit with taxes and returning something would be expensive (not to mention the hassle to get back the taxes in case of a return), but I went back to their website to check, and seems they ship EU orders from the Netherlands (I also found a couple of UK webshops that sell Patagonia and ship internationally). This makes online ordering from them much more palatable.. :lol:

Betina, I like your new booties, very nice and sleek! I do use Pinterest, very sporadically though, and mainly as a moodboard.

And ha, I might have sounded a bit more in control of my wardrobe than I really am! Just yesterday I almost faltered and ordered something just because it was 30% off and the sale was ending in a couple of hours, but I managed to stop and pry myself away from the computer. It was one of the contenders for an item on my list (wool/winter sweaters), it has some pros and some cons, and maybe after some consideration I will end up getting it anyway, but the way I was almost-buying it last night just didn't feel right, it felt a bit too compulsive, too shopaholic. :Pink:

Jinadaze, I love my little Pen. :blush: I like going on long walks with the camera and I have issues with my back and joints, so it's good that it's so small and light. If you need a better/more professional camera but would also like to stick with Olympus, maybe one of the new OMD line cameras would work for you?

springfiry, hi :smile: I've no experience with silk other than a cheapy scarf from Accessorize - it's fairly thin and see-through, but not really all that delicate, I've managed to wear and hand-wash it for a couple of years and no snags or holes or anything.

Trenchcoat, I agree with Betina that the gold detail might be annoying if it bangs against the heel when you walk. The Hilfiger boots look reeeally good though. :heart:

eizhowa, yay for the sweater arriving! :smile: I hate waiting more than a week for my packages to arrive. I mostly order from the UK, so it's usually 1-2 weeks, but after one week I tend to get a little antsy.

Sidenote: interesting how there are so many Europeans, and many from small(er) countries, in this thread.
^ I know ... and I think I'm the only American who posts here regularly.

Wrt the Ralph Lauren boots ... I really like them, but the brass piece looks really dangerous to me.
^ I know ... and I think I'm the only American who posts here regularly.

Wrt the Ralph Lauren boots ... I really like them, but the brass piece looks really dangerous to me.

Haha. I really like this thread. I honestly could talk about fashion all day long. Since starting my polyvore I really enjoy reading about fashion and stuff. I also started to become fit again to fit in nice clothes.
What do you guys do if you feel bored with your wardrobe? - if you ever do that, that is.

I really love my wardrobe at the moment - it works for me, I always have something to wear for any occasion, but at the same time I am slightly bored. I really want to add something "new" but I do not know what, and I not feel like investing in anything when I am in this sort of mood (or at this point anyhow).

I think I will try and see if there is some pieces that needs to be removed from my wardrobe and perhaps if there is anything stacked away in the attic that can add a little fresh blood.
^Maybe it's because Christmas time is approaching you want something special? :angel::Pink: I feel a bit that way for myself.^_^
What do you guys do if you feel bored with your wardrobe? - if you ever do that, that is.

I really love my wardrobe at the moment - it works for me, I always have something to wear for any occasion, but at the same time I am slightly bored. I really want to add something "new" but I do not know what, and I not feel like investing in anything when I am in this sort of mood (or at this point anyhow).

I think I will try and see if there is some pieces that needs to be removed from my wardrobe and perhaps if there is anything stacked away in the attic that can add a little fresh blood.

As long as you have your basic wardrobe complete it's also fun to buy some pretty things for occassions which aren't that expensive. My birthday is coming and I didn't have anything to wear. Thats why I'm going to buy a nice dress which isn't on my basic list. Because just basic clothes can be very boring.
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