The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #7

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So I am looking for a pair of black leather lace-up/combat boots, but something that is not too clunky or heavy. I quite like these from Saint Laurent and these Prada ones, but they are obviously way out of my budget. Any idea on where to look for something similar? I've seen some versions around in cheap high street shops, but I would like something that will last me more than a few months...
So I am looking for a pair of black leather lace-up/combat boots, but something that is not too clunky or heavy. I quite like these from Saint Laurent and these Prada ones, but they are obviously way out of my budget. Any idea on where to look for something similar? I've seen some versions around in cheap high street shops, but I would like something that will last me more than a few months...

Hi there, I am a first time poster but I have read this thread right from its beginning, and it's what inspired me to become a member. Hope it's okay for me to butt in!
Over the last year I've had clear out after clear out and through this thread and various blogs have started to understand how to recognise quality and invest in it, and my wardrobe is so much better for it. The thought of having as many clothes etc as I had now horrifies me!

What I wanted to say here, is that those boots immediately bring All Saints to mind for me. Their quality should last a little longer, and they'd be more around the £200 mark, if that's suitable. There are a few similar styles but not sure if they are exactly what you're looking for.
^Welcome, Halo!:flower: I love seeing new people in our thread! Do you have any plans for this F/W?

Caramel: Thank you for the sweater-tip. I will check it out when I go to town:D My sister found a pair of genuine leather combat boots in the style you are after in a sales bin for 200 NOK one summer... Maybe you will be just as lucky:wink: I really would like to see some pictures of your tee and your new bag!

It is so nice to hear your updates!:flower: That camel coat sounds nice. I would love some pictures if you get it.


I was able to get my hands on a pair of black ballet flats at last:D For once, I didn't get a pair of porsellis. They felt a bit plain in black, and I figured were lots great ballet flats out there. So I bought a pair of second hand Chanel flats in great condition on ebay instead. They ended up costing just almost as much as the porsellis, but they were already fitted with really excellent protective soles so I think they were worth it:wub::heart: Really, who doesn't like a great cobbler job? The fit is not quite as great as the porsellis, but you can't improve on perfection:innocent: They will probably need some breaking in because of the patent toe-cap.

This is the style I got:


I also picked up two sales item on my summer holiday. I got a pair of tan soft leather gloves in a sales bin for £1:smile: They are the exact same color as my tan porsellis, so they should work well with my wardrobe. The other item was a quilted Noa Noa coat. It is the same model that Betina bought this spring, but instead of being black, it is a grey-blue-ish color. Everything is pictured on my pinterest wardrobe board.

Looking back, I bought a lot of stuff this summer:S A few pieces were donated to friends right away (lucky them). I think part of the problem has been that I don't really budget, so if I am not certain I just gamble... I have a spreadsheet with all of my purchases, but I have actually never limited myself financially. I am going to try to do just that this fall. With a spending limit, I will have to cut down. I technically have everything I need, so it should be fine.

Other great news, fall has arrived (aaaaahhhh, nice cold wind), so my SS clothes not fitting right isn't an issue anymore:D
^Nice eizhowa!
Because you're so into ballet flats :smile:, have you had any experience with Repetto Cendrillon leather ballet flats? Or maybe other people in this thread?

Welcome Halo! How more the merrier.
I do love ballet flats:heart: I have no experience with Repetto unfortunately. I think I decided they looked too stiff and that the toe box was too small. They are cut too low for my feet.

They do look very cute though:flower:

Edit: I think these videos have been shared before, but just in case I am wrong and you are interested, there is a guy on Youtube who deconstructs Repetto and other ballet flats so that you can see how they are made.

I find it fascinating at least...:innocent:
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Lovely ballet flats eizhowa!
I was living in black ballet flats these past few weeks in Japan...but I find that in Paris I just prefer boots most of the year round...I prefer to wear ballet flats barefoot, and it's too cold there...although not as much as Norway...

For fall, still looking for a nice pair of dressy heels and a gorgeous knee-length dress after so many seasons. So frustrating :( I've gotten so impatient with shopping lately...can't do much more than one hour...which doesn't help in conjunction with my uber-picky tendencies. I'm so thankful for those occasional inspired unplanned splurges I've done in the past. I might want a nice new warm coat, actually. I wear my three coats so often, and the fur one I inherited died so now I have two.
I love those flats eizhowa! Quality ballet flats are something I really want to invest in eventually, but the way the weather is down here, living in sandals is a lot more practical.

My wardrobe and the restraint I was enforcing on it went by the wayside when we moved to the south of the United States. The weather is a lot different here than where I am originally from. It is way hotter, and right now instead of thinking of fall and winter purchases that are all over the stores, I am still trying to find ways to stay cool. With this drastic difference in weather overall, I'm going to have to reevaluate what works for what season.
^^OMG, your fur coat died?! :huh: Feels very sad and funny at the same time. :flower:
I share your uber-picky tendencies, it's with me all the time, luckily, otherwise there wouldn't be any penny in my bank account anymore.
I will try on the ballet flats when I'm in London, just like some more things on my list.
The dress and boots in one of my previous posts are on it's way to me, curious how they will look in real life.
Thank you, Melisande and Rachelle!:D

Rachelle: Yes, it can indeed get too hot for ballerinas! I remember having to walk barefeet through town, zigzagging around shards of broken glass, because the heat was killing my feet!:lol:

Melisande: I can't remember ever having had cold feet (litteraly) so I can wear ballet flats as long as it isn't raining or snow outside. Wearing ballet flats in the snow swould just look silly... or so I am told:innocent::lol: I hope you have more luck with finding your items this season:flower:

I grinned at the dead fur coat-thing as well:mrgreen:
^^OMG, your fur coat died?! :huh: Feels very sad and funny at the same time. :flower:

:lol: Hee hee, too true, too true! The leather part under the fur just started to tear apart from age or dryness or something.

Thanks Eizhowa! :heart: Hope so too! Maybe I should rely more on instinct (as with other matters...? :innocent::lol:)
I am a terrible poster ATM. I have been so hung up on work and now I am down with a cold. Sigh. I really do miss this thread though.

thank you for the advice! I have decided to go with the grey one - it is just more classic for me, and it goes better with my outerwear. I will have to add colour another way.

I think you would be quite happy with a scarf like that as well - but I would probably wait to buy one 'till you know what kind/colour of jacket you will buy - assuming that you primarily want to wear the scarf outdoors. It is avaible in navy though, and as I recall you like navy a lot? :wink:

I really dont recall (regarding a burgundy scarf) but I could be wrong. I am going to get the grey one - much safer choice for me, also thinking about my colour scheme. I want to stick with black, white and greys, and perhaps add a little babyblue/powder, and grey is better for that than burgundy is.

Love your ballet flats, such a classic. How are you liking the Noa Noa coat so far?

I am amazed that you, being a student like myself, haven't needed to limit yourself financially yet. I mostly limit myself these days because I hate having a cluttered closet, but I think I would spend more, if I could afford it - not buying more, but buying some pieces a bit more high end than I do ATM.

Looking forward to hearing how it works out for you. I have a clothing budget as well as a "dining out/going to the movies/etc." budget and a food budget. I like to know how much I can spend.

I aggree! Thank you for your advice, and nice to see you here again!

I really think the green one is gorgeous as well, but not for me, I guess :smile:

I really love that 2nd look you posted.

so nice to have you back! How was your vacation in Denmark?

I love your new pieces - especially the skirt! So cute.

nice to "see" you as well - have you posted any pictures of your SS purchases?

Regarding traveling style, I found that it really helped me to piece together a capsule wardrobe consisting of perhaps 10 pieces. I did mine thinking of what I mainly wear at home and since I wear the same things over and over it was pretty easy to build a versatile travel wardrobe.

bugger about the glasses - such a boring thing to have to spend money on. Neccesary, nonetheless. What is your bodytype? Perhaps we could recommend some dress shapes :smile:

Guess you should get a coat restriction :wink: I really like Femilets non-wired bras (they offer good support as well, I think). Underprotection makes great (sustainable) and very cute underwear as well. Not sure if these brands are available in your area?

butt in - please! Nice to see new people in this thread :smile:

I could use some help/guidance/moral support; I have been sort of looking for a pair of sneakers, since I have almost worn out my Nike Blazers that I bought two years ago. My style has become a lot more causal and since I stand up for 8+ hours straight at work, sneakers are especially good to have.

Now I have finally found a pair that I REALLY like, but I am not sure wether to get them or not. I planning on not buying anything but that ACNE scarf for the time being, and even though I have the money I am not sure wether it would be best to keep them in my savings account or if they would be better spend somewhere else - it is not like I lack footwear. I know I would use them a lot if I got them, though.

Unfortunately I have to make a snap decission since they sell out fast - and I am not good with the snap :lol:

I finished my AW list as well, did you make yours? Mine goes like this:

Absolute musthaves:
- Black sweater (my old one had gotten a lot of holes) - already bought a new one from Uniqlo when I was in Berlin, that I am really liking so far.
- Grey ACNE Canada scarf
- Grey basic blouse. Wool blend

- Something plaid (probably a shirt to replace the one that I had to throw out last winter, because it was worn out)
- Something floral. Preferably in a big floral print, and with a powder pink background. I would prefer a sweatshirt, sweater or blouse. Have any one seen something that matches this description?

- Mulberry aganda calendar
- Short rosegold necklace with a small pendant

And I am still dreaming of that Mulberry Willow bag, but that probably wont happen any time soon.
I was looking for the perfect dark charcoal/light bkacj jeans just like clemence poesy and I finally found a dark one from Monki. I also found the perfect striped blouse.

AW buys
Dark charcoal jeans
Striped black/white blouse
Navy jumper
Oversized white cotton blouse
Blue wash jeans

Dark grey jumper
Small shoulder bag leather
Acne Boots
White tee
I was looking for the perfect dark charcoal/light bkacj jeans just like clemence poesy and I finally found a dark one from Monki. I also found the perfect striped blouse.

AW buys
Dark charcoal jeans
Striped black/white blouse
Navy jumper
Oversized white cotton blouse
Blue wash jeans

Dark grey jumper
Small shoulder bag leather
Acne Boots
White tee

What ACNE boots are you getting? :smile:
^^I love that outfit. The Topshop black jeans I purchased in january has become that exact shade of charcoal by now:heart:

I don't need anything at the moment, but since Trenchcoat posted that picture I should mention that I am looking for boots in that exact style. I don't know how the heel looks, but from the front they look 100% like what I want. I don't need a shaft that long though.

So, my current wish list looks like:

- White t-shirt, no longer than hip-length
- Black skinny cropped trousers, with a mid to low rise, so that I can tuck blouses.
- Black boots with a heel

I also have a few items I would like to alter to make fit me more. I am considering having the tobacco-colored trousers I bought in january taken in at the hips and simultaneously removing the pockets. It will be an investment considering the prices of having something altered in my town, but I don't like the idea of having useless pieces in my wardrobe...

I also need to re-sole my new Porsellis and Balenciaga chelsea boots.

I think I will try to focus on improving my current pieces this season. I am trying to shift my focus from buying new stuff.

@Betina: Well, I note down every purchase, so I think it has kind of self-regulated. My spendings have been very stable the past two years. I want to reduce my average though, so thats why I have imposed a budget on myself.

I bought two new coats, so I haven't had much chance to wear my Noa Noa coat yet.

Regarding your shoe, dilemma; Have you got good enough shoes for work? If you need good shoes for work, then it shouldn't matter that you have a lot of nice shoes in your wardrobe. Before I started buying good shoes, I would occationaly get pains shooting up my legs (if I walked a lot) and I actually had to take antibiotics once against a inflamation ( in my leg muscles.
^^I love that outfit. The Topshop black jeans I purchased in january has become that exact shade of charcoal by now:heart:

I don't need anything at the moment, but since Trenchcoat posted that picture I should mention that I am looking for boots in that exact style. I don't know how the heel looks, but from the front they look 100% like what I want. I don't need a shaft that long though.

So, my current wish list looks like:

- White t-shirt, no longer than hip-length
- Black skinny cropped trousers, with a mid to low rise, so that I can tuck blouses.
- Black boots with a heel

I also have a few items I would like to alter to make fit me more. I am considering having the tobacco-colored trousers I bought in january taken in at the hips and simultaneously removing the pockets. It will be an investment considering the prices of having something altered in my town, but I don't like the idea of having useless pieces in my wardrobe...

I also need to re-sole my new Porsellis and Balenciaga chelsea boots.

I think I will try to focus on improving my current pieces this season. I am trying to shift my focus from buying new stuff.

@Betina: Well, I note down every purchase, so I think it has kind of self-regulated. My spendings have been very stable the past two years. I want to reduce my average though, so thats why I have imposed a budget on myself.

I bought two new coats, so I haven't had much chance to wear my Noa Noa coat yet.

Regarding your shoe, dilemma; Have you got good enough shoes for work? If you need good shoes for work, then it shouldn't matter that you have a lot of nice shoes in your wardrobe. Before I started buying good shoes, I would occationaly get pains shooting up my legs (if I walked a lot) and I actually had to take antibiotics once against a inflamation ( in my leg muscles.

Sounds like a good idea to spend time and money on improving your current wardrobe instead of adding to it :flower: I will let you know if I see boots like that - perhaps Eva can recommend some - seems like she knows a lot about boots :wink:

I do have good shoes for work - especially now that it is colder yet again. Both my pairs of ACNE boots are great, as are my flat ancle boots from MDK and my slipons. Ergo; I do not need any more shoes. The sneakers sold out a couple of hours ago and I was somewhat relieved - they are pretty, but I do not need them. Thank you for your input.
@betina i want the acne boots the tall version. I remember someone had them here. Are they true to size?
^I would look for them second hand, Trenchcoat. On a re-sale site in Norway, you can get them for 1/4 of the retail price, and they have usually only been worn a handfull of times, if at all. They appear brand new, and some of them have even had protective soles added to them (which I think is a bonus).

I am hoping Betina will post some pictures of the boots soon:wink:
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I've been quite busy lately, but a little update. I found a great wintercoat at a great price, it's a big oversized navy (yes, I like navy betinapple :wink:) parka made form a thick denim with detachable wool lining. It feels like wearing a sleeping bag, what more could you wish for in the winter? :heart:

My current scarf is too bulky with this jacket I'm afraid, so another good reason to put the Acne scarf on my buy list for this A/W. Since my coat is navy, that isn't an option. I'm leaning towards the light grey one, wearing grey always makes me feel comfortable.

Since we're posting our lists for upcoming season here is mine:

A/W needs:
  • coat, done.
  • Blue jeans (current pair is starting to fall apart after 5 years of wear)
  • Acne scarf

A/W wants:
  • Cardigan, without buttons. Probably navy or grey.
  • Cashmere beanie/hat.

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